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Aboriginal Dreamtimes Business Streamlines

2. Summary. ITC staff development is under prioritized for Indigenous employees in Central Australia, internally and externally.The rigid Nationally standardised curricula is inadequate for many remote and urban based workers, and fails to support and nourish the real skills needed to flourish in t

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Aboriginal Dreamtimes Business Streamlines

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    1. 1 Aboriginal Dreamtimes Business Streamlines Towards a pedagogy of the Distressed [or how to get a Learner from Zero to Nero] by Fred Richardson Centralian College Staff Development/Remote Areas ITC Northern Territory Australia The presentation is a response to what I see as an alarming tendency to disregard the critical importance of ITC staff development in Aboriginal Resource Organisations specifically and Adult Educational Institutions [TAFE] more generally. The presentation is a response to what I see as an alarming tendency to disregard the critical importance of ITC staff development in Aboriginal Resource Organisations specifically and Adult Educational Institutions [TAFE] more generally.

    2. 2 Summary ITC staff development is under prioritized for Indigenous employees in Central Australia, internally and externally. The rigid Nationally standardised curricula is inadequate for many remote and urban based workers, and fails to support and nourish the real skills needed to flourish in todays Global Information Economy Economic and social equity these days is underpinned by the capacity to collaborate, innovate, create and operate independently via ITC. Opportunistic and entrepreneurial free thinking is essential in the emergent new economy. And when it gets right down to it, the skills needed to play in this league already exist in many of our learners

    3. 3 When sheep get stuck on a mountain ledge Farmers have to bring them down and pen them up for 3 days. If they dont, the sheep go back to where they felt safe, stuck but safe A similar thing often happens when under confident [distressed] computer users try something new: it backfires, lost files, crash etc Timid users go back to working only in the areas they felt safe in, stuck but safe. The opportunity to share, experiment, create, contribute and to exercise talent is relinquished. Summary for Dummies: A lot of ITC users who try to help themselves and fail, often give up and stick to the stuff they're familiar with. =========================================================== First of all a simile to suggest how lack of confidence and ignorance of the bigger picture i.e. the interconnected infoscape dataspehere cyberspace [how to navigate, innovate, create and communicate in todays ITC domain] regularly prevents talented Indigenous employees from exercising their imagination & creativity. This loss of free thought is currently contributing to a second wave of marginalisation among Indigenous cultures, and acts to deplete the available talent pool of many hard working Aboriginal Resource Organisations [AROs] Theres a lot of office workers out there who who havent got the confidence or basic skills to play around with ideas. Summary for Dummies: A lot of ITC users who try to help themselves and fail, often give up and stick to the stuff they're familiar with. =========================================================== First of all a simile to suggest how lack of confidence and ignorance of the bigger picture i.e. the interconnected infoscape dataspehere cyberspace [how to navigate, innovate, create and communicate in todays ITC domain] regularly prevents talented Indigenous employees from exercising their imagination & creativity. This loss of free thought is currently contributing to a second wave of marginalisation among Indigenous cultures, and acts to deplete the available talent pool of many hard working Aboriginal Resource Organisations [AROs] Theres a lot of office workers out there who who havent got the confidence or basic skills to play around with ideas.

