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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Join us at Grace Bible Church as we explore the importance of understanding the context of Scripture in order to gain a true understanding of God's Word. Discover how to discern and apply the valuable treasures found in the Bible, and learn how to proclaim the truth of the Gospel effectively.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. A reminder - Please: Turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only Turn off sound to all electronic devices Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early)

  3. Our Holy TreasureMatthew 7:6 The Bible is confusing to people because of the many interpretations made out of context People misunderstand Jesus’ teaching on divorce (Matt. 5:31-32) because they miss the context

  4. Our Holy TreasureMatthew 7:6 People vainly repeat the “Lord’s Prayer” (Matt. 6:9-13) because they ignore the context

  5. Setting the ContextMatthew 5-7 The sermon contrasts true righteousness and self-righteousness and He gives 3 prohibitions in this section Matthew 6:19-34, “do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth” where they can be destroyed or stolen

  6. Setting the ContextMatthew 5-7 Store your treasures in heaven - your heart will be where you treasure is - you can’t serve God & mammon Matthew 7:1-5, do not condemn others in your self-righteousness, get the log out, then help others

  7. Setting the ContextMatthew 5-7 Selfishness prevents helping others (Gal. 6:1-2) by either apathy toward others or fear of being judged General context: The perversion of the Law by the scribes and Pharisees was the height of disrespect for it

  8. Setting the ContextMatthew 5-7 Specific context: A contrast to Matthew 7:1-5 which demands that judgment be made

  9. Dogs and HogsMatthew 7:6 In ancient Israel, dogs were dirty, greedy, snarling, often vicious and diseased scavengers - not pets Tossing meat from a sacrifice made in the worship of God to a vile dog would be a great desecration

  10. Dogs and HogsMatthew 7:6 Levitical code established swine as unfit to eat - and they became a symbol of uncleanness Wild pigs are greedy, filthy and vicious with long tusks and hooves that tear an unarmed man to pieces

  11. Dogs and HogsMatthew 7:6 Pearls are precious and used in Matthew 13:45-46 to represent the value of the kingdom of God

  12. The General Principle Recognize the holy & valuable treasure God has given you in salvation (1 Pet 1:18-19) & treat it accordingly Never diminish the price Jesus paid to redeem man from sin Swine trample precious truth under their feet - beware of them - 2 Peter 2:1-3, 12

  13. The General Principle Be careful, discerning, and discriminating as you proclaim the gospel It can be difficult to discern who is a dog or hog, but discernment comes with maturity & following Jesus

  14. Revealing and Concealing Matthew 13:10f - Jesus taught to reveal to those who sought Him, but conceal from those who did not Those seeking truth ask questions to understand, those who do not, ask questions to entrap The search for God begins with faith - Hebrews 11:6

  15. Revealing and Concealing Share the gospel in such a way as to prompt others to ask more questions and seek the Lord We are not to “sell” or “market” Jesus - we are to proclaim Him

  16. Revealing and Concealing Start with the bad news of man’s sinfulness and God’s just condemnation before presenting hope in Christ Point out Christians are to be holy (1 Peter 1:16) and will be persecuted (Matt. 5:11-12; John 16:33)

  17. Keep to the Basics John 4 - Jesus kept the conversation with the woman at the well from becoming side tracked Jesus would expose man’s sin before proclaiming the hope of the gospel - Matt. 19

  18. Keep to the Basics People must understand that God is a holy & just creator and man is sinful before going on to the atonement Fine points of doctrine have not place in the conversation until the person responds to the basics

  19. Proclaim, Don't Debate Jesus did not debate, He simply proclaimed the truth Paul did not continue to argue with scoffers, he concentrated on those who wanted to learn (Acts 13, 17, 18) 1 Peter 3:15 - we give a defense of our faith to those who ask - not anyone indiscriminately

  20. Proclaim, Don't Debate Proclaim to those seeking, but stop when their interests are contradiction and maligning truth - Matt. 10 People do not get saved due to your superior ability in debate, it due to the Holy Spirit’s conviction

  21. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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