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Neal Hughes Manager, Field Partner Services (Eastern Region) North American Mission Board, SBC

TOUCHING PEOPLE FOR CHRIST IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD… How to Make a Difference in Your Jerusalem! An Acts 1:8 Strategy. Neal Hughes Manager, Field Partner Services (Eastern Region) North American Mission Board, SBC

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Neal Hughes Manager, Field Partner Services (Eastern Region) North American Mission Board, SBC

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  1. TOUCHING PEOPLE FOR CHRIST IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD… How to Make a Difference in Your Jerusalem!An Acts 1:8 Strategy Neal Hughes Manager, Field Partner Services (Eastern Region) North American Mission Board, SBC President, NAMMC (National Association for Multihousing Ministries & Congregations) nhughes@namb.net / (678) 622-1056

  2. The Church has been charged by our Savior to make a difference to hurting souls…. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Luke 4:18-19

  3. Isaiah 58:10,12 If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. You will be called the Repairer of Broken Walls, the Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.

  4. Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek (chase) and to save (rescue) that which was lost! Many are on the Staircase to Nowhere… As Ambassadors, We are privileged to give to all mankind the Good News!!

  5. The Lost and Hurting…A Cycle of Hopelessness Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd, the overlooked and ignored. Matthew 9:35-36 (The Message) To such a community of people we are called!

  6. THE STORY OF HOPE IN MONTGOMERY (Helping Others Prepare for Eternity) • Dilemma: Hurting souls not entering the church house. • Solution: Let’s go to them with never a regard that they come to us… and let’s love them to Jesus! • Hope Community Baptist Church: A Church without Walls. • NAMB: If it will work in traditional Montgomery, it will work anywhere in North America.

  7. What Does The Unreached Culture Look Like? • National Park System vs. Jungle • No More WASP in North America (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) • Video… What is Church? A Picture of Lostness in North America… Study done by NAMB, 2006

  8. Lostness United States Source: U.S. Census Population: 298,718,570(As of 10 p.m. on Thursday, May 11, 2006) God’s glory among all peoples.

  9. Lostness Canada Source: Statistics Canada Population: 32,528,356(As of 10 p.m. on Thursday, May 11, 2006) God’s glory among all peoples.

  10. Lostness Population of North America 331,246,926 God’s glory among all peoples.

  11. Lostness Population of North America 331,246,926 What percentage are lost? God’s glory among all peoples.

  12. Lostness Critical Issues for Understanding Lostness Religious Congregations & Membership in the United States: 2000, published by the Glenmary Research Center (Nashville, Tenn.) God’s glory among all peoples.

  13. Lostness Critical Issues for Understanding Lostness In the United States50% were not members of any church God’s glory among all peoples.

  14. Lostness Population of North America 331,246,926 50% = 165,623,463 God’s glory among all peoples.

  15. Lostness Population of North America 331,246,926 50% = 165,623,463 The SBC Reported371,850 baptisms in 2005 God’s glory among all peoples.

  16. Lostness In North America If 50% are lost … SBC baptisms represent 0.23% God’s glory among all peoples.

  17. Lostness United States Source: U.S. Census One birth every 8 seconds One death every 13 seconds One international migrant (net) every 31 seconds Net gain of one person every 11 seconds God’s glory among all peoples.

  18. Lostness Canada Source: Statistics Canada One birth every one minute and 33 seconds One death every two minutes and 14 seconds One migrant (net) every two minutes and 41 seconds Net gain of one person every 106 seconds God’s glory among all peoples.

  19. Lostness United States and Canada Combined 303 people die every hour 7,272 people die every day 2,656,098 people die every year God’s glory among all peoples.

  20. Lostness United States and Canada Combined 303 people die every hour 7,272 people die every day 2,656,098 people die every year If this were Friday, over 20,500 will die between now and when we return to work on Monday… At LEAST 10,000ARE LOST! God’s glory among all peoples.

  21. How Can I Reach This People Group… Filled with So Many Ethnicities and Cultures?Missiology 101 • Type A- Oikos Group (your community / worldview) • Type B- Group outside of your culture / worldview Engel’s Scale of Relationships The Missionary Verse… To the weak, I became weak, to win the weak, I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. 1 Corinthians 9:22

  22. A LOST POCKET OF PEOPLE… TAKE A LOOK AT THE MULTIHOUSING INDUSTRY • A = Upper Income, High-rise, Urban • B = Median Income, Townhouse • C = Mixed Income, Section 8 • D = Federal Housing Authority Multihousing (Non-Detached Living) are places such as Apartments Communities, Condominiums, “Live, Work & Play” Communities, Community Associations, Senior Residential Living, Manufactured Housing, Dormitories, and Public Housing.

