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Do you plan for your study?

Do you plan for your study?. What factors should be considered when planning for your study?. How do you allocate your time?. Do you allocate it evenly or allocate more time to your favorite subjects?.

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Do you plan for your study?

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  1. Do you plan for your study? What factors should be considered when planning for your study?

  2. How do you allocate your time? Do you allocate it evenly or allocate more time to your favorite subjects?

  3. Now let’s turn to the topic of investment planning. What factors do you think should be considered when planning investing? List as many as you can come up with.

  4. Investments are scary for some people, especially those who have never invested before. We grow up hearing horror stories about how this person or that person lost everything they had on some bad investment odd years ago and it builds in us a fear of investing. Most investments have some risk so you need to take great care. It is important to have a good investment plan.

  5. Unit 8 Investment planning

  6. When investing, it is important that you know where to invest and how much money to invest, as well as the return on the investment and the risk involved. Investment planning will also involve having a good knowledge of investments.

  7. Subject Investment planning Modifying Investment to maximize long-term gains Maintaining Records and Monitoring Investment Selecting a mix of Investment

  8. Investments Investments serve different purposes for different persons in different circumstances. For some, it provides security for the future, while for others it is a financial instrument to earn good returns in short term. Generally, people invest in mutual funds, stocks, government and other securities, real estate and several other assets. A good investment portfolio has a mix of highly liquid and less liquid assets. It is also a mix of short-term and long-term investments.

  9. Investment companies There are companies and professionals which can advise you in terms of making investment decisions. There are also companies which are ready to make investments on your behalf. Some of them ensure a minimum rate of returns, while others do not. Before making an investment in any such company, be sure about its credentials. If one doesn't want to hire a company one can make investments individually also. But if you are a new investor avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Make diversified investments instead.

  10. 绿色贷款干涸

  11. Important points accounts property shares 1. Selecting a mix of investment There are three broad categories of investment options:

  12. Each category there are different types of investment that vary in the level of their return, their potential for growth and their level of security. People in different age are interested in different investment. Can you give an example?

  13. Suggested keys Young investors are usually interested in investments which bring them capital growth, such as shares, property. Middle-aged investors are usually interested in a mix of investments giving growth and income. Aging investors are interested in a mix of investments that put less emphasis of growth and more on return and security.

  14. What is the purpose of selecting a mix of investment? To spread the risk in case some of your individual investments do not perform well and deliver poor results.

  15. Suppose you had invested only in gold when it was at its record level of 850, and now it falls to below 500. what will happen to your investment money? You will lose a lot of your wealth.

  16. The situation mentioned above will happen at times. For example, governments can alter business taxation levels, or change the controls they impose on business operations. China is part of the global economy and what happens overseas has a big impact on business here, and therefore the performance of investments. So investors must learn to spreading the risk.

  17. Investment funds Investment fund is the investment of money for profit. The benefits of investment funds, where individuals from all walks of life pool their savings together, can be summed up as offering everybody from professional or institutional investors to people with limited time, or limited investment skills or modest means — access to investment returns otherwise only available to more sophisticated investors, who are able to buy their own professional portfolio management advice.

  18. Money Market Funds Bond Funds Equity Funds Balanced Funds Different kinds of investment funds Investment funds can be classified according to their investment objectives.

  19. Spreading the risk Spreading the risk is when investors choose a range of investment options. Investment go through cycles, performing well for a time but when having a slump, so it is important to choose different types of investment for your portfolio.

  20. Investment Discipline There is a "secret" to investing and it is one word—sell. You must have to discipline to remove yourself from losing positions. In many cases brokers try to talk you out of selling, but your discipline will require you to be firm. You must protect your money; insist on protection of your investments. Why do you want to wait for your stocks to drop 30, 40, 50% or more when you could have placed an Open Stop Loss Order with your.

  21. 2. Maintaining records and monitoring investments Monitoringinvestments Monitoring investments is essential. It gives the investor an opportunity to examine the performance of their investment. How can an investor get information about the performance of their investments?

