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Meals in Slovenia

Meals in Slovenia. Breakfast :. For breakfast , we usually eat cereal or toast with butter and jam.We drink hot milk or juice.Some people have fruit and water for breakfast.That is very healty.Our parents drink coffee. Lunch. For lunch we eat : soup , pasta, salad , steaks ,…

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Meals in Slovenia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MealsinSlovenia

  2. Breakfast: Forbreakfast, weusuallyeatcereal or toast withbutterandjam.Wedrinkhotmilk or juice.Somepeoplehavefruitandwaterforbreakfast.That is veryhealty.Ourparentsdrinkcoffee.

  3. Lunch Forlunchweeat: soup, pasta, salad, steaks,… Wedrinkjuice or water, cola, lemonade,… Afterlunchweusuallyeatfruit or cookies or chocolate. Thatis verytasty. 

  4. Dinner Fordinnerweeat: cerealwithmilk or yoghurt, fruit, a sandwich, sausages, vegetables,… Weusuallydrinktea or milk. But some peopledrinkjuice or water. Forspecialevents,adultsdrinkalcohol(champagne, wine, whisky…).

  5. Snacks Weeat: sandwiches, chrisps, fruit,candies,chocolate, popcorn Wedrink: Cola, pepsi, orangejuice, water.

  6. Shops Webuyfood at a supermarket, a marketplace, a butcher`s…

  7. Rija,Monika & Lara We are 12 yearsold.We go to elementaryschool in Beltinci. Weare now in 7.cclass. Ourfavouritesubjects are Art, Englishand PE. Thankyouforwatchingourpresentation.

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