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JAVA Training & Certification Institutes In Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Greater Noida, Jaipur

DUCAT offers exclusive JAVA Training & Certification program with live project by industry expert In Noida,Ghaziabad,Gurgaon,Faridabad,Greater Noida,Jaipur<br>6 MONTHS JAVA TRAINING is very popular course at DUCAT. This course has the perfect mix of contents to prepare the participants to become a Java developer or programmer. Equipped with Java Training from DUCAT will open a flood gates of opportunities for the participants. The major reasons are the technology itself and the course content. JAVA is used for developing web based and non-web based application and even for programming for mobiles.<br>For further enquiry <br>DUCAT, NOIDA<br>A - 43 & A - 52 Sector - 16, Noida (U.P) (Near McDonalds)<br>PHONE: 0120-4646464<br>MOBILE OR WHATSAPP: 91- 9599286324 <br>

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JAVA Training & Certification Institutes In Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Greater Noida, Jaipur

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  1. JAVA CURRICULUM J2SE (JAVA 2 STANDARD EDITION) INTRODUCTION To JAVA PACKAGES AND INTERFACES Understanding Requirement: why JAVA Why java important to the internet JAVA on LINUX PLATFORM INTRODUCTION TO JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE Defining a package Understanding CLASSPATH Access Protection Importing packages Defining and Implementing interfaces Anonymous classes Abstract classes Vs Interfaces Adapter classes EXCEPTION HANDLING l l l l l l l l l l l Java Virtual machine Architecture Class loading process by class loaders Booting loader Extension loader System loader Role of Just In time compiler (JIT) Execution Engine AN OVERVIEW OF JAVA AND BUZZWORDS l l l l l Fundamental of Exception handling Types of Exceptions Learning exceptions handlers Try and Catch Multiple catch Clauses Nested Try statements Throw , throws and finally Creating custom exceptions Assertion STRING HANDLING l l l l l l l l l l l Data Types , Variables ad Arrays Operators Control statements Object oriented paradigms Abstractions The Three OOP Principles: l l l l l l (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism) JAVA CLASSES AND OOP IMPLEMENTATION Learning String Operation Learning character Extraction Learning string Comparison Understanding string Buffer Classes String builder class Creating Immutable Class NEW IN JDK 5/6/7 l l l l l l Class fundamentals Commands line arguments Learning Static Initializer Declaration of objects Instance variable Hiding Overloading and Overriding of Methods Upcasting Down casting Understanding of Access Controls (private, l l l l l l Premain method , Object size Generics Annotations Vargs Static Import For each String in which Multiple exception handling Dimond Operator l l l l l l l l l l l l public and protected) Learning Nested and Inner classes Dynamic method Dispatching Using Abstract classes Using final to prevent Overriding & Inheritance Garbage collection l l l l l

  2. WINDOWS PROGRAMMING Swing & AWT Introduction to JFC Controls Event Delegation Method Event Classes Event listeners l APPLENET l l l l l l Trusted Applet (Applet with Database) Multi threaded Programming Finding out constant and method l declaration belong to an interface Creating an instance of a class whose name is not known until runtime Getting and setting value of an objects field if field name is unknown until runtime Invoking a method on an object if the method is unknown until runtime Creating a new array whose size and components type are not know until runtime Invoking private member of a class ADVANCED JAVA/J2EE (JAVA 2 ENTERPRISE EDITION) COLLECTION FRAMEWORK l l l l l Applenet Basics Architecture and Skeleton Simple Apple Display Methods The HTML Applet Tag Inter Applet communication l l l The java thread model Creating a thread: Extended Thread and l l Implementing Runable Creating multiple Thread and Context Switching Synchronization: methods and statements Inter thread Communication Thread local Dead lock Threadpool executer class Shutdown hookup Re-entrent locking Introduction to I/O streams l The Collection Interfaces (list , set, Sorted l set) The collection classes (The array list, Linked list, Hash set, Tree set) Accessing a Collection via an Iterator Working with maps Working with Comparators The Collection Algorithms The Legacy Classes and Interfaces (Enumeration, Vector, Stack, Dictionary, Hash table) Date and Time Handling COLLECTION CLASS Array class SYSTEM PROPERTIES & INTERNATIONALIZATION l l l l l l l l l l l l l File handling Binary Streams Character stream Serialization Scanner Stream tokenizer String tokenizer GzipOutStream class Data Encryption & decryption NETWORKING l l l l l l l l l l l l Usage of Property file Define the locale ResourceBundle Fetching Text from ResourceBundle REMOTE METHOD INVOCATION (RMI) l l l l URL, InetAddress Socket And Server Socket Datagram socket Socket factories Reflection API l l l l Distributed Applications RMI Architecture Implementation Call-Back Mechanism l l l l Determining the class of an object Getting information about classes modifier, fields, methods, constructor, and super classes l l

