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Module 1 Before Sales Service

Auto English. Module 1 Before Sales Service. 浙江经济职业技术学院 汽车英语实训教材编写组. Auto English. Flow Chart. 1. Customer Development. 2. Customer Reception. 3. Receiving Customers in the 4S shop. 5. Car Insurance. 4. Contract. 6.Customers’ Feedback. Auto English. Auto English. Project 1.

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Module 1 Before Sales Service

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  1. Auto English Module 1 Before Sales Service 浙江经济职业技术学院 汽车英语实训教材编写组

  2. Auto English Flow Chart 1. Customer Development 2. Customer Reception 3. Receiving Customers in the 4S shop 5. Car Insurance 4. Contract 6.Customers’ Feedback

  3. Auto English Auto English Project 1 Customer Development • 岗位要求:用标准礼貌的用语接打电话,与潜 在客户有效沟通,为汽车 销售做好准备 • 实训目的: • 应知:了解与客户沟通的基本知识 • 应会:学会管理、开发、搜寻潜在客户 浙江经济职业技术学院 汽车英语实训教材编写组

  4. Auto English Part I Workplace in Miniature

  5. Auto English Scene 1 May I Speak to …?Mr Li is making a phone call. He wants to talk to Mr. Smith. Li Wei: Hello, this is Li Wei from JinTong Auto Sales Company. May I speak to Mr Smith? Mrs. Smith: Hello, but I’m sorry my husband is not in now. Li Wei: Oh, hello, Mrs. Smith. Li Wei: Did you buy your car from our company on 15th Sept. 2006? Mrs. Smith: That’s right. Li Wei: Then the insurance and annual vehicle inspection of your car will be due soon. Would you like us to do these for you? Mrs. Smith: Oh, thank you for reminding me. My husband uses the car often. Will you please contact him? He usually gets home at seven. Li Wei: I see, thank you. I’ll ring him then. Sorry for disturbing you.

  6. Auto English Auto English Scene 1 May I Speak to …?Mr Li is making a phone call. He wants to talk to Mr. Smith. (After seven o’clock, Mr. Li calls Smiths’ again) Li Wei: Hello, Mr. Smith, please? Mr. Smith: Yes. Li Wei: I called your wife right this afternoon, she told me to phone you at this time of the day. Mr. Smith: Oh, yes, she’s already told me. Would you please do the annual vehicle inspection for me? I will renew the insurance myself. Li Wei: OK. With pleasure. Er, you have had the car for four years. Do you plan to buy a new one? Mr. Smith: Well, I may give it a thought. Li Wei: Oh, yes? What type of car do you have in mind? If you buy from us, we can do second-hand car exchange for you, and you can enjoy a much bigger discount as well. Mrs. Smith: Good. We may visit your store sometime. Li Wei: OK. Then I can make you a detailed introduction. Mrs. Smith: Great. Li Wei: See you then. Bye-bye. Mrs. Smith: Bye. 浙江经济职业技术学院 汽车英语实训教材编写组

  7. Auto English New words • Auton. n. [美]汽车 • Insurance n. 保险 • Due adj. 到期的 • Remind v. 提醒 • Disturb v. 打扰,妨碍 • Detailed adj. 详细的,详尽的 • Renew v. 继续,延长 • Contact v. 联系 • Discount n. 折扣

  8. Auto English Notes • annual vehicle inspection 汽车年检 • renew the car insurance 续保 • second-hand car exchange 二手车置换

  9. Auto English Scene 2 Are You Free Tomorrow Morning or Afternoon? Li Wei:Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Harry? Mr. Harry:This is Harry speaking. Li Wei:Mr. Harry, this is Li Wei from JinTong Auto Sales Company. Yesterday you came to our company and showed great interest in our cars, but left at once. I would like to explain our cars and service to you. Mr. Harry: Yes, I had a call, and then I had to go. Go ahead. Li Wei:So, Mr. Harry, which model do you prefer? Mr. Harry:I’m interested in Toyota GL 1.6 MT. Li Wei:You have made a good choice. We can definitely fit your needs, and can I make a suggestion? Mr. Harry: Sure. What is it? Li Wei is making an appointment with Mr. Harry by phone.

