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Donation Page Best Practices for Nonprofits

High-converting donation pages can actually be pretty easy to achieve. <br><br>Follow these 20 essential donation page best practices to get more donors.

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Donation Page Best Practices for Nonprofits

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  2. Tips for Great Donation Pages

  3. Why do Great Donation Pages Matter?

  4. Online Donations Are a Must For Every Nonprofit 1 Online giving grew 7.9% in 2016 and has seen consistent year over year growth

  5. Conversion Rates Can be a Gamechanger 2 A conversion rate looks at the percentage of unique donation page visitors that complete the transaction

  6. Shareability & Data Tracking Can Revolutionize Your Fundraising Donation pages are highly shareable. This makes them ideal for increasing your reach, and therefore the number of donations 3


  8. Ensure donation links/button are easy to find Make Sure Your Online Donation Page is Easy to Find The donation link should lead straight to the donation form Your call to action should be everywhere

  9. Amnesty International WHY DONATE TO AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL? We are a movement that produces extraordinary results. Since 1961, we’ve helped free over 50,000 people who have been unjustly imprisoned. Together we’ve brought torturers to justice, we’ve exposed the truth about human rights violations, and we have made those in power change their ways. We work together for human rights for everyone, everywhere. Include a Compelling “Why”.

  10. Pre-filled custom amounts with descriptions Integrated employer donation matching Recurring giving options Use a Fundraising Software for Your Donation Page Optimization for all machines Accepting donations on your Facebook Page Donation ‘thermometer’ Check out our donation software! PDF receipts, and other features

  11. Bonus tip Customize Your Donation Page Visually appealing donation pages are becoming increasingly important, especially to younger donors. 75% of young donors are turned off by out-of-date websites

  12. Optimize Your Donation Page Your donation page should be mobile-friendly/responsive

  13. Pre-select & Display Donation Amounts The donation amounts should stand out on the page

  14. Suggest Recurring Donations Donor retention rate is one of the most important metrics for a nonprofit. Recurring donors are incredibly valuable to nonprofits

  15. Offer Different Payment Options Giving donors different ways to make their donation is vital to enhancing the donor experience

  16. Keep it to One Page Keep your donation page to one page with as few required fields as possible

  17. Keep it Simple and Clear Providing them with a clear, simple, and exciting donor experience


  19. Your Nonprofit’s logo should be clearly visible on the banner 11 This reinsures the donor that they are giving to the right organization

  20. Pay attention to the title 12 Your donation page title should indicate the content of the page

  21. Menu or no menu? 13 Provide visitors more information about their nonprofit and other ways to get engaged

  22. A picture is worth a thousand words 14 Your donation page should include captivating images that are high-quality, powerful, and visually appealing

  23. Your URL should start with https 15 Your nonprofit donation page URL should be short and compelling and contain your focus word

  24. Be mindful of the “fold” 16 This is the space your visitor sees without scrolling

  25. Disclose how donations are used 17 63% of donors want to know how their money will be used by nonprofit organizations

  26. Have a “thank you” page 18 With so much focus on the donation page, many nonprofits forget to create a “thank you” page

  27. Offer a “share” option 19 Nonprofit encourages donors to share the page on social media

  28. Provide information on other ways to give 20 Including information about other ways to give will result in higher levels of donor engagement


  30. Code for America

  31. Oxfam America

  32. Pencils of Promise

  33. Questbridge

  34. CONCLUSION Improving your donation page is probably the single biggest bang-for-buck improvement you can make to your website and the most effective way to boost your fundraising efforts https://donorbox.org/nonprofit- blog/donation-page-best-practices/

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