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dental office

Pulling teeth, i.e. teeth extraction, is a very common process that we all usually undergo at some point in our lives. Dentists say there are a variety of reasons why teeth might need to be extracted.<br>Visit Us : https://doctorarash.com/

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  1. Reasons Why You Might Need to Pull Teeth Pulling teeth, i.e. teeth extraction, is a very common process that we all usually undergo at some point in our lives. Dentists say there are a variety of reasons why teeth might need to be extracted.

  2. Dental office Teeth extractions are generally done by the oral surgeons after you get your mouth checked by your regular dentists.  The teeth, mouth, and gums are checked and studied properly before the second step; tooth extraction surgery is performed. Generally, people who are in their teens or old people who visit the dental office quite often for tooth extraction. Though, it is not a necessity that only the young and old people can get surgery.

  3. The following are the reasons why anyone might need to pull a tooth 1.   Periodontal diseaseThis is a severe infection caused in the periodontal ligament, gums and the other parts of the teeth. The first stage is an infection in the gum and then spreads to the ligament and bones.  Since it is caused by plaque and bacteria; periodontal disease leaves your tooth damaged and thus, you need to get an extraction.  Since the periodontal ligaments support the tooth structures, it is very important to take extra care and extract the damaged tooth before it damages the rest of the healthy teeth. 2.   Tooth DecayTooth decay is the most well-known cause of tooth extraction. The bacteria damage the pulp, the blood vessel, and the nerves. Usually, tooth decay can be treated with Root Canal Therapy but if the damage is more than the usual, the dental office experts might suggest extracting the tooth. The extraction will help to stop the infection or decay from spreading and affecting the other teeth as well. The dentists ensure that the extraction treatment is safe, painless and comfortable for the person to deal with.

  4. The following are the reasons why anyone might need to pull a tooth 3. Prevents overcrowding Tooth extraction can help you to remove unwanted teeth that overcrowd in your mouth when you undergo the teeth straightening treatment. Extracting teeth when you undergo the straightening treatment can give better results than that of pair with extra unwanted teeth. 4. Wisdom tooth extraction Wisdom teeth are also considered as extra teeth that are either extracted or remain untouched. Though it hardly affects the teeth alignment yet teenagers extract the wisdom teeth because of the pain it causes during its growth. A lot of times, old people too extract their wisdom teeth because of the issues or pain caused while chewing food.

  5. Dental office In case of accidents or birth defects, if you have crooked and broken teeth, the dentists will extract your tooth/teeth and replace it with crowns, veneers or bridges. It helps you to treat the broken teeth or discolored teeth by replacing. Cosmetic extraction of teeth helps you gain more confidence and get a better picture perfect smile.   Tooth extraction might sound dangerous, but it really isn’t. The dentists take complete care of the gums and teeth and make sure that the procedure does not cause pain in your mouth.

  6. Contact Us 6333 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 312 Beverly Hills, CA 90048 2002 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, CA 90007 (310) 666 - 5701 info@doctorarash.com Visit Us https://doctorarash.com/

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