  3. DATABASE PROGRAMMING USING JDBC(4.1) @WebFilter @WebInitParam @WebListener @WebServlet @MultipartConfig @ServletSecurity File uploading/file downloading Security Refreshing servlet JAVA SERVER PAGES (JSP) & JSTL JDBC Drivers Statements Metadata Scrollable & Updatable Result set Batch Updates Data Sources And Connecting Pooling Row sets Transaction (commit , rollback,savepoint) Getting Data from excel sheet Generating log file INTRODUCTION TO J2EE ARCHITECTURE TIER ARCHITECTURE l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l JSP Architecture JSP Element JSP Directives JSP Actions JSP Objects Custom Tags Using Tags of JSTL Expression Language Exception handling in JSP Ajax l l l l l l l l l Single Tier Two Tier Three Tier N Tier J2EE COMPONENTS l l l l Web components Business components J2EE CONTAINERS l l XMLHTTPRequest Ready State OnreadystateChange ResponseText ResponseXML Status StatusText Div Tag Functon Open ( ) Send ( ) Ajax Web Application Model Jquery l l l l l l l l Containers Type Containers Services J2EE Services l l Java Naming and Directory Interfaces Java Transaction Services Java Messaging Services Java Authentication & Authorization l l l l Services INTRODUCATION TO UML l Ÿ Ÿ Use Cases Diagrams INTRODUCTION TO XML l l l Document type Definition (DTD) XML parsers Document object module(DOM) Simple API for XML (SAX) JAVA SERVLET l l Jquery with Ajax Jquery Event Jquery Selectors JSON Calling JSP with Jquery Animation get ( ) Function Jquery Ajax Event ENTERPRISE JAVA BEANS (EJB-3.2) l l l l l l l l l l Introduction to Web Programming Advantages to Servlet Servlet Lifecycle Request Dispatching Session Tracker Event Listener Dependency Injection Filters Servlet with Annotation l l l l l l l l l Introduction Architecture Types of EJB l l l

  4. JAVA MAIL SESSION BEANS Email system and Protocols Architecture Sending mail Receiving mail Handling attachments Replying & forwarding PACKAGING AND DEPLOYMENT USING ANT BLUETOOTH API l l l l l l Introduction State Management Dpendency Injection Interceptors Timer Service Life cycle Callback Methods @PostConstruct @PreDestroy @PreActivate @PrePassivate Types Stateless State full Singleton ENTITY BEANS l l l l l l l l l l Local Device UUID class Discovery Listener Introduction to Web services l l l l l l l A conceptual overview of Web Services Web services requirements SOAP WSDL UDDI UTILITIES l l l l l Introduction Java Persistence API Java Persistence Query Language(JPQL) The Entity Life Cycle Entity Relationships @One To One @One To Many @Many To One @Many To Many @Entity @Id @Table @Column @Basic MESSAGE DRIVEN BEANS & JMS2.0 l l l l My Eclipse 2013 NetBeans 6.5 WEB SERVER l l l l l l l l l Apache Tomcat 7.0 APPLICATION SERVER Bea's Web logic 10.3/12c J Boss Sun Application server Web share STRUTS 2.X curriculum STRUTS 2 FRAMEWORK l l l l l l l l l MVC /Model2 Filter Action Result Interceptors Valuestack, ONGC and DATA transfer Action Context WORKING WITH STRUTS 2 ACTIONS l l l l l l l Messaging overview Messaging models Point to point models Topic subscriber models JMS Implementation Life cycle @MessageDriven @ActivationConfigProperty J2EE DESIGN PATTERN l l l l l l l l Introducing Struts 2 actions Packing your actions Implementing Actions Transferring data onto objects File uploading: a case study ADDING WORKFLOW WITH INTERCEPTOR l l l l l Why design pattern? Front controller Composite view Session façade Service Locator Data Access Object Value object Singleton pattern , factory pattern l l l l l l l l Why intercept requests Interceptors in actions Surveying the built –in struts 2 interceptor Building your own interceptor l l l l