    4. 4 Walkabout The notion of equitably traveling the ITC terrain requires one to have a general overview of the landscape and some basic operating skills. A culturally pro-active role in today's Global Information Economy requires both preservation of the past and visionary projection into the future. Across all skill levels, from janitor to manager, heres some thoughts on how to nourish & liberate talent. So that folk can get down off the ledge, walkabout and share, and maybe sometimes shout. Summary for Dummies: Forget IQ levels, do a web search on multiple intelligences. Theres mobs of Indigenous employees in Central Oz who are incredibly talented , multi lingual and have poor English skills. Locked out of mainstream Ed. Heres some 1st steps on an approach that fast tracks these folk into the creative ITC realm without even opening a text book ===================================================== [1] I dont think its that important these days trying to churn out power users in word, excel etc who can work proficiently in an ergonomically air conditioned gigabit ethernet enabled office. Your average Indigenous employee is better served I believe by engaging in confidence building co-operative learning experiences that value creative, communicative and self sufficient expression with ITC. Basically the aim of this style of Indigenous professional development in ITC is : [a] its about enabling users to take a step backwards so that they may get a clearer view of the ITC domain. And that with a more confident overview, be in a better position to successfully contribute/collaborate ideas, wisdom and knowledge to the emergent Global Information Economy. [b] its about emulating and delivering fabulously expensive [and successful] education models, [ a Liberal Arts University approach?] to your average remote based Indigenous employee. And doing it in a way thats cost effective to training organisations, and immediately useful to recipients. [c] Its about emulating how my 4 year old attacks [not approaches] computing problems [2] At the recent World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education WIPCE [August 2002, Alberta] the Smithsonian Museum gave a great presentation about Digital Repatriation projects they're involved with. Preservation of what has gone before via networked technologies. There were only 4 of us at the conference looking at creative and innovative initiatives to maintain and amplify cultural diversity in the future [3] Personalised staff development across the work pool that seeks to identify and support talent, not just IQ. [4] Who knows what one may imagine Summary for Dummies: Forget IQ levels, do a web search on multiple intelligences. Theres mobs of Indigenous employees in Central Oz who are incredibly talented , multi lingual and have poor English skills. Locked out of mainstream Ed. Heres some 1st steps on an approach that fast tracks these folk into the creative ITC realm without even opening a text book ===================================================== [1] I dont think its that important these days trying to churn out power users in word, excel etc who can work proficiently in an ergonomically air conditioned gigabit ethernet enabled office. Your average Indigenous employee is better served I believe by engaging in confidence building co-operative learning experiences that value creative, communicative and self sufficient expression with ITC. Basically the aim of this style of Indigenous professional development in ITC is : [a] its about enabling users to take a step backwards so that they may get a clearer view of the ITC domain. And that with a more confident overview, be in a better position to successfully contribute/collaborate ideas, wisdom and knowledge to the emergent Global Information Economy. [b] its about emulating and delivering fabulously expensive [and successful] education models, [ a Liberal Arts University approach?] to your average remote based Indigenous employee. And doing it in a way thats cost effective to training organisations, and immediately useful to recipients. [c] Its about emulating how my 4 year old attacks [not approaches] computing problems [2] At the recent World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education WIPCE [August 2002, Alberta] the Smithsonian Museum gave a great presentation about Digital Repatriation projects they're involved with. Preservation of what has gone before via networked technologies. There were only 4 of us at the conference looking at creative and innovative initiatives to maintain and amplify cultural diversity in the future [3] Personalised staff development across the work pool that seeks to identify and support talent, not just IQ. [4] Who knows what one may imagine

