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Figures from Chapter 13 State History Diagrams

Figures from Chapter 13 State History Diagrams. Dirk Draheim, Gerald Weber Form-Oriented Analysis Springer, October 2004. Fig.13.2. A formchart is derived from the semantic framework. formchartframework. shdframework. pageServer. ClientPage. ServerAction. StartState. ServerPage.

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Figures from Chapter 13 State History Diagrams

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Figures from Chapter 13State History Diagrams Dirk Draheim, Gerald Weber Form-Oriented Analysis Springer, October 2004.

  2. Fig.13.2.A formchart is derived from the semantic framework formchartframework shdframework pageServer ClientPage ServerAction StartState ServerPage Category WelcomeLink Welcome ViewCategory Springer Verlag 2004

  3. Fig.13.3.The object net over a formchart is a path WelcomeLink Welcome Category ViewCategory singleInstance:CurrentEnd Springer Verlag 2004

  4. Fig.13.4.A login subdialogue as UML state machine submit [valid password] Welcome Login submit [invalid password] Springer Verlag 2004

  5. Fig.13.6.Example of path expressions x v y A B C D w z B’ duplicate x v y aA:A aB1:B aC1:C aC1:C aC1:C v y aB2:B aC2:C aC2:C aC2:C aC2:C w y result bag aB’:B’ aC3:C w z Springer Verlag 2004

  6. Fig.13.7.UML tree definition parent <<singleton>> Root 1 {xor} 1..* 1..* Node parent 1 Leaf InnerNode Springer Verlag 2004

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