  5. DATA TRANSFER: OGNL AND TYPE CONVERSION SQL ADVANCED l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Creating index SQL Functions l l Scalar functions Working with Dates Introduction to PL Working with Procedure and Functions Working with Triggers Working with Sequences SQL order By SQL AND & OR SQL in SQL between SQL join SQL union SQL create SQL drop SQL alter Decode SQL SQL group By SQL select by SQL create view Data transfer and type conversion OGNL and Struts 2 Built-in type convertors Customizing type conversion BUILDING A VIEW : TAGS l l l l An overview of struts tags Data tags Miscellaneous tags Using JSTL and other native tags A brief primer for the OGNL expression language UI COMPONENT TAGS l l l l l Why we need UI components tags Tags, template, and themes UI component tag reference RESULTS IN DETAIL l l l Aggregate functions Life after action Commonly used result types Global results INTEGRATING WITH SPRING AND HIBERNATE/JPA l l l Why use spring with struts 2? Adding to spring to struts 2 Why use the java persistence API with struts l l l 2? HIBERNATE 3.0 INTRODUCTION TO MAPPING OBJECTS TO RELATIONAL DATABASES l l l l Mapping INTRODUCTION TO HIBERNATE l l l Hibernate's Support for Other Technologies Installing Hibernate A “Hello world” stand alone application A Servlet–Based Hibernate application CREATING PERSISTING CLASSES l l l l Mapping a class with Data/ calendar attributes Mapping a Read-only class Mapping a class using Versioning /Timestamps EXPLORING THE VALIDATION FRAMEWORK Getting familiar with the validation framework Wiring your actions for validation Writing a custom validator Validation framework advanced topics UNDERSTANDING INTERNATIONALIZATION l l l l Serialization 2 XML2 Object- oriented Database system The struts 2 framework and JAVA i18n A struts 2 i18n demo Struts 2 i18n: the details Overloading the framework's default locale l l l l determination Struts with Annotation DATABASE CURRICULUM SQL Basic l l l l l l Delete Hibernate Architecture Hibernate configuration l l l Introduction Select Where Insert Update Mapping a basic Java Class Mapping a Class with Binary Data Mapping a Serializable Class l l