    5. 5 alphabet qualifications training Its not necessarily about getting an alphabet after your name Its just about getting clear view of the terrain so that you can participate Its about moving away from old training that tells every one how to do the same things And exploring a cooperative learning style personalised to encourage and experiment with the ways that you already do things. Summary for Dummies: The real employment and fiscal opportunities these days are for free thinking folk with TALENT, and thats a hard concept to pin down. 50% of the jobs available in 2010 dont even exist today Creative opportunism, innovative insight, Cultural cunning. Lets look at how we can expose existing talent in our Indigenous employees ============================================ [1a] The approach seeks to identify and nourish talent and from there help to focus it. IQ does not come into the equation. For example consider Dr. Howard Gardner concept of Multiple Intelligences. www.thomasarmstrong.com/multiple_intelligences.htm [1b] There are a number of points here relating to the actual usefulness of qualifications as opposed to having the raw capacity to be creative, thoughtful and innovative with ITC tools. Theres so many unemployed PhD's around, are qualifications that important in today/tomorrows workplace? See Time Magazine June 10 2002 Young and Jobless See also examples for how the nature of the learning experience in mainstream education is evolving to cope with a workplace that is being constantly re-invented: Quo Vademus; The transformation of schooling in a networked world. R.L Vadesky, C Davis. March 2002. OECD/CERI Schools as social anchors: leadership challenges for uncertain times. R.J Kennedy, Sept 2001 As Ill explain later learners get some qualifications but the fundamental aim is to just get ordinary employees up to a level where they can work by themselves or collaborate as needed in the ITC domain. And to have confidence to be creative and innovative with their ideas, experiment with their talent, and communicate any results via a computer. [2] There can be meaningful participation & input from all [Western recognised] skill lev [a] current adult ITC curricula is [nationally] standardised for Western use, and consequently, unsuitable for Indigenous consumption [b] Even when available as a staff development tool to Indigenous employees, it tends to focuses entirely on telling learners how to do things [i.e. become a power user of MS Word] rather than encouraging learners how to think, be creative, artistic and innovative..The real skills sought and needed in todays Global Information economy. [3] Im finding that running with the skills and methods a learner already HAS is so much more confidence building than trying to get a learner to think like a westerner. A corollary to this is that once users learn basic computer operations in a familiar way, theres often a a trickle down effect: learners pass their new skills on, in language [culturally appropriate ways] to their peers, family, friends etc. A bonus effect of this style is that it actually drives the almighty training $ further. So its just about a small step to release employees into the [self] experimental domain.Summary for Dummies: The real employment and fiscal opportunities these days are for free thinking folk with TALENT, and thats a hard concept to pin down. 50% of the jobs available in 2010 dont even exist today Creative opportunism, innovative insight, Cultural cunning. Lets look at how we can expose existing talent in our Indigenous employees ============================================ [1a] The approach seeks to identify and nourish talent and from there help to focus it. IQ does not come into the equation. For example consider Dr. Howard Gardner concept of Multiple Intelligences. www.thomasarmstrong.com/multiple_intelligences.htm [1b] There are a number of points here relating to the actual usefulness of qualifications as opposed to having the raw capacity to be creative, thoughtful and innovative with ITC tools. Theres so many unemployed PhD's around, are qualifications that important in today/tomorrows workplace? See Time Magazine June 10 2002 Young and Jobless See also examples for how the nature of the learning experience in mainstream education is evolving to cope with a workplace that is being constantly re-invented: Quo Vademus; The transformation of schooling in a networked world. R.L Vadesky, C Davis. March 2002. OECD/CERI Schools as social anchors: leadership challenges for uncertain times. R.J Kennedy, Sept 2001 As Ill explain later learners get some qualifications but the fundamental aim is to just get ordinary employees up to a level where they can work by themselves or collaborate as needed in the ITC domain. And to have confidence to be creative and innovative with their ideas, experiment with their talent, and communicate any results via a computer. [2] There can be meaningful participation & input from all [Western recognised] skill lev [a] current adult ITC curricula is [nationally] standardised for Western use, and consequently, unsuitable for Indigenous consumption [b] Even when available as a staff development tool to Indigenous employees, it tends to focuses entirely on telling learners how to do things [i.e. become a power user of MS Word] rather than encouraging learners how to think, be creative, artistic and innovative..The real skills sought and needed in todays Global Information economy. [3] Im finding that running with the skills and methods a learner already HAS is so much more confidence building than trying to get a learner to think like a westerner. A corollary to this is that once users learn basic computer operations in a familiar way, theres often a a trickle down effect: learners pass their new skills on, in language [culturally appropriate ways] to their peers, family, friends etc. A bonus effect of this style is that it actually drives the almighty training $ further. So its just about a small step to release employees into the [self] experimental domain.

