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行業自律的美德與銷售隊伍的教育. VIRTURES OF SELF-DISCIPLINE AND EDUCATION OF SALES FORCE. 周由賢 John Chou 美商如新集團台灣分公司總裁 President, Nu Skin Taiwan 暨 世界直銷聯盟亞太區諮詢委員 Asia Pacific Regional AAC, WFDSA. 2003.9.29. 直銷的定義 A Definiton of Direct Selling.

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  1. 行業自律的美德與銷售隊伍的教育 VIRTURES OF SELF-DISCIPLINE AND EDUCATION OF SALES FORCE 周由賢 John Chou 美商如新集團台灣分公司總裁 President, Nu Skin Taiwan 暨 世界直銷聯盟亞太區諮詢委員 Asia Pacific Regional AAC, WFDSA 2003.9.29

  2. 直銷的定義A Definiton of Direct Selling 公司透過人與人之直接推銷,以銷售給消費者各種消費產品及服務,並以無店鋪(非固定地點)方式進行,提供營銷人員一工作機會或事業機會。 The sale of a consumer product or service, in a person-to-person manner, away from a fixed retail location, where the company offer opportunities to an independent contractor sales force. 資料來源: 美國直銷協會(USDSA)

  3. 直銷產業通路之特性Characteristics of Direct Selling Channel 1. 以人為通路 A “Human” Channel 2. 來自各層級, 性別.年齡.教育程度不拘 From all levels regardless of age, sex, and educational background 3. 工作最具彈性, 自由度高 Freedom and flexibility of working time

  4. 4. 正派經營, 永續發展 Legitimate and righteous management lead to long term development 5. 營銷人員須遵守 “營業規範” Sales reps need to follow Company Discipline 6. 營銷人員須接受 “教育訓練” Sales reps need to attend Company Training and Education

  5. 業者對營銷人員行為的正確規範Do’s and Don’t for Sales Force in Direct Selling Industry “得”Do’s 1. 遵守政府法令及政策 Abide government policy and regulations 2. 恪守公司營業守則及規定 Follow company policy and procedures 3. 主動向顧客表明身份 Automatically showing customers your visiting purpose and identification. 4. 正確及完整的對顧客作產品的說明及示範 Correct and complete product demonstration

  6. “得” Do’s 5.說明顧客的權益,猶豫期,退貨權利,品質保證及售 後服務 Illustrate the customers’ rights for cooling off period, return, product assurance and after service. 6. 明確答覆顧客對產品及買賣的相關問題 Clearly answer customers’ question 7. 童叟無欺 Faithful to every customer 8. 態度得體並尊重顧客的隱私權 Benign attitude and respect for customers’ privacy.

  7. 1. 違反政府法令及公司規定 Against government policy and regulations 2. 誤導及欺騙顧客 Deceit and mislead customers 3. 對產品及制度作誇大不實的供稱 Exaggerate product functions and company compensation 4. 詆毀其他公司或同業 Slander other companies or competitors 5.濫用消費者的信賴,利用對高齡,疾病及理解力不 夠取得信賴 Gain trust form the aged, ill, and low comprehension people with unrighteous methods “不得” Don’t

  8. “不得” Don’t 6. 強迫推銷,促使顧客購買過量的產品 Push for purchasing, loading customers with excessive products 7. 勸誘其他公司營銷人員加入自己 Solicit sales reps from other companies to join you. 8. 侵犯顧客的個人隱私權 Impinge on customers’ privacy 9. 收取不合理的訓練費用 Charge unreasonable training fees from customers

  9. 業者對營銷人員正確的教育訓練The Proper Training and Education by Direct Selling Industry to Sales Force 1. 宣達政府的相關法令,公平法,傳銷管理辦法, 健康食品法等等 Promote Government Regulations, e.g. Fair Trade Law, Multilevel Marketing Supervisory Regulations, Health Food Management Act 2. 說明公司對營銷人員的各項規定及規範 Specify company discipline and Policy & Procedures 3. 詳實的產品及服務訓練 Product and service training

  10. 4. 顧客的權益,產品的猶豫期,品質保證,售後服務 及退貨權利 Specifications and rules about customer rights, cooling off period, product assurance, product after- service and product return 5. 獎金制度之說明 Explanation of compensation system 6. 銷售技巧的訓練 Product demonstration and selling skill 7. 營銷人員成長的培訓 Training and education for self growth and leadership.