  23. STUDY SHOWS (NAMB 2001)… Without exception, in everyone of these multihousing levels, 90-95 % of the residents are unchurched! When outreach efforts to assimilate someone from multihousing were attempted, the success effort reached only 24%. However, when assimilation was done on site, the success rate of retention jumped to 70%!

  24. HOW DO I REACH OUT TO THE MULTIHOUSING CULTURE? Neal Says… • Be Yourself… God made you, you! • Be Sensitive… Step in their shoes! • Be Simple… Start with ABC’s of Bible! • Be Confident… You are a Priest of God! • Be Courteous… No one likes a wise guy! • Be Prayerful… Go in the Lord’s power! • Be Positive… Claim ground for Christ! • Be Helpful… Look to be a Servant!

  25. Now for the Details… Are You Ready to Make a Difference in Your Community? Look at the Nations and watch- and be utterly amazed! For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told! (Habakkuk 1:5) Let’s begin planning… A Five Step Process to Planting the Gospel in your own back yard! An Acts 1:8 Strategy

  26. STEP ONE:ENTER THE AREA!! ….How to Probe A Community and Learn All You Can About Your Target Area

  27. PROBE… SPYING OUT THE LAND! Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites… See what the land is like and whether the people who live there are strong or weak, few or many. What kind of land do they live in? Is it good or bad? Are they unwalled or fortified? How is the soil? Do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land. Numbers 13:1,18-20

  28. WHY DO A PROBE? • A Probe helps you to understand your Target Group. • A Probe helps you to understand your Strategy. • A Probe helps you to understand how to Pray. • A Probe helps you to understand the Needs of the Community. • A Probe helps you to understand the DNA of the Community. • A Probe helps you to understand the Possibilities in the Community.

  29. A STRATEGIC EXAMINATION… DO YOUR HOMEWORK! WHERE O LORD? WHERE DO YOU WANT ME TO GO? • Put a grid on the map, and start thinking strategically, like a military invasion of a city! • Pin areas of possibility and claim the ground for Christ. • Define 1st encounters.

  30. A PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL EXAMINATION… PROBING DEVICES…Website browsing … key links … demographics, census… • www.usacitylink.com (good for comparison) • www.uscensus.gov (major demographics) • www.searchdetective.com (pin point location) • www.catosphere.com (marketing study of zip codes) • www.multihousingnews.com (learn your industry) • www.nmhc.org (National Multi-housing Council) • www.mhw.com (Multihousing World… Investors) • www.apartmentlife.com (demonstrates value to management) • Research the Multihousing Company and get all permissions to be on property. • Drive around … ask questions to business people and neighbors outside the territory. Observe the community.

  31. A Physical and Cultural Examination (Continued) • Talk to surrounding churches … Can we partner? Is there any history? Are they there for us or against us? • Do An Informal Community Needs Survey… Take a straw poll, asking the people in the community how you can best serve them

  32. A SPIRITUAL EXAMINATION OF THE COMMUNITY… ASK THESE SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS… • What is the spiritual health of the area? • Are there any strongholds that stand out? • Has evangelism been easy or hard? • What is the health of the surrounding churches? • Who are the Christian leaders in the area? • How is their spiritual health? • Is there any sign of unity? • What is their view toward: • morality • church • spiritual things?

  33. TEAM AND PERSONAL EXAMINATION… • What specific issues rise to the surface from all of your research? • What kind of strategy is the Lord telling me from this probe? • Am I truly seeing these people through the eyes of Jesus? If not, why? • Does my team have the “go” light from Jesus? • Is our team united in purpose? • Are we prayed up and the demons prayed down? • Do I have others outside my team praying earnestly for this project? • How’s my devotional life? How’s my relationship with my spouse and family?

  34. PRAYING WITH YOUR TEAM… A Minimum of Two and a Maximum of Seven Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16 • Pray for Each Other! • Pray for the Community Where You Are About to Plant the Gospel! • Pray for Victory over Temptation! • Pray as though your life depended on it!

