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How do you spell STRESS?

How do you spell STRESS?. How do you define stress? It is the reaction or response to events or situations that threaten or disrupt our normal patterns or routines. It wears us down physically, emotionally and psychologically. STRESS.

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How do you spell STRESS?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How do you spell STRESS?

  2. How do you define stress? • It is the reaction or response to events or situations that threaten or disrupt our normal patterns or routines. • It wears us down physically, emotionally and psychologically. STRESS

  3. Some stress is beneficial because it compels us to take action and to move in a different direction. • The increased adrenaline helps us perform at higher levels. Is it beneficial?

  4. When stress increases, our ability to deal with and control the stress decreases. • What happens to you when you feel out of control? What happens when it increases?

  5. Do you suffer from any of these? • Headaches • Backaches • Insomnia • Fatigue • Anxiety attacks • Mood swings • Depression • Forgetfulness • Carelessness • Irritability Early warning signs…

  6. When things get out of hand, the stress hinders our performance. • It affects our cognitive abilities • Our working memory is compromised. • Our long-term memory retrieval is slower. • We cannot make wise decisions. • We cannot solve problems. • We lose our ability to concentrate. Excessive stress

  7. Excessive stress from unresolved issues has serious physical issues: • Increased pulse rate • Faster breathing • Higher blood pressure • Weakening of the immune system • Endorphin level drops (the happy neurochemical) • Ulcers, heart attacks, strokes, depression What’s the cost?

  8. Managing stress is a lifelong skill that affects the quality of your life. • Ask yourself: how do you perceive external situations? • Then ask yourself: How do you respond or handle these external situations? So, help me manage my stress!

  9. Interact with others. Social interaction creates opportunities for laughter, bonding, and finding a zest for life! Here are some tools!

  10. Redirect your emotions. Engage in activities that create positive emotions. • This reduces the intensity of your emotional reaction to stress. • Engage in hobbies that bring you pleasure. • Get your mind away from the issue • When you revisit it, you may see it more clearly, more objectively! Another tip!

  11. Talk it out with others. We cannot always solve our problems ourselves. • We make mountains out of molehills. • Others may see our problem more objectively. This always works!

  12. Take time to center yourself. • Engage in an activity that calms you, like yoga, prayer, biofeedback. • Make a conscious effort to block out the world and temporarily shield yourself. • DAYDREAM! This is my favorite tip!

  13. Take a mental vacation. Create a mental picture. • Visit your favorite place in your mind’s eye! • Through the power of association, you can move your thoughts to this place where you separate yourself in a healthy way! This one’s CHEAP!

  14. Journal writing provides an outlet to describe your feelings or concerns privately. • Tap into some of your thoughts in a non-threatening way. • By reading through old journal entries, you discover you sorted through your issues and survived! • Do not share your journals! They’re yours! Writing always helps!

  15. Nutrition: watch what you eat and how your intake may contribute to how you react to stressors. • Sit down and eat your meals. No more eating on-the-run! A healthy lifestyle helps!

  16. Exercise reduces the physiological effects of stress. • It gets oxygen moving to your brain. • Concentration increases. • It improves your cardiovascular system. • Strengthens your body, making it resistant to the physical/emotional effects of stress. Get off your bum!

  17. SLEEP! • You may need to reset your body clock! • This may take three weeks! • Your goal is to create a pattern that gives you eight hours of sound sleep. • Try to rise at the same time every day. • Try to go to bed at the same time. Ah, a chance to dream!

  18. Soothing mask • Relaxation blanket • Breath by threes • Deep breathing • Deep muscle relaxation • Yoga Techniques to try

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