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The Past Participle and the Present Perfect Indicative

The Past Participle and the Present Perfect Indicative. (El participio pasado y el presente perfecto de indicativo). He limpiado el virus de su computadora y he instalado un programa antivirus. How the past participle is formed. For - ar verbs:. Start with the infinitive . . .

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The Past Participle and the Present Perfect Indicative

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Past Participle and the Present Perfect Indicative (El participio pasado y el presente perfecto de indicativo) He limpiado el virus de su computadora y he instalado un programa antivirus.

  2. How the past participle is formed For -ar verbs: Start with the infinitive . . . remove the verb ending . . . and add ado. cerr ado ar For -erand-ir verbs: Start with the infinitive . . . remove the verb ending . . . and add ido. vend er ido recib ido ir

  3. How the past participle is formed The past participle is used in Spanish and English as an adjective or as part of the perfect tenses. In English, it is usually the -ed or -en form of the verb. tomar comer vivir tomado (taken) comido (eaten) vivido (lived) An accent mark is used when a past participle has the combination of vowels ai, ei, or oi. creer creído believed oír oído heard leer leído read traer traído brought

  4. How the past participle is formed The following verbs have irregular past participles. abrir abierto opened morir muerto dead cubrir cubierto covered poner puesto put decir dicho said romper roto broken descubrir descubierto discovered ver visto seen escribir escrito written volver vuelto returned hacer hecho done; made

  5. The past participle used as an adjective In both English and Spanish, the past participle may be used as an adjective to modify a noun. The Spanish past participle used as an adjective agrees in number and gender with the noun it modifies. Vimos las conferencias grabadas por nuestro supervisor. We saw the conferences recorded by our supervisor. Hay muchos programas escritos en Visual Basic. There are many programs written in Visual Basic.

  6. The past participle used as an adjective The verb estar may be used with the past participle to describe a state or condition resulting from a previous action. When used with estar, the past participle is an adjective and agrees in number and gender with the noun it modifies. El libro está cerrado. La puerta está cerrada. Los escritorios están vendidos. Las computadoras están vendidas.

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