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How to Fix Error Google Chrome Not Responding | 1-866-535-7333

Error! Google is the World famous company Google provide all interenet services and Google have Milions of Traffic and users for Google.com and Google Chrome is the Very popular Browser in the world but many users facing issue with google chrome browser, if your Google chrome Not Responding and Did not working properly so learn here How to Fix Google Chrome Not Responding Error. <br>

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How to Fix Error Google Chrome Not Responding | 1-866-535-7333

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  1. How to Fix Error Google Chrome Not Responding Contact us: +1-866-535-7333

  2. Google Chrome Not Responding

  3. Complete Solution to find if Google chrome not responding Is there any error in your Google chrome , which is not responding due to unknown glitches so you should know Google chrome offer the repair services to fix easy steps when its not responding over the internet. If you are unable to fix Google chrome not responding problem simply delete from your device and again download it

  4. Steps 1: Clean and Clear the Cookies if chrome not responding Cookies is the small piece of data whenever you visit a new website. It will record your preferences, browsing history and all such other info. When you visit the same website again, this file will be used to remember who you are and what you saw in that website etc. Every additional KB you add up to the “Temporary memory” will slow down your system. By default, Google chrome allows cookies from all websites. But you can control this in settings. Open menu Click “Settings->show advanced settings“ Expand the “Privacy Section” and Click “Content settings”

  5. Step 2 : Close all non responsive windows When you will open more than two browser on internet its seem like to be crashes or  few tabs will get frozen so you need to close all non responding windows to fix issue Google chrome not responding. Please open you Google chrome task manager and press the key “Shift+Esc” or go to More Tools and click on Task Manager. On next windows you can see the procession of and running of all extension’s. Select the crashing tab/frozen tab and hit end address.

  6. Step 3: Disable all the Extensions You can try to disable all third party extension to fix out Google chrome not responding error Spot that one and disable it permanently. Hopefully, it will fix the issue. Open Menu Go to More Tools and choose Extensions. It will show you all the extensions which install in google chrome browser.

  7. Step 4 : Turn off the Sandbox Mode Try to disable or turn off sandbox mode to fix chrome not responding , its a security bundle which can make your browser unresponsive. Right click on the Google chrome short cut (In Desktop). Select “Properties” and navigate to the tab “Shortcut”. Append the string “-no-sandbox-” at the end of target field.

  8. Step 5: Clean up all Local Storage One other reason experts claim for chrome not responding is, the storage of Corrupted files. These files are already corrupted so clean those up from your system right away.  Open “control panel-> Folder options”  Expand the tab named “View” Under Hidden Files and folders, choose the option “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”. Hit ok. Now open the Folder named “Local Storage” by navigating through the path “C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\” Data stored here are all unusable. Select all and delete. Now re-launch the browser and check to see whether the issue is fixed of google chrome not responding

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