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Prof. M.M.Ninan

Prof. M.M.Ninan. untranslated. the and the In earth ? heavens ? God (Plural) created beginning. Mother Earth. Heavens Many worlds. Plural:. became chaos.

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Prof. M.M.Ninan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prof. M.M.Ninan

  2. untranslated

  3. the and the In earth ? heavens ? God (Plural) created beginning

  4. Mother Earth Heavens Many worlds Plural: became chaos

  5. Elohim created in the beginning Left untranslated Earth and heavens Apparently contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely): - (As such unrepresented in English.) “God, namely Jesus” Jn 1:1 “Word was God” “I am the ALEPH and the TAU, Beginning and End, says YAHUAH, who is and who was and who is to come, AL SHADDAI”-Revelation 1:8

  6. AZ I thought it wasalpha-bet ABCD את (et). The first letter is the א, alephis the first letter of the Hebrew alephbet. The second letter is the ת, tav, is the last letter of the Hebrew alephbet. "first and the last," the "beginning and the end" and the "Aleph and the Tav" (translated as "the alpha and the omega," the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, in the book of Revelation).

  7. I AM the FIRSTand the LAST I AM the SUFFERING SERVANT I AM the GREAT SACRIFICE The creation was the greatest sacrifice of the Father

  8. S

  9. Each Realm has many dimensions Every dimension has its own life form each evolving in its order. Heavens and the Earth Y Heaven H Spirit V Mind H Matter

  10. There are no direct evidences for this pre-adamic man and they becoming spirits

  11. Gen 1:14

  12. SUN comes in only on the 4th day

  13. It is the spirit that gives LIFE

  14. Can inter-breed and evolve within the species. Evolution beyond species level is not possible because they are in different realms of existence Man Animals Birds Fish Plants Matter

  15. Seven Souls Jewish names Egyptian names Divine Spirit Material Divine Rest Spirit Wind Breath

  16. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning Gods created the heavens and the mother Earth. 2 And it came to pass that the Earth became a wasteland, empty and chaotic; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Recreation of Earth - sin before man Gap Theory

  17. What is this Day and Night? Day and Night are defined in terms of periods of light and darkness. It has no connection with sun, moon or earth Gen 1:5

  18. Creating a Body Earth >>Plants Sabbath >>Fish >>Birds Sun Moon >>Animals >> Man Waters Heavens Neavens Earth In each Yom, a new dimension and new type of soul is added to the existing ones - New Life Forms emerged.

  19. http://christianitymalaysia.com/wp/creation-time-motion/#prettyPhoto/1/http://christianitymalaysia.com/wp/creation-time-motion/#prettyPhoto/1/ we want Creation to be decided by the meaning of time that we specify as 24 hours, or billions of years. It is unfortunate!

  20. Soul 1&2 Soul 6,7 Man Animals Grass Trees Souls 3,4,5 Fish, Birds, Water animals Evolution after its kind,

  21. Today The Day is defined by the Sun The Month is defined by the Moon

  22. Solar Year and Lunar Month The solar year is 365.242374 days on 24 hour day Lunar Month is 29.53059 days Solar year is not 12 Lunar months. (12 + short extra month) Month is taken 29, 30 and 31 to adjust this difference.

  23. The Hebrew word for “month,” chodesh, actually means: “new moon; month.” Chodesh can refer to a “month,” or the period from one new moon to another.

  24. Defining the Day Sun to rule the day; Moon to rule the nightafter the fourth day of creation

  25. What is a Day and Night at poles? Six months is a Day (Light) & Six months is Night (Darkness) One whole day and night is ONE YEAR in the poles if the definition in the bible is true.

  26. Can a day be a long period of time? No where in the Bible a day is defined as 24 hours (by my wrist watch). Hour is defined only in terms of the period of light which is called the day. Before the creation of Sun what determined the Day? Theistic evolution has nothing to do with day age theory. DAY AGE THEORY

  27. And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.

  28. Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours in the day? John 11:9-11 Day is divided into 12 hours Hour is defined in terms of period of light and not the other way round. One Hour is two weeks in the polar region. The night is divided into 4 watches

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