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Get your Zzzz!

Get your Zzzz!. Better Sleep for College Students Susan Swank, Psy.D. Check-in…. How was your sleep last night on a scale of 1-10? Where is your stress level right now? Check body tension, your thoughts, and how “present” you are. How tired are you?.

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Get your Zzzz!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Get your Zzzz! Better Sleep for College Students Susan Swank, Psy.D.

  2. Check-in…. • How was your sleep last night on a scale of 1-10? • Where is your stress level right now? Check body tension, your thoughts, and how “present” you are

  3. How tired are you? • Estimates suggest 20% of college students are sleep deprived • 3 in 5 students report irregular sleep-wake patterns • 20% report pulling a “weekday all-nighter” at least once per month • 2/3 report pulling an “all-nighter” at least once per semester • 35% report staying up until 3 am at least one time per week • -

  4. I try to go to sleep on time…. • College students at Central Michigan University: • One third took more than 30 minutes to fall asleep • 43% woke more than once per night • Many reported later bed and wake times on weekends disrupting their circadian rhythm • More consistency in your 24-hour day-night cycle improves quantity and quality of sleep

  5. So I’m tired…so what? • Decreased cognitive and motor skill performance: • After 24 hours without sleep your brain activity is similar to a BAC of 0.10 percent • Reaction times lengthened • Concentration decreases • Mistakes increase • Memory and logical reasoning decrease

  6. Academic and sports performance • 12% of students who reported poor sleep habits skipped class or fell asleep in class 3 or more times in a month • In college students all-nighters associated with lower GPA • College basketball players showed increased performance with 10 hours of sleep • Ran faster & made more shots in a game period

  7. Physical health outcomes… • Immune system compromise • Blood pressure increases • Hormone functioning changes • Cardiovascular system problems (in just 5 nights of sleep deficit stress on heart is detected • Weight gain (freshman 15) • Extremes: seizure, stroke and heart attacks

  8. Mental Health Impact…. • Lack of adequate sleep associated with increased: • Irritability • Anxiety • Depression • Behavioral problems

  9. What’s keeping you up? • STRESS!!!!! • 68% of college students surveyed reported worries about school and life kept them awake • 1/5 reported this happens at least once per week • Less than 1/3 of 1,125 surveyed reported getting 8 hours of sleep on average


  11. Using substances…. • Stimulants like coffee, sodas, energy drinks • Prescription drugs…things that interfere with sleep or are used to enhance/prevent sleep • Alcohol • Makes you drowsy but…reduces quality of sleep, increases awakenings, prevents deep sleep cycles • Marijuana • THC decreases slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep-takes one week of abstinence for sleep cycles to return to normal; Difficulty falling and staying asleep and restlessness associated with THC

  12. How much sleep do I really need? • National Sleep Foundation says adults need 7-9 hours a night • Individual needs vary….some people need 5-6 while others need 9-10 • Know your optimal….when was the last time you went one week and felt rested and “on the top of your game” everyday?

  13. Improve your sleep • Sleep hygiene! • Use a sleep diary-explore your own patterns • Be as consistent as possible-weekends too! Avoid “sleep debt” • Avoid “all-nighters” and cramming • If you get behind regularly schedule “catch up sleep” • Limit napping-only once a day in early afternoon for no more than 20 or 30 minutes and never after 3 pm • Don’t lie in bed awake- if you are still awake after 20 minutes, get up, do a relaxing activity until you feel sleepy

  14. Create a good sleeping environment and routine • Minimize distractions like noises, bright lights, TV, computer, cell phone off, textbooks put away • Keep bedroom temperature on the cool side • Create a soothing, low anxiety bedtime routine (warm shower or bath, mellow music, guided imagery, meditation)

  15. Create good health habits • Exercise daily at least 3 hours before bedtime to increase percentage of deep sleep and decrease awakenings during the night • Get sun exposure everyday to train your internal clock • Monitor substance use • Avoid alcohol: it disrupts the sleep cycle, keeps you in lighter sleep stages and increases middle of te night awakenings • Decrease or stop smoking; nicotine is a stimulant

  16. Consider diet-eat healthy and take vitamins • Limit caffeine (coffee, colas, teas, and chocolate) within 4 hours of bedtime; it can take as long as 8 hours to wear off fully • Avoid large meals and beverages late at night • Avoid medicines that delay or disrupt sleep: heart, blood pressure, or asthma medications, some over-the-counter and herbal remedies for coughs, colds, or allergies-read labels and ask your doctor

  17. Manage stress! • Manage life stress and relax before bed: • Set realistic daily and semester goals-check them out with someone you trust • Develop a schedule to manage your time. • Say "no" more often • Evaluate and alter your work load or attitudes as appropriate • Drop a class or reduce your work hours. • Don't take on any new or extra responsibilities. • Postpone any major changes • Spend some time relaxing everyday • Check your thinking-are your expectations for yourself reasonable and healthy? • Schedule classes purposely- make sure you can make AM classes

  18. Develop and use a relaxing bedtime routine • Make a list of worries or things to do the next day before beginning your wind-down routine • Try a basic breathing strategy sitting in a comfortable position: count "one" to yourself as you exhale, next time you exhale count "two" and so on up to "five;” then begin a new cycle never counting higher than "five" and counting only when you exhale; do this for 10 minutes • Use meditation or yoga to physically relax and clear your mind • Practice guided imagery or audio relaxation tapes to instill positive, restful thoughts • Take a hot bath or shower-the drop in body temperature may help you feel sleepy

  19. Chill Out!

  20. Take control of your sleep and get your Zzzz • If things don’t improve get professional help • Persistent insomnia can be serious • Symptoms include difficulties falling asleep, waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, and unrefreshing sleep • If insomnia makes it hard to function during the day consider making an appointment with a professional in the University Student Health or Counseling Centers

  21. Help at CU-Colorado Springs UCCS Student Health Center 255-4444 UCCS Counseling Center 255-3265

  22. Internet Resources • http://www.sleepfoundation.org/primary-links/how-sleep-works • http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/meditation/MM00623 • http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/yoga/MM00650 • http://www.counseling.sdes.ucf.edu/self-help/media_downloads.html • www.mu.edu/counseling

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