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Breast Augmentation Procedures - Best Houston Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Layton is a well-respected, admired and sought after board certified plastic surgeon in Houston and the beautiful Texas Hill Country. Dr. Layton’s popularity and incredible surgical results and innovations have caused patients to seek his expertise from all over the world. To Know More Visit drernestlayton.com

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Breast Augmentation Procedures - Best Houston Plastic Surgeons

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  1. Breast Procedures in Houston Augmentation Breast Augmentation Procedures in Houston Dr. Layton performs hundreds of Breast Augmentation procedures each year. This includes initial augmentations and implants, implant exchanges for a different size, changing implants from saline to silicone or silicone to saline, or replacing implants after a certain period of time (usually every ten years). There are two kinds of implants—silicone and saline—and there are advantages and disadvantages to each depending on an individual’s circumstances. At your consultation, Dr. Layton will help you decide which is better for you to achieve the look you desire. Breast Augmentation is a great surgical procedure that gives instant gratification, takes less than an hour, has minimal

  2. recovery and provides you with fuller, larger, beautiful breasts, setting the stage for a more confident and secure you. You will look and feel better in swim wear and all attire. Dr Layton’s view: “When one of my patients walks into a room following a breast augmentation, I want her to feel confident and for the next person to think ‘Wow she has nice breasts—I wonder if she has had anything done.” I do not want people immediately saying ‘Wow—who did her breast augmentation?’ At consultat ion and in comfortab le, low stress environme nt, you will have an examinati on by Dr. Layton. This will help you and him decide on the best and most appropriate implant (including the type and size of implant) to achieve the look you desire. You will be given the opportunity to try on implants and thus be confident and comfortable with the implant you have chosen before surgery. You will also be able to review photos of other patients that have had Breast Augmentations by Dr. Layton. You and Dr. Layton will discuss details such as implant material, incision, placement and potential risks and complications. the a Breast size and shape are important, so be open and honest about your expectations when talking with Dr. Layton. Implant type and size will be determined not just on your desired

  3. increase in size but more importantly on your breast anatomy, skin elasticity and body type. Options for breast implants include: Saline implants, which are filled with sterile salt water. They can be filled with varying amounts of saline which can affect the shape, firmness and feel of the best. Should the implant shell leak, a saline implant will collapse and the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body. Currently, saline implants are FDA-approved for augmentation in women 18 years of age and older. Silicone implants, which are filled with an elastic gel. The gel feels and moves much like natural breast tissue. If the implant leaks, the gel may remain within the implant shell, or may escape into the breast implant pocket. A leaking implant filled with silicone gel may not collapse. If you choose these implants, you may need to visit Dr. Layton regularly to make sure the implants are functioning properly. Currently, silicone implants are FDA-approved for augmentation in women 22 years of age and older. Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. You and Dr. Layton will discuss which incision options are appropriate for your desired outcome. Incision options include under the breast crease (inframammary incision); under the arm pit (transaxillary incision); or around the areola/nipple (periareolar incision). You will be given information to read and will be provided ample time to have all your questions answered by Dr. Layton. Our desire is for each patient to be fully informed and educated so that they are comfortable with their decisions and we are able to understand and exceed their expectations.

  4. BREAST AUGMENTATION PROCEDURES IN HOUSTON A Breast Augmentation is performed in an accredited surgery center under general anesthesia. You will be marked before surgery and given a chance to ask any questions. The procedure takes less than one hour to perform and you can usually go home that day. The incisions are small and can be placed in the breast crease, around the nipple/areola or in the armpit.

  5. After the incision is made, a breast implant is inserted into a pocket either under the pectoral muscle (a submuscular placement) or directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (a subgrandular placement). Dr. Layton will discuss these options with you in the consultation. If a silicone implant has been chosen, the incision is slightly larger because the implant comes pre-filled and requires larger access to safely place the implant without damaging it. Before closing the incision, the placement, size and shape are evaluated. A single stitch is used to close the incision. A sterile-strip is placed over the stitch and remains until the two-week follow-up appointment. You will be in the recovery room for about an hour and then on your way home with your beautiful new breasts.