    6. 6 The seeds of this content 1 First project back at College after Uni Research, organise and deploy an e*Learning pilot for ITC staff development. Report findings. 2 After product selection task 1: conduct an ITC skills audit of staff Summary for Dummies: College wide ITC skills audit exposes dismal creative,communicative, and collaborative capacity, especially in the 40+ age bracket. Such lost potential. Its the same in the Indigenous workforce but it cuts in at about 30+ ============================================== Id like to consider briefly how things are shaping up for education delivery to the masses in today's knowledge economy, new economy, I prefer the term Global Information Economy [1] The Company I selected for the e*learning trial were SmartForce: www.smartforce.com. Their blurb: SmartForce, the world's largest and most experienced e-Learning company, provides learning solutions that help enterprises achieve tangible business results, such as driving revenues, increasing efficiencies and reducing costs, in concrete, measurable ways. [2] The ITC skills audit I ran at the College returned an alarmingly poor result for the majority of Lecturers. Many lecturers used the computer as a type writer, end of story. Even staff working in the IT department had advanced ITC skills in their teaching area,s but were significantly lacking across the areas audited, and thus generally unable to participate effectively with the panoply of ITC tools.. See attached Mankato Skills Audit to see which competencies assessed [3] As well as contributing to poor job satisfaction on a personal level the organisation looses out in terms of increased productivity. [4] As I was also scheduled to deliver the ITC component of a Certificate II Business course at Tjuwanpa [200km west of Alice] I ran the skills audit across the staff base there. From executive management to admin assistants it was a similar, possibly worse, situation out bushSummary for Dummies: College wide ITC skills audit exposes dismal creative,communicative, and collaborative capacity, especially in the 40+ age bracket. Such lost potential. Its the same in the Indigenous workforce but it cuts in at about 30+ ============================================== Id like to consider briefly how things are shaping up for education delivery to the masses in today's knowledge economy, new economy, I prefer the term Global Information Economy [1] The Company I selected for the e*learning trial were SmartForce: www.smartforce.com. Their blurb: SmartForce, the world's largest and most experienced e-Learning company, provides learning solutions that help enterprises achieve tangible business results, such as driving revenues, increasing efficiencies and reducing costs, in concrete, measurable ways. [2] The ITC skills audit I ran at the College returned an alarmingly poor result for the majority of Lecturers. Many lecturers used the computer as a type writer, end of story. Even staff working in the IT department had advanced ITC skills in their teaching area,s but were significantly lacking across the areas audited, and thus generally unable to participate effectively with the panoply of ITC tools.. See attached Mankato Skills Audit to see which competencies assessed [3] As well as contributing to poor job satisfaction on a personal level the organisation looses out in terms of increased productivity. [4] As I was also scheduled to deliver the ITC component of a Certificate II Business course at Tjuwanpa [200km west of Alice] I ran the skills audit across the staff base there. From executive management to admin assistants it was a similar, possibly worse, situation out bush

    7. 7 Never mind the quality, feel the width Desktop delivered, intranet administered Large range of simple and complex modules Simple and effective user interface Seamless product operation Self paced Summary for Dummies: Theres some interesting elearning tools out there IF you have a fairly good overview of how ITC all hangs together. BUT, its all about competencies [and thats good for running with the Herds], but it doesnt teach folk how to think for themselves. ======================================================= It became clear very early on that this was WESTERN education, one size fits all and unless you have an excellent command of English, and a functional Big Picture of the networked landscape [cyberspace], this stuff would be of little value to you. So I did not take it out bush but I want to explain what happened at the College to draw perspective, as I feel e*Learning may well become the preferred [cost effective & politically conscionable] way to make training available to the masses. [1] Self paced training on demand was just a login away [2] Modules ranged from intro to word, excel etc up to advanced Java scripting [3] for someone who has fairly basic knowledge of, and experience with interactivity over the net the user interface was relatively easy and intuitive to use. [4] It was loaded onto our Intranet [enabling deployment to all staff] in a few hours and provided a platform where administrators or facilitators could access student progress and results, communicate via email with the students, graph results, compute costing etc. Educational Administration was cut by about 75%. In the e*learning domain Teachers write the original script and facilitators deliver the curriculum. Mass customised, impersonal & standardised education for the masses, teaching you how to do things, not how to think. And it will probably be replacing a teacher near you soon. [5] Ready whenever you are, and admin can see in a keystroke everything youve about.Summary for Dummies: Theres some interesting elearning tools out there IF you have a fairly good overview of how ITC all hangs together. BUT, its all about competencies [and thats good for running with the Herds], but it doesnt teach folk how to think for themselves. ======================================================= It became clear very early on that this was WESTERN education, one size fits all and unless you have an excellent command of English, and a functional Big Picture of the networked landscape [cyberspace], this stuff would be of little value to you. So I did not take it out bush but I want to explain what happened at the College to draw perspective, as I feel e*Learning may well become the preferred [cost effective & politically conscionable] way to make training available to the masses. [1] Self paced training on demand was just a login away [2] Modules ranged from intro to word, excel etc up to advanced Java scripting [3] for someone who has fairly basic knowledge of, and experience with interactivity over the net the user interface was relatively easy and intuitive to use. [4] It was loaded onto our Intranet [enabling deployment to all staff] in a few hours and provided a platform where administrators or facilitators could access student progress and results, communicate via email with the students, graph results, compute costing etc. Educational Administration was cut by about 75%. In the e*learning domain Teachers write the original script and facilitators deliver the curriculum. Mass customised, impersonal & standardised education for the masses, teaching you how to do things, not how to think. And it will probably be replacing a teacher near you soon. [5] Ready whenever you are, and admin can see in a keystroke everything youve about.