  11. 世界直銷聯盟對教育及規範之推廣Discipline and Education Focus from WFDSA 1. 直銷教育基金會(DSEF) Direct Selling Education Foundation 2. 消費者保護:CEPI計劃之推廣 (配合APEC亞太經合會) 泰國, 菲律賓, 墨西哥, 蘇聯等等 Consumer Protection: The implementation of CEPI programs in collaboration with APEC in Thailand,Philippines, Mexico,Russia,etc.3. 直銷之研究 Research in Direct Selling 4. 商德約法之全球化 Globalization of “ Code of Conduct” 5. 商德約法督導人會議 Code Administrator Conference

  12. 直銷協會對規範及教育之推廣Discipline and Education Focus from DSA 1. 宣導政府相關法令 Promote Government laws and regulations 2. 宣導營銷人員經營倫理及業務準則 Enhance business ethic and discipline for sales force 3. 增進營銷人員的專業知識及營銷能力 Improve professional knowledge and business capability for sales force 4. 保護消費者權益 Protect consumer benefits 5. 落實商德約法 Implement “Code of Conduct ”

  13. 公平交易法(台灣)Fair Trade Act (Taiwan) 1. 為傳銷管理辦法之母法 SUPERVISORY REGULATIONSare promulgated pursuant to the Fair Trade Act. 2. 第8條規定: Article 8 本法所稱多層次傳銷,謂就推廣或銷售之計畫或組織,參加人給付一定 代價,以取得推廣、銷售商品或勞務及介紹他人參加之權利,並因而獲 得佣金、獎金或其他經濟利益者而言。 The term "multi-level sales" as used in this Law means the promotion or sales plan or organization pursuant to which the participants pay a certain consideration to obtain the right to promote or sell goods or services and the right to introduce other persons to participate in the plan or organization, thereby receiving a commission, bonus, or other economic benefit.

  14. 3. 第23條規定: Article 23 多層次傳銷,其參加人如取得佣金、獎金或其他經濟利益, 主要係基於介紹他人加入,而非基於其所推廣或銷售商品 或勞務之合理市價者,不得為之。 No multi-level sale shall be conducted if the participants thereof receive commissions, bonuses, or other economic benefit mainly from introducing others to participate, rather than from the marketing or sale of the goods or services at reasonable market prices. 4. 第23條之1規定: Article 23-1 多層次傳銷參加人得自訂約日起十四日內以書面通知多層 次傳銷事業解除契約。多層次傳銷事業應於契約解除生效 後三十日內,接受參加人退貨之申請,取回商品或由參加 人自行送回商品,並返還參加人於契約解除時所有商品之 進貨價金及其他加入時給付之費用。

  15. Any participant in multi-level sales may rescind the participation agreement by giving the multi-level enterprise written notice within fourteen days after entering into such agreement. Within a period of thirty days after rescission of the agreement takes effect, the multi-level sales enterprise shall accept the application from the participant for returning of goods, collect or accept goods returned by the participant, and return to the participant all the payment for goods made upon purchase and any other fees paid upon participation, accumulated until the time of rescission. 5.第23條之2規定: Article 23-2 參加人於前條第一項解約權期間經過後,仍得隨時以書面終止契約, 退出多層次傳銷計畫或組織。 After the lapse of the period for entitlement to rescind the agreement as referred to in the first paragraph of the preceding article, the participant may still terminate the agreement by writing and withdraw itself from the multi-level sales.

  16. 傳銷管理辦法(台灣)SUPERVISORY REGULATIONS GOVERNING MULTI-LEVEL SALES (Taiwan) 對營銷人員的規範The disciplinefor sales force 營銷人員不得- sales force shall not 1. 以欺罔或引人錯誤之方式推廣、銷售商品或勞務及介紹他人 參加傳銷組織。 promoting or selling goods or services, or recruiting participants to the sales organization, by deceptive or misleading means; 2. 假借多層次傳銷事業之名義或組織向他人募集資金。 raising funds from other persons in the name of the multi- level sales enterprise or through its organization;

  17. 3. 以違背公共秩序或善良風俗之方式從事傳銷活動。 engaging in sales activities by means that run counter to public order or good morals; 4. 以不當之直接訪問買賣影響市場交易秩序或造成消費者 重大損失。 affecting the market trading order or creating heavy losses to consumers by improper direct sales calls; 5. 從事違反刑法或其他工商管理法令之傳銷活動。 engaging in sales activities that violate the Criminal Code or other laws or regulations governing industry and commerce.


  19. 學術界對直銷教育之推廣Education Focus from Academy 1. 中山大學直銷學術研究中心 NSYSU Direct Research Center 2. 直銷相關課程 Direct selling courses in universities and colleges. 3. 直銷研究論文:如“直銷產業客戶關係管理之研 究”等等 Direct selling thesis 4. 直銷學術研討會 Direct selling symposiums 5. 世界直銷學術交流 International and cross countries direct selling researches and seminars

  20. 邁向消費者最大利益Maximize Consumer Benefits 結合 政府的立法及管理 With Government legislation and management 學術界的努力及提昇 Academy support 協會的合作及推動 WFDSA and DSAs collaboration 業界的自許及遵行 Industry and company discipline and education 營銷人員的自律及教育 Sales force self-discipline and learning 達成 消費者保護的最高目標 Achieve the goal of maximizing consumer benefits

  21. 祝福大家 美好的一天!! Have a Nice Day

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