  6. There is typically no bruising and minimal swelling with a Breast Augmentation. As opposed to a sharp or aching pain, most patients only experience a tightness or pressure feeling on their chest. Some describe it similar to lactating breasts. It is normal for the implants to be higher on the chest wall after surgery. Do not be concerned as the implants will fall as the tissue relaxes and stretches to accommodate the implants. We do not use a wrap or a brazier after surgery so that gravity will allow the implants to settle in the appropriate position. The patient is asked to return to the office in two weeks following surgery for a post-operative exam and to have the sutures removed. You will be given an appointment to return to the office six to eight weeks following surgery to check your progress. At this time, you are usually permitted to start wearing a brazier. It is recommended that you have yearly exams following a Breast Augmentation to the integrity of the implant and ensure no concerns exist. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS – Breast

  7. Augmentation Procedures in Houston Are implants permanent? Breast implant manufacturers recommend that all implants be replaced every ten years. What is the recovery time? Recovery time varies among patients but you can usually return to a non-strenuous job within two or three days. Heavy lifting or exercise is not recommended for at least six weeks. No one should drive while taking pain medication. When do the implants fall into position? This varies among patients but usually starts and is noticeable within two weeks. They will not reach their final position for months. Breast Augmentation Procedures in Houston Is everything included in the price? The consultation, surgery, implants, facility, anesthesia, and post-operative visits are included. The only additional costs include medications and laboratory analysis, if and when required. Where will the incision be placed? There are three choices for incision placement: the crease underneath the breast; the areola/nipple, and the armpit. We have successfully performed the procedure in all three areas but usually advise that the safest incision place is the crease underneath the breast.

  8. However, Dr. Layton will discuss each option with you in your consultation. Are silicone implants safe? The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) banned silicone implants for Breast Augmentation in the 1980’s. The FDA re-approved silicone implants for Breast Augmentation in patients over 22 years of age in 2008. While silicone implants were off the market, numerous studies were performed by the most respected institutions that showed no correlation with silicone implants and any systemic disease process. Should I wait until after I have children? Waiting until after you have children is not necessary. Although pregnancy may affect the breast tissue, it does not impact an implant. If the breast enlarges during pregnancy, it will not affect the placement of the implant but may affect the look depending on the extent of the breast tissue swelling. This breast tissue enlargement occurs whether or not you have implants and may affect appearance irrespective of implants. Breast implants, when done correctly, should not alter the native breasts response to pregnancy. Can I breast feed after a Breast Augmentation? Yes. The architecture of the native breast (glands, ducts and nipple) should not be disturbed by an implant, and implants should not affect your ability to breast feed. In addition, nothing in

  9. implants has been shown to be deleterious to breast milk. How do breast implants relate to breast cancer? There is nothing to indicate that implants cause breast cancer. In fact, there are studies that show women with implants may have a lesser chance of developing breast cancer. However, this is not of statistically significant nor is it a reason to get breast implants. How do breast implants relate to breast cancer detection? When getting a mammogram after having a Breast Augmentation, you should inform the technician that you have breast implants as there is special imaging techniques used to visualize the breast. For example, when an implant is placed below the breast tissue but above the muscle (submammary placement), there may be a portion of breast tissue that is difficult to visualize on routine screening exams. How do I know which size is right for me? In your consultation, you should try on and select the implant that you think looks good on your body. Be aware, however, that post-operative implants are initially high, which gives the illusion of a large and long breast. You will pay attention to your new breasts everyday following surgery, and may get used to looking at these large, long breasts. Once the implants have settled, they take on the normal pleasing appearance of a breast but may look smaller. Your mind can get used to them appearing larger so be aware of this prior to surgery.

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