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Bare-knuckle web development

Bare-knuckle web development. Odessa Johannes Brodwall, Chief scientist Exilesoft Global. Bare-knuckle philosophy Demonstration of bare-knuckle web in Java Further directions. Part I:. The bare-knuckle philosophy. High impact/low ceremony Framework light Test-driven.

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Bare-knuckle web development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bare-knuckle web development Odessa Johannes Brodwall, Chief scientist Exilesoft Global

  2. Bare-knuckle philosophy Demonstration of bare-knuckle web in Java Further directions

  3. Part I:

  4. The bare-knuckle philosophy

  5. High impact/low ceremony Framework light Test-driven

  6. High impact with low ceremony

  7. Java web: Servlets, WebDriver, Jetty, Mockito

  8. Java SOAP: JOOX, HttpURLConnection

  9. .NET web prototype: WebDriver + HttpListener

  10. .NET web work-in-progress: WebDriver + HttpSelfHostServer

  11. Light on framework

  12. Frameworks solve 80% of the job…

  13. … and makes the rest 10 times as hard

  14. “Why did Hibernate suddenly slow down?”

  15. “How do I implement a custom SOAP header with JAX-WS?”

  16. “How to do X with Spring”

  17. @AutoWire + package scan with 100s of beans

  18. Test-driven

  19. No more architecture than what’s needed

  20. Fast feedback cycle – also in the future

  21. Part II:

  22. Demo: Phonebook web app

  23. Test driving

  24. WebDriver browser = createWebDriver(); browser.get(url); browser.findElement(By.linkText("Add contact")).click(); browser.findEleme(By.name("fullName")).sendKeys("Vader"); browser.findEleme(By.name("phoneNumber")).sendKeys("27"); browser.findEleme(By.name("saveContact")).click(); browser.findElement(By.linkText("Find contact")).click(); browser.findElem(By.name("nameQuery")).sendKeys("vader"); browser.findElement(By.name("nameQuery")).submit(); assertThat(browser.findElem(By.id("contacts")).getText()) .contains("555-33274-7827");

  25. Server server = new Server(0); server.setHandler(newWebAppContext("src/main/webapp", "/contacts")); server.start(); int port = server.getConnectors()[0].getLocalPort(); String url = "http://localhost:" + port + "/contacts";

  26. <web-app version="2.5“> <servlet> <servlet-name>contactServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.exilesoft.bareknuckleweb.ContactServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>contactServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>contact/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> </web-app>

  27. publicclassContactServletextendsHttpServlet{ }

  28. @Test publicvoidshouldShowAddForm() throws Exception { ContactServlet servlet = newContactServlet(); HttpServletRequestreq = mock(HttpServletRequest.class); HttpServletResponseresp = mock(HttpServletResponse.class); StringWriter html = newStringWriter(); when(resp.getWriter()).thenReturn(newPrintWriter(html)); when(req.getPathInfo()).thenReturn("/create.html"); servlet.doGet(req, resp); verify(resp).setContentType("text/html"); assertThat(html.toString()) .contains("<form method='post'") .contains("<input type='text' name='fullName'") .contains("<input type='text' name='phoneNumber'") .contains("<input type='submit' name='createContact'"); }

  29. Refactoring

  30. Part III:

  31. Further directorions

  32. Norwegian agricultural authority

  33. Java web application with an MVC architecture

  34. Controllers: Create a view Retrieve model from repo Set model on view Render view

  35. View example:

  36. @Override publicvoidrender(HttpServletResponseresp) throwsIOException { Match document = $("html", head(), $("img").attr("src", "/sms-varsel/Sparebank1.jpg"), $("h1", "Internet bank simulator"), $("form").attr("method", "post").append( hiddenField(this.bankNum, "bankNum"), hiddenField(this.customerId, "customerId"), $("h2", "Set Mobile Phone Number"), phoneNumberField(this.phoneNumber), $("h2", "Account numbers"), accountNumbersField(this.accountNumbers), $("h2", "Payment account"), paymentAccountField(this.defaultAccount), $("h2", "Save changes"), $("div", $("input").attr("type", "submit").attr("value", "Store")).attr("name", "update"))); resp.setContentType("text/html"); resp.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); resp.getWriter().write(document.toString()); }

  37. Match document = $("html", head(), $("img").attr("src", "/logo.jpg"), $("h1", “Page name"), $("form").attr("method", "post").append( hiddenField(this.bankNum, "bankNum"), hiddenField(this.customerId, "customerId"), $("h2", "Save changes"), $("div", $("input").attr("type", "submit") .attr("value", "Store")) .attr("name", "update")));

  38. Norwegian Power Transmission System Operator

  39. Universal repository Universal service Commands and Queries One domain model

  40. No Spring – 100 KLOC

  41. Single-jar deployment Includes scripts Includes Jetty

  42. publicclassStatnettWebServer { privatefinalorg.eclipse.jetty.server.Serverserver; publicContactWebServer(int port) { server = new Server(port); server.setHandler(newWebAppContext(“…", "/statnett")); } void start() throws Exception { server.start(); } String getUrl() { int port = server.getConnectors()[0].getLocalPort(); return"http://localhost:" + port + "/contacts"; } publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) throws Exception { StatnettWebServerserver = newStatnettWebServer(10080); server.start(); System.out.println(server.getUrl()); } }

  43. SpareBank1

  44. 10 web service clients

  45. HttpURLConnection JOOX

  46. @Override public String getCountryByIp(String ipAddress) throws Exception { Document soapRequest = soapElement("S:Envelope", $("S:Body", wsxElement("wsx:GetGeoIP", $("wsx:IPAddress", ipAddress)))); Document soapResponseendpoint.postRequest(getSOAPAction(), soapRequest); return$(soapResponse).xpath("/Envelope/Body/*") .xpath("GetGeoIPResult/CountryName").text(); }

  47. public Document postRequest(String soapAction, Document soapRequest) { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.addRequestProperty("SOAPAction", soapAction); connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/xml"); $(soapRequest).write(connection.getOutputStream()); intresponseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (isErrorResponse(responseCode)) { String response = toString(connection.getErrorStream()); String responseContentType = connection.getContentType(); if (responseContentType.startsWith("text/xml")) { return response; } thrownewServiceCommunicationException( "On POST to " + url + ": " + responseCode + " " + connection.getResponseMessage() + ": " + response); } return$(connection.getInputStream()).document(); d}

  48. Conclusion:

  49. YAGNI

  50. Test-driven development High investment in tests Low investment in frameworks

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