  35. TABERNACLE PRAYING… A Prayer Discipline As a Team, Spend Time in Prayer at the… • The Brazen Altar>>>> The Cross • The Laver>>>> Confession of Sin • The Candlestick>>>> Holy Spirit • The Shewbread>>>> The Word • The Incense Altar >>>> Worship • The Mercy Seat>>>>> Petition


  37. THE JERICHO PRAYER WALK…SEVEN CONSECUTIVE WEEKS OF MINISTERING TO THE COMMUNITY THROUGH PRAYER PRAYING YOUR FRIENDS TO CHRIST • We Must Pray… • Because It’s God’s Heart (1 Timothy 2:1-4; Matthew 6:10; Romans 10:1) • Because of the Condition of the Lost… • They’re blind (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) • They’re bound (2 Timothy 2:25-26; Ephesians 2:2; Colossians 1:18) • They’re condemned (John 3:18) • They’re under God’s wrath (John 3:36; Ephesians 2:1-3) • They’re helpless (John 6:44, 65; Colossians 2:13) • They’re hopeless (Ephesians 2:12)

  38. HOW TO PRAY FOR LOST PEOPLE • Pray With Praise and Thanksgiving (Psalms 100:4; 1 Timothy 2:4) • Pray According to the Promises of His Word (2 Peter 3:9; 1 John 5:14; Mark 10:27) • Pray for Laborers (Luke 10:2) • Pray Remembering Where You Once Were (Ephesians 2:4-8) PRAY FOR THE LOST INDIVIDUAL(S) STRATEGICALLY… • Pray for Receptive Hearts (Luke 8:5,12) • Pray that their Eyes will be opened (Matthew 13:15) • Pray for their Attitude adjustment (John 16:8) • Pray for them to be Released to believe (2 Tim. 2:25-26) • Pray for their Transformation (Romans 12:1-2)

  39. The Value of Strategic Prayer Walking…. On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. John 20:19-20

  40. PRAYER WALK REALITY 101… • People lock their doors for many different reasons, but with one common denominator…. FEAR! • No Locked Doors Can Keep the Resurrected Savior from Entering! • The Peace of Christ comes with the Visual Presence of the Master! • One is Filled with Joy when they see the Lord! • As disciples, we have the privilege of praying the resurrected Christ through the locked doors of society…. And when Jesus enters… WOW!!!!

  41. PRAYER WALKING WITH THE END IN MIND… Our ultimate desire should be to carry out the Great Commission. When one enters a community and prayerwalks, he begins to sow the seeds of evangelism, which can lead to a new day, and perhaps, a new church! JERICHO PRAYER WALK- A seven consecutive week prayer walk with the idea of starting discipling colonies/churches in the strategic community. Joshua 6:1-5; 10; 16-17

  42. READY TO MARCH? • Go in groups of no more than two. • Do not violate any rules of management by knocking on unsolicited doors. • Pray the Resurrected Christ through the Lock Doors, claiming His Peace to that house. • Minister in prayer to anyone you come in contact with… Is there anything I can pray with you about? • Take Your Time… Be on God’s agenda, not yours. Tillie Burgin (Mission Arlington)… Go out on the property and hover around John 3:16!

  43. WEEK ONE Walk the community, praying the resurrected Christ through the locked doors, and ministering to others through prayer... • Be prepared for questions from the neighbors. • Do not bring attention to yourself. • Be careful not to share your ultimate agenda… putting discipling colonies / church in the area. Wait for the people of peace to share this vision.

  44. WEEK TWO Enter the community at the same time as last week, praying and ministering to the people in prayer… • You will be amazed at the curiosity and increasing interest from the community. • Respect is building in the community… The Church is Back!

  45. WEEK THREE Same as week two. Almost always on this third week, people of peace will appear, wanting to join in your prayer walk and participate with you in reaching their community for Christ… • These are the people you will be investing your life with. • These are your Timothies and Lydias.

  46. SIDE BAR…PEOPLE OF PEACE When you enter a house, first say, “Peace to this house.” If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him: If not it will return to you. Stay in that house eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around form house to house. Luke 10:5-7

  47. WHAT IS A PERSON OF PEACE? PERSON OF PEACE … Sometimes called “a person of good will,” this individual is someone who is receptive, of reputation, and is a person of referral. EVERY COMMUNITY WILL HAVE PEOPLE OF PEACE … • Demoniac- Mark 5:1-17 • Woman at Well- John 4 • Cornelius- Acts 10 • Lydia- Acts 16:11-15 • Philippians Jailer- Acts 16:29-34

  48. FINDING A PERSON OF PEACE A Person of Peace will: • Welcome You • Speak Kindly to You • Be a Person of Hospitality (i.e. Invite you into their surroundings/ home) • Have a Heart of Compassion • Share a Similar Vision • Sense the Need for Change Note: You will find in this person an instant friend, who will open the door to others. Make this your base of operation, and your first indigenous leader.

  49. Neil Cole and Paul Kaak, Organic Church Planting… “Often, the person of peace has the church meet in their home and may even be the new leader of the emerging church. A church that starts this way is unique in that it is born out of the harvest, is found among the harvest, and is bent on a mission to continue to reach the lost.”

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