  6. MAPPING INHERITENCE WITH JAVA CLASSES l l l Table-Per –concrete-subclass Hierarchy Mapping Persistence interfaces WORKING WITH COLLECTIONS l l l l l l l Mapping a Bidirectional Association USING PERSISTENT OBJECTS l l l Updating and finding Objects SCALAR QUERIES AND HIBERNATE QUERY LANGUAGE l l l l Hibernate Queries language HIBERNATE CACHING l l l l Setting Up EHcache HIBERNATE TRANSACTIONS AND LOCKING l l l l l l Locking HIBERNATE AND XDOCLET l l l Hibernate XDoclet Tags and description HIBERNATE AND ECLIPSE l l l Hibernate synchronizer INTEGRATION OF STRUTS 2, HIBERNATE AND SPRING l l l Struts, Spring and Hibernate SPRING v3.0 Table-Per –class Hierarchy Mapping Table-Per –subclass Hierarchy Mapping What is Spring? Spring modules Understanding dependency Injection Applying aspect-oriented programming Basic bean wiring l l l l Containing your Bean Creating bean Injecting into bean properties Auto wiring Controlling bean creation Advanced Bean wiring l l l l l Associations Lazy initialization Mapping Maps/Sorted Maps Mapping Sets/Sorted Sets Mapping lists Mapping Arrays Declaring parent and Child Bean Applying method injection Injecting Non-spring Beans Registering Custom property editors Advising Beans l l l l Persisting Objects Loading Data into an Object Introducing AOP Creating classic spring aspects Creating advice Defining Pointcuts and Advisors Using proxyFactory Bean Autoproxying Hitting the Database l l l l l l Queries Named Queries SQL Queries Learning spring's data Access Philosphy Configuring a data source Using JDBC with Spring Working with JDBC Templates Using Spring's DAO Support Classes for l l l l l JDBC Integrating Hibernate with Spring Caching Spring and POJO based remote services Setting Up a Session Factory Cache Using the persistent Object cache Using the Query cache l l Configuration Database support Using Transactions The Transactions API Transaction Example Using Oracle An overview of Spring remoting Working with RMI Remoting with Hessian and Burlap Using Spring's Http Invoker Spring and Web services Building Contract-First Web services in spring l l l l l Introduction to XDoclet Using XDOclet with Hibernate Introducing Spring-WS Defining Contract (First!) Handling messages with service endpoints Wiring it all together Consuming Spring-WS Web services Spring and Enterprise JAVA beans l l l l l Hibernator HiberClipse Wiring EJBs in Spring Spring and EJB3 l l Struts and Hibernate Spring and Hibernate

  7. Handling Web Requests Getting started with Spring MVC Mapping requests to controller Handling request with controller Handling exceptions Integrating with other Web frameworks l l l l Using spring with struts Registering the Spring plug-in with struts Writing springware struts actions What about struts 2? Working Spring into webwork2 / struts 2 USPs Books LABS Ÿ7:30AM To 10:30PM LIVE PROJECTS COURSE CERTIFICATE CONFIRMATION LETTER TRAINING CERTIFICATE PROJECT CERTIFICATE Ÿ For Degree Pursing Candidates to Submit in Colleges l l l l l UPDATE COURSE CONTENTS(U.C.C) Ÿ Regular Updated Course Contents According To Submit in Colleges CONSULTANTS/FACULTIES Ÿ Ÿ Eg. SDG, XANSA, HCL, WIPRO, PYRAMID, CMS, PATNI & MANYM More... Best Part of the Industry who is talking Corporate Batches INDUSTRY COLLABORATION & AWARENESS FROM Ÿ Bangalore, Hyderabad & Pune TECHNICAL PANEL FROM INDUSTRY IN DIFFERENT DOMAINS Ÿ IBM, FIDELITY, STERIA, HCL, WIPRO, BIRLA SOFT & ManyMore... 100% JOB ASSISTANCE Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ References Outsourcing Resourcing Through Consultancy Services Regular Walk Ins Exclusive Walk Ins For DUCATiens Campus Interviews Resume Sending Java Partners : GHAZIABAD 1, Anand Industrial Estate, Near ITS College, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad (U.P.) Ph.: 0120-4835400...98-99 Mb. : 09810831363 / 9818106660 : 08802288258 - 59-60 FARIDABAD NOIDA A-43 & A-52, Sector-16, Noida - 201301, (U.P.) INDIA Ph. : 0120-4646464 Mb. : 09871055180 GREATER NOIDA SCO-32, 1st Floor, Sec.-16, Faridabad (HARYANA) Ph. : 0129-4150605-09 Mb. : 09811612707 E - 35, SITE - 4, Near Swarna Nagari, Adjacent J.P. Golf Course, Greater Noida (U. P.) Ph. : 0120-4345190-91-92 to 97 Mb. :09899909738, 09899913475 . JAIPUR GURGAON 1808/2, 2nd floor old DLF, Near Honda Showroom, Sec.-14, Gurgaon (Haryana) Ph. : 0124-4219095-96-97-98 Mb. : 09873477222-333 38,Jai Jawan Colony 3rd, Near Gaurav Tower,JLN Marg, Jaipur (Rajsthan) Ph. : 0141-2550077, 2550202 Mb : 08824246937 www.facebook.com/ducateducation

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