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Story of Rip Van Winkle!

Story of Rip Van Winkle!. 3.02 Investigate the conditions that led to NC’s economic, political, and social decline during this period and assess impact on NC’s future. Individualism. Homes are far apart due to farming Few roads within NC Poor communication

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Story of Rip Van Winkle!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Story of Rip Van Winkle!

  2. 3.02 Investigate the conditions that led to NC’s economic, political, and social decline during this period and assess impact on NC’s future.

  3. Individualism • Homes are far apart due to farming • Few roads within NC • Poor communication • Concerned only for themselves- keep gov out of their life!

  4. Economy • Cotton gin leads to a 1 crop state- only grow cotton • Food is bought from other states = expensive food • People abandon manufacturing-no finished goods

  5. NC becomes more dependent on slavery • Wealthy invest in slaves instead of industry

  6. Environmental Challenges • People abuse land- don’t rotate crops, don’t improve land • Value of land drops • Too expensive to transport crops to market b/c no bridges, poor roads, rivers no good for boats

  7. Education • Poor- need children to work on farm, if they got by w/out edu. so can their kids • Wealthy- don’t want property taxed to pay for state education

  8. State Gov • Eastern NC has more power b/c there are more counties est., but Western NC has higher pop. • UNBLANCED!

  9. The Rip Van Winkle State • Due to lack of technology, education, infrastructure, NC falls behind the rest of the country and earns nickname RvW state.

  10. NC Reform Foldable • How did different leaders in the state try and bring NC out of its “deep sleep”?

  11. Government Economic NC Reforms Education Social

  12. Economic p. 295 NC Reforms Education Social

  13. Government p. 301 “Iron Horse” – p.305 (to finish “Connections by Rail” NC Reforms Education Social

  14. Government Economic NC Reforms Social p.290-291 (through “The state’s literary fund” & p.306 “Establishment of public schools”

  15. Government Economic NC Reforms Education p.306-307 “Help for the unfortunate”

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