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ASIAA Research Highlights and Prospects with HSC

ASIAA Research Highlights and Prospects with HSC. Keiichi Umetsu, ASIAA. SAC HSC Science Workshop 29 . 01 .200 78. Outline. Introduction – Major ASIAA Projects Highlights and Prospects with HSC – AMiBA SZE Interferometer – Weak Lensing (HSC WLWG collaboration)

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ASIAA Research Highlights and Prospects with HSC

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  1. ASIAA Research Highlights and Prospects with HSC Keiichi Umetsu, ASIAA SAC HSC Science Workshop 29.01.20078

  2. Outline • Introduction – Major ASIAA Projects • Highlights and Prospects with HSC – AMiBA SZE Interferometer – Weak Lensing (HSC WLWG collaboration) – Search for Dust in the ICM – Search for High-z Galaxies – (Galaxy Pair Statistics – talk by Li-Hwai) 3. Summary

  3. 1. Major ASIAA Projects (1994-2008) • SMA:Array Completed, Upgrading • AMiBA :7-element Dedicated, 13-element underway • TIARA; SIS Junction :230,345, 400, 690, 900 GHz • TAOS :4 Telescopes Working; Moving? • CFD-MHD :2-D Hydro Codes • WIRCam :Science operation started • ALMA-J :FEIC started; band-10 • ALMA-NA: Funded, Negotiating • Hyper SuprimeCam: Proposing • ASMAB: on schedule to finish 2008 SAO NTU NTHU NCU ASIM CFHT NAOJ NRAO NAOJ NTU (NAOJ, PMO) (SAO, Yonsei)

  4. 2. ASIAA Research Highlights and Prospects with HSC

  5. 2-1. Scam/HSC + AMiBA SZE ASIAA & NTU (Taiwan) Collaboration

  6. AMiBA SZE Cluster Observations SZ Decrement = -150 ~ -300 mJy (@94GHz) 6 nearby clusters detected with the 7-element AMiBA by the AMiBA team (April-August 2007)

  7. Mass map from Subaru/Scam data z=0.224 z=0.183 z=0.091 z=0.228 Synergy with S-Cam and HSC: SZE and WL Probing Cluster Physics

  8. 2-2. Cluster Weak Lensing for Probing DM Halo Profiles • References • Broadhurst, Takada, Umetsu et al. 2005 (ApJL) • Umetsu & Broadhurst 2007 (ApJ, submitted) • Umetsu, Medezinski, Broadhurst, & Okabe 2008 in prep.

  9. Strong(est) Lensing Cluster A1689 (z=0.18) Cluster Galaxies Mass (~DM) Relaxed, massive cluster with large qE=45” (zs=1): NFW fit: Mvir=2.1x1015Msun, Cvir=13 5.5Mpc Umetsu & Broadhurst 2007 Surprisingly high concentration, difficult to accommodate with LCDM (cvir~5) r=10-2000 (rvir) kpc/h Subaru Subaru+ACS

  10. DM Ring Cluster CL0024 (z=0.4) Strong lensing cluster with large qE=32” (zs=1.6): Cluster Galaxy density map, with mass contours overlayed NFW fit: Mvir=1.1x1015Msun, Cvir=14 qE Observed large qE, implying large Cvir, challenging for LCDM Umetsu et al. 2008 in prep.

  11. Prospects for HSC • Attaining a larger sample of clusters from the HSC survey, improving up on the statistical constraints, providing a stringent test of LCDM on small scales (~1Mpc) • Much wider FoV (1.5deg) of HSC, allowing to map out “very” nearby clusters out to virial radii e.g., 1 HSC FoV  ~ 2.5Mpc/h (>2Rvir) @ z=0.07 cf., S-Cam WL study of a z=0.05 cluster (Okabe & Umetsu 2008)

  12. 2.3 Cross Correlating the Cosmic Shear and Galaxy Density Fields for Probing the Statistical Matter-Galaxy Relation The HSC WLWG team

  13. Bias Parameters HSC Survey(1000-3000 deg^2): - Deep I-band imaging for cosmic shear statistics - Multicolor imaging for deriving photo-z of individual (fore/back) galaxies Basic quantities on the statistical matter-galaxy relation available from the HSC survey cf. Schneider 1998, Fan 2003; Hoekstra+ 2002 (RCS+VIRMOS), Sheldon+ 2004 (SDSS), Simon+ 2007 (GaBoDS) Feasibility study on the detectability of the r-parameter

  14. Forecasts (1): Detection of r-parameter HSC Shallow DES Total detection S/N HSC Deep By Nishioka (ASIAA) Small scale Large scale

  15. Forecasts (2): Superior HSC Sensitivity in Higher Redshifts HSC Shallow DES Sensitivity in z-space (qap=10’) HSC Deep Redshift By Nishioka (ASIAA)

  16. 2.4 Search for Dust in the ICM Galaxies behind the clusters Reference background Foreground clusters Reference: Muller, Wu, Hsieh et al. 2008 (ApJ, in press)

  17. Application to the RCS Survey (33deg^2) Method: Background color statistics w/ CFHT RCS BVRz’ data (33.6deg^2) - Statistical sample of 458 clusters @ z < 0.5 - 90,000 background galaxies @ 0.5 < zphot < 0.8 with photo-z accuracy: dzphot/(1+zphot) < 0.06 Results: For galaxies behind clusters… <E(B-R)> = 0.005 +- 0.008 <E(V-Z)> = 0.000 +- 0.008 <Av> = 0.004 +- 0.010 within 1 R200 NO signature for DUST in the ICM Red: behind cluster Blue: reference

  18. Future Prospects: How to Improve? • - More clusters to allow a sample selection based on cluster properties: mass, X-ray, merger, etc..  wider • - More reliable photo-z measurements  more filters • On-going CFHT RCS2 survey: wider sky coverage • 30 deg2  1000 deg2 • Future HSC survey: deeper, wider sky coverage with more accurate photo-z measurements

  19. 2.5 Ongoing CFHT Project • Bau-Ching Hsieh, Wei-Hao Wang, et al. (CFHT S07B) • Goal: Search for galaxies at z > 7 • Field: Extended Chandra-Deep Field South (ECDFS) • Observations: CFHT/WIRCam “J” (24.9 ABmag, seeing ~0.7”) • Sky area: ~ 500 arcmin^2 • Data from other bands: GEMS ACS: V (28.4), z’ (27.1) SIMPLE (Spitzer): 3.6um (25.1) • Criteria for candidates: • z'-J>2.0, -0.5 < J-3.6um < 1.2 A combination of matched depths, and “deep z’-imaging” is important to make sure z’-dropout

  20. Summary • Targeted AMiBA SZE follow up observations for the HSC cluster survey • Cluster Weak Lensing • Weak Lensing vs. Galaxy Cross Correlation • Dust in the ICM • High-z Galaxies

  21. HSC Survey Parameters 4-band imaging (griz), including the overhead time 3000deg^2 1000deg^2 400deg^2

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