  22. Newspapers, specialist magazines. Annual reports by companies. Internet . Suggested keys

  23. Example of monitoring investment Term deposit with a bank They are easy to monitor. They are set up with a fixed amount of money for a set amount of time at a set interest rate. At maturity the investor is able to take all the money from the account or re-invest.

  24. If the investor thinks that interest rates are going to rise in the short term, they may wait to re-invest. If interest rates are expected to fall, it may be wise to invest now for a longer period of time.

  25. Why have investment plans ? A investment plan is a means for you to follow a certain arrangement or procedure, it is a method of action that will aid you to ensure a successful investment. With a concrete definite plan of action, directed toward a predetermined goal, the most difficult aspect of successful investing in is already accomplished. Set your investment goals high, and steadily aim for them. Make up your mind you are going to fulfill them and get excited about them, and your goals will become a reality!

  26. It is essential to keep accurate records of investments. You need to know how much you have earned interest, dividends and capital gains. The owner will need to be able to produce original ownership documents to avoid problems when selling the assets or claming funds as the investment reaches maturity. Keep records of investments

  27. 1. why do investors show great interest in the price movements of their shares? 2. What will share holders do if the share price fall?

  28. 1. Because the share price are directly linked to their capital gains. If the price rise, they gain money; if the price fall, they lose money. They need to decide whether to sell the shares hold onto the shares as the price change. 2. That depends. If the price of the shares is falling, an investor may choose to sell the shares rather than risk a bigger loss. But if the investors expect their price to rise again soon they may buy even more shares while their price is low.

  29. 3. Modifying investments to maximize long-term gains Circumstance change and the wise investor needs to watch the progress of their investments carefully. By switching their investments to get the best return possible, investors will be able to take advantage of any ‘ups’ and smooth out the inevitable ‘downs’.

  30. Focus Your Investments on the Long Term Long term investing or "Buy and Hold" is not about hunches, emotions, stock tips, market timing or making quick profits! It's about using proven long-term strategies to accumulate wealth over time! Here are some guidelines for long-term growth stock investors

  31. Buy good, strong growth companies with proven track records. Invest with a long-term perspective and reinvest any dividends you receive. Keep on investing regularly and don't try to make a quick profit. Don't buy concept stocks, but select quality stocks, and always keep your portfolio diversified.

  32. By having a good investment plan and modifying their investment mix over a shorter period of time, investor can gain the maximum possible return on their investments over the long term. What is the relation and difference between “monitoring” and “modifying” investment?

  33. Monitoring investment is a process of watching and judging, while modifying investments is the measure taken as a result of the monitoring. In other words, it is usually the case that after a process of monitoring, the investor finally decide to modifying their investments.

  34. Comprehension • It is important that you know how much risk is • involved in an investment, as well as the return • and the chance of capital growth. • ☻be involved in: 涉及到,;关注 • ☻as well as:(除...之外)也,又 (1)They were involved in a long legal wrangle over payment. 他们在付款问题上陷入长期纠纷。

  35. (2) I was so involved in my books that I didn’t hear you knock. 我在全神贯注的看书,没听到你敲门。 (3)You must deposit 500 as well as the first month's rent. 你必须付500英镑押金及第一个月的租赁费。 (4)Do you burn coal as well as wood on this fire? 你是不是用煤也用木头 生这炉火? (5)He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既种菜也种花.

  36. 2. Investors nearing retirement would be looking for a mix of investments that put less emphasis on growth and more on return and security. ☻Put emphasis on:重视,强调 (1)They put emphasis on quality rather than on quantity. 他们重质不重量。(2)They put emphasis on making to quota this quarter. 他们强调要达到这一季的配额。

  37. 3. The purpose of selecting a mix of investments is to spread the risk in case some of your individual investments do not perform well and deliver poor results. ☻in case:以防,如果 (1)Take the raincoat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨。 (2)In case I forget, please remind me. 万一我忘记, 请提醒我。

  38. 4. Not all investments do poorly at the same time. Diversifying into different investments spreads risk and helps maintain returns. ☻not all:并非所有的,不都是 • Not all of us agree with you. • 并不是我们所有人都同意你的意见。 • (2) Not all car owners are good drivers. • 不是所有车主都是好的驾驶员。