  10. Auto English Scene 2 Are You Free Tomorrow Morning or Afternoon? Li Wei is making an appointment with Mr. Harry by phone. Li Wei: If it is convenient to you tomorrow, I will pay you a visit for a detailed explanation. In this way, you can have a better idea of the car. Do you agree? Mr. Harry: Yes. How much time will it take? Li Wei: No more than 60 minutes. Will you be free on tomorrow morning or afternoon? Mr. Harry: Afternoon is good for me. Li Wei: Would 14:30 be all right? Mr. Harry: It’s OK. Li Wei: Good. I’ll visit you then at 14:30 tomorrow afternoon.

  11. Auto English New words • Appointment n. 预约, 约会 • model n. 型号 • prefer v. 更喜欢,选择 • definitely adv. 一定地, 肯定地 • Convenient adj. 方便的

  12. Auto English Notes • go ahead 请说 • show great interest in 对…表现出极大的兴趣 • at once 立刻,马上 • Toyota GL 1.6MT 丰田1.6升手动挡标准型 • GL-grand luxury 基本型 • MT-manual transmission 手动 • fit sb’s needs 满足某人的需求 • How much time will it take? 要花多长时间?

  13. Auto English Choose the right answer according to what you’ve watched. Scene 1 Exercise

  14. Auto English Fill the blanks with the information mentioned in the video. Scene 2 Exercise Telemarketing Log Sales Dept. Daily, XXX

  15. Auto English Part II Situational Practice

  16. Auto English Situation Task 1 Take turns to be A, a salesman in an auto sales company. Student B takes the role of the customer, who shows great interest in the cars, but he doesn’t tell if he wants to buy, then he leaves the store. Now A phones B. Try to speak fluently and naturally.

  17. Auto English Task 1 Situation For Student A (a salesman) • Ask the customer whether he plans to buy a car. • Introduce the cars and service. • Ask the customer which model he prefers. • Suggest a visit to the customer for a detailed explanation. • Arrange an appointment with the customer.

  18. Auto English Task 1 Situation For Student B (a customer) • Explain why left at once last time. • Tell the salesman which car you are interested in. • Ask some questions about the model. • Agree with the salesman’s suggestion. • Discuss the time to meet.

  19. Auto English Useful Patterns • Don’t I know you? 我好像认识您。 • I’ve heard a great deal about you. 久仰大名。 • I can’t thank you enough. 真不知道该如何感谢您。 • You have made a good choice. 您的眼力真不错。 • Thank you for spending so much time answering my questions. 谢谢您花那么多时间回答我的问题。

  20. Auto English Useful Patterns • Don’t forget I’ll invite you out to dinner tonight. 别忘了今晚我邀请你到外面去吃饭。 • Shall we say seven o’clock? 那说好七点钟,行吗? • I’m sorry to take you so long time. 很抱歉占用你这么长时间。 • Shall we fix a time for a talk? 我们能约个时间谈谈吗? • A friend of mine recommended you. 我的一个朋友推荐我来找你。

  21. Auto English Task 2 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 你今天有空还是明天有空? (Will you be free…) 2. 我们能完全满足您的需求。 (We can definitely…) 3. 我会拜访您,向您做仔细说明。 (I will pay a…) 4. 难道您对购买新车不感兴趣吗? (Don’t you take…) 5. 我希望没有打扰你们吃饭。(I hope…)

  22. Auto English Part III Secret to your success in career

  23. Auto English Secret to your success in career Before you make a phone call, you’d better prepare for it and work out an outline 打电话之前,你应该有所准备,列出一个电话提纲(或者事先填写客服电话记录。

  24. Auto English Secret to your success in career • Telephone number, name, gender and age of the customer 客户的电话号码、姓名、性别、年龄等信息 • What to talk about 电话内容 • Why do you want to make the call; 打电话的目的 • When to make the call 选择什么时间打电话

  25. Auto English steps to make a business call • Introduce yourself (including the name of your company, your name and the department you’re from) 自我介绍(公司名称,本人的姓名, 职务) • Ask for a connection to the person you want to talk and check the name of the person you want to talk to 告诉对方你要找的人,确认对方的姓名

  26. Auto English steps to make a business call • Indicate the purpose of the call 明示对方你打电话的目的 • Thank the person for the time and attention 感谢对方接听你的电话 • End the call 结束电话

  27. Auto English Choose the right answer according to what you’ve watched. Scene 1 Exercise

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