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Using the Community as a resource in language teacher education

Amparo Clavijo Olarte Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos é de Caldas, Bogot á Colombia Judy Sharkey, University of New Hampshire Manchester, NH USA. Using the Community as a resource in language teacher education. Roots of the Bogot á -Manchester Collaboration: City as Curriculum.

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Using the Community as a resource in language teacher education

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  1. AmparoClavijoOlarte Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá Colombia Judy Sharkey, University of New Hampshire Manchester, NH USA Using the Community as a resource in language teacher education

  2. Roots of the Bogotá-Manchester Collaboration: City as Curriculum

  3. Multiyear project Question: How do we promote knowledge of/in local communities as rich resources for language teaching and learning and integrate community-based pedagogies into our teacher education programs? Question: How might sharing this work across our contexts be mutually beneficial? Insightful?

  4. Community-based pedagogies Curriculum and practices that reflect knowledge and appreciation of the communities in which schools are located and students and their families inhabit. It is an asset-based approach that does not ignore the realities of curriculum standards that teachers must address but emphasizes local knowledge and resources as starting points for teaching and learning. (Sharkey & ClavijoOlarte, 2012, p. 41)

  5. Judy’s context Manchester NH Pop 108,000; @ 15,000 K-12 students Growing immigrant/refugee population (70+ languages) 40% + ELL pop in one school; 20% in some other schools The most CLD schools have highest poverty rates (85% at one) These schools have the lowest scores -and facing punitive actions

  6. Amparo’scontext Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. MA Applied Linguistics Bogotá pop: @7 million Large number of displaced children in the poorest public Schools. Many don’t speak Spanish as their first language (L1). MA students work in variety of settings: public & private schools, language schools, and universities. They are all in-service teachers.

  7. Similar challenges, different contexts • Poorest schools are the most cult/ling diverse • Over reliance/ emphasis on scripted, imposed curriculum & testing • Practices/policies devalue/ ignore the cult/ling identities of our students/families • Teachers don’t know how to use ss’ knowledge/experiences in curriculum

  8. Local realities reflect larger narratives Transmigrant reality of the 21st century Demographic imperative Restrictive national language policies: Colombia Bilingüe; NCLB Increased standardization in testing and curriculum

  9. Key concepts Community Teacher (Murrell, 2001; 2003): “Possesses contextualized knowledge of the culture, community, and identity of the children and families he/she serves and draws on this knowledge to create core teaching practices necessary for effectiveness in diverse settings” (2001, p. 51) Community-situated pedagogies (Schecter, Solomon, and Kittmer, 2003): Posits community as curriculum resource and challenges teachers to design and implement pedagogies based on community knowledge

  10. Community Based Pedagogies in LTE

  11. Integrating activities at various points in courses & experiences Seminar on Literacy: Investigate the city libraries Intro to Research: Community Mapping

  12. Community Projects with Teachers in Bogota

  13. Community investigations

  14. Mapeo en la comunidad escolar. Explorar los activos y las ventajas de la comunidad, Identificar los aspectos positivos del entorno •EspaciosFísicos: Parques, jardines. Zoologicos, areas verdes, viaspeatonales, paradas de bus etc. • Asociaciones:grupossociales; gruposEducativos; asociacionescaritativas; gruposambientales, clubesculturles, sindicatos • Individuos: Diferentestipos de personas en el barrio, familias, lideres en la comunidad, ancianos. • Instituciones: Bibliotecaspublicas, iglesias, hospitales, colegios, policia, bomberos. • Economia Local:Todos los defferentestipos de negociosexistentes. • Ahoramiremossitenemos de estosbeneficios en nuestroentorno. Encontremos de las 5 categorias

  15. Conexionescon los estándares Ciencias Naturales Lenguaje Recursos& conocimientos de la communidad Sociales Inglés

  16. ESTANDARES: Lenguaje(grado 6 a 7)Identifico en situacionescomunicativasauténticasalgunasvarianteslingüísticas de mi entorno, generadasporubicacióngeográfica, diferencia social o generacional, profesión, oficio, entre otras.

  17. ESTANDARES: Cienciasnaturales(grados 6-7)Identificorecursosrenovables y no renovables y los peligros a los queestánexpuestosdebido al desarrollo de los gruposhumanos

  18. Linguistic landscaping: how are languages/images used? For what purpose? Who’s the audience?

  19. Planning the language project 8th grade

  20. Implementation • Foto Michelle (paroagrario) • Video corto de lenguaje? Química?

  21. Results & Significance Positive: Increased and/or changed awareness of local resources and the neighborhoods Making new connections with students and families in out of school contexts Becoming more critical Generating Curricular ideas/possibilities

  22. Conclusions

  23. References Albuja, S. & Ceballos, M. (2010). Urban displacement and migration in Colombia. Forced Migration Review, 34, pp.10-11. Barton, D., Hamilton, M., & Ivanic, R. (2000). Situated literacies: Reading and writing in context. NewYork: Routledge. Block, D. (2006). Multilingual identities in a global city: London stories. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Delanty, G (2010). Community (2nd Edition). New York: Routledge. Freire, P. (1988/1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed . New York, NY: Continuum. Gee, J. (2004). Situated language and learning . New York: Routledge. González, A. (2007). Professional development of teachers in Colombia: Between colonial and academic practices. Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura , 12 (18), 309-332. Gruenewald, D. (2003a). The best of both worlds: A critical pedagogy of place. Educational Researcher, 32, (4), pp. 3–12 Gruenewald, D. (2003b). Foundations of place: A multidisciplinary framework for place-conscious education. American Educational Research Journal. 40, (3), pp. 619–654 Moll, L., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge for teaching: Using a qualitative approach to connect homes and classrooms. Theory into Practice , 31 (2), 132-141. Murrell, P. (2001). The community teacher: A new framework for effective urban teaching. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

  24. Sharkey, J. & Clavijo-Olarte, A. (2012). Community-based pedagogies: Projects and possibilities in Colombiaand the US. In Honigsfeld, A. & Cohen, A. (Eds). Breaking the mold of education for culturally andlinguistically diverse students: Innovative and successful practices for 21st century schools. Lantham, MD: Rowmanand Littlefield. Wright, W. (2005). Evolution of federal policy and implications of No Child Left Behind or language minority students . (EPSL-501-101-LPRU). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University.

  25. Mubabiazeburata Bienvenidos a mi mundo Mu Alba Lucía abatau Soy Alba Lucía

  26. Te Invito a mi vida Fecha actual Mu Alba Lucíaabatau Me llamo Alba Lucía Mu poagarâKimanea Tengosieteaños Mu Kidea Embera Chamin Soy Embera katio Mu todajadapurure Risaralda de. Soy de Risaralda Hablo Embera Y Español. Fechasimportantes Nacimiento

  27. Y ahora… Bogota puru Y llegamos a una ciudad el día: ______________________ _________________________ El clima era… ______________________________Y yo me sentia …. ____________________________________________________________ Nos quedamos en ______________________________ durante ______________________________ Y luego __________________________________________________________________________________________ Decidimos vivir en los martires porque_____________________________________________________ Luego de ___________ meses. Vivimos en Bogota, Mipapátrabaja como_____________________________________________________________________________________, y mi mamá______________________________________________________ Vivimos en ____________________________________________________________ con_____________________________________________________________________________________ Me siento__________________________________________________________________________________

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