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European Lion Folktale Plaque

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European Lion Folktale Plaque

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Europe was not safe anymore for I a European Lion. I was being chased down by dragons. They wanted me killed for my lion mane, and I didn’t want that. You see, my fur is prized…and you can only get this kind of fur on a European Lion, and I am one of the last. We are becoming extinct. As I ran, wind crashed through my mane and my fear was overtaking me so much, that I ran faster than I ever imagined I could. And in the far distance, I saw another European Lion. In shock, I ran to it and it looked at me with no emotion in its face. “Hello feared one.” it spoke. Gulping down, it looked me deep in the eye. “H-h-hello.” I stuttered. “You are running. Why?” the lion was so calm, it almost made me calm. Turning my head towards the herd of dragons coming after us, I became more and more afraid. That was then when I wondered, why isn’t this other lion scared, too? “Them.” I stated. The lion chuckled, “Don’t be afraid, come with me,” the lion started to walk away, and I began to follow him. “come on.” He finished. We walked into a cave, and there were a bunch of European Lions inside. I was shocked, and looked at the lion who took me here. “Where am I?” “The only safe place for European Lions, in Europe,” he smirked, “oh, and by the way, I’m Jeff.” “George,” I said, “nice to meet you.” All of the lions looked happy, and safe. My only question was, how can the dragons not see us in here? So, I asked and Jeff replied. “Magic.” and walked away, leaving me in curious thoughts. But, one day, the magic spell broke and we were attacked, killed, and that is how he European Lion extinct. European Lion Folktale Plaque

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