  39. 5. If the investor thinks that interest rates are going to rise in the short term, they may wait to re-invest and get the advantage of the higher interest rate. ☻get the advantage of:获得先机 (1)She got the advantage of a good education. 她具有受过良好教育的优先条件。 (2)A small car has got the advantage of being cheaper to run. 小轿车的一个优点就是运行成本比较便宜。

  40. 6. By switching their investments to get the best return possible, investors will be able to take advantage of any ‘ups’ and smooth out the inevitable ‘downs’. ☻smooth out: 缓和,减轻,弄平 (1)She smoothed wrinkles out of the tablecloth. 她把桌布上的皱褶弄平。 (2)Our advice helped them to smooth out their relationship. 我们的建议帮助他们消除了相互关系中 的障碍。

  41. Language study Useful words • monitoring investment • The process of watching for movements in the value of an investment to determine if it is still worthwhile holding onto or selling because of poor returns. • 2. annual report • A review of the company’s performance that is released to all shareholders once a year at the company’s Annual General Meeting.

  42. 3. online trading The use of the internet to purchase and sell shares through stockbrokers. 4. modifying investments Changing the mixture of your investment portfolio to suit changing conditions and needs.

  43. Words 1. board adj. 宽广的, 清楚无误的, 明显的, 粗俗的 (1)The broad highway has six traffic lanes. 那条宽阔的公路有六线车道。 (2)She criticized them in broad phrases. 她对他们作了坦率的批评。 (3)The kidnapping occurred in broad daylight. 在光天化日之下竟发生绑架事件. (4)The menu offers a broad choice of desserts. 菜单上有各式各样的甜点心。

  44. 2. category n. 种类, 类别(1)Time, place, quantity and quality are categories. 时、空、质、量都是范畴。 (2)A category created for purposes of competition, as in boxing. 分类项目为比赛目的而分的级, 如在拳击比赛 中。 (3)The strings are a category of musical instruments. 弦乐器是乐器的一种。

  45. 3. alter v. 改变(1)I'll have to alter the diagram. I've made a mistake. 我得修改图表. 我出了点儿错。 (2)He's my alter ego, we go everywhere together. 他是我的知己--彼此形影不离。 (3)Circumstances alter cases. 具体情况具体分析。

  46. 4. portfolio n. 文件夹, 作品集, 证券投资组合(1)He went through drawer after drawer and eventually searched out a dusty portfolio. 他一个一个抽屉查找, 后来终于找出了一 份沾满灰尘的文件夹。 (2)The artist showed us a portfolio of her drawings. 艺术家给我们展示了她的绘画代表作品。

  47. 5. essential n. 要素, 要点 In considering this problem, you should grasp its essentials. 在考虑这一问题时, 你应当抓住实质。 adj. 必要的, 重要的, 本质的 (1)Her most essential quality is kindness. 她最主要的品质是善良。 (2)Food is essential to life. 食物对生命是必不可少的。

  48. 6. monitor n.监督器, 班长, 监听员 (1)The monitor is really a notch above us. 班长确实比我们略胜一筹。 (2)The patient was connected to the monitor. 病人被接上了监测器。 v. 监视, 监听, 监督 (1)The nurse monitored the patient's condition carefully. 护士很细心地监察病人的状况。 (2)It is said that the police monitored his phone calls during that period. 据说警方在那段时间监听了他的电话。

  49. 7. modify vt. 修改, 调正, 缓和 (1)We have to modify our plan a little bit. 我们得对我们的计划稍加修改。 (2)He has modified his demands. 他已降低了他的要求。 (3)A noun sometimes modifies another noun. 一个名词有时候修饰另一个名词。

  50. 8. maintain vt. 维持 The government has taken a measure to maintain the stability of prices. 政府已经采取了措施以确保物价稳定。 vt. 维修, 保养 Frank maintains his car very well. 弗兰克把自己的车子保养得很好。 vt.坚持,断言 He maintains that he once saw a UFO. 他坚持称自己曾看见过飞碟。

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