    8. 8 Why? Teaching/work loads high Was not seen as being of any immediate usefulness Fear of: the unknown, losing things, breaking things Fuelled by a generally confused & frustrated overview of the ITC landscape; many advanced cul de sac skills but too may Gaps in the users big picture of how ITC all hangs together, preventing one from creatively integrating info. Summary for Dummies: The only people who really got anything out of it were categorically those who were used to fiddling with a computer. Messing about with it till it does what its told. This type of user is confident, and not necessarily COMPETENT, and they usually get there through a process of DISCOVERY LEARNING. Willing to give it a go and not too concerned if they mess things up, because they have an overview of how to recover stuff, how to make copies before they experiment etc. ============================================== Im not against e*learning, rather I feel we have to be aware of its strengths and weaknesses. And that to get the best out of it, some people need to have a certain degree of confidence and competence. This approach seeks to give these skills to its learners. So at once they can creatively participate in the general input of the Global Information economy, and ENGAGE in the new, [and likely to become dominant] paradigm of distributed educational offerings.Summary for Dummies: The only people who really got anything out of it were categorically those who were used to fiddling with a computer. Messing about with it till it does what its told. This type of user is confident, and not necessarily COMPETENT, and they usually get there through a process of DISCOVERY LEARNING. Willing to give it a go and not too concerned if they mess things up, because they have an overview of how to recover stuff, how to make copies before they experiment etc. ============================================== Im not against e*learning, rather I feel we have to be aware of its strengths and weaknesses. And that to get the best out of it, some people need to have a certain degree of confidence and competence. This approach seeks to give these skills to its learners. So at once they can creatively participate in the general input of the Global Information economy, and ENGAGE in the new, [and likely to become dominant] paradigm of distributed educational offerings.

    9. 9 But the hype: Cheap, efficient, quantifiable, qualitative. We believe that education is one of the last bastions of society that has been largely unchanged by the technological advancements that have revolutionised almost every other facet of life e*learning. The engine of the Knowledge Economy Morgan Keegan & Co Inc. The next big killer application for the Internet is going to be education. Education over the Internet is going to be so big it is going to make e-mail look like a rounding error. John Chambers CEO, Cisco Systems. e*learning is currently the most heavily funded and most researched training resource Summary for Dummies: One way or another its coming to an Ed Institute near you.soon. Its too cheap to be ignored. I want to applaud its strengths and expose its weaknesses. ============================================== [1] In the last decade 6 Billion has been invested into e*learning in the US. 16% [$931 million] was injected in the 1st quarter of 2000. e*learning. The engine of the Knowledge Economy Morgan Keegan & Co Inc. [Ruttenbur, Spickler, Lurie]. July 6 2000 [2] E*learning really starts to show a profit when economies of scale kick in. The more students you have the more you actually save on normal administrative overheads. Best practice is still being thrashed out, as the discipline is in its infancy, what works gets taken up, percolates to the top and used in succeeding generations. [3] Why do you think the banks make the profits they do, theyve replaced their staff [administration officials] with computers. Sure usury pursuit lends itself [pardon the pun] to this sort of action, but generally if you can get a computer to replace a person your business saves. This is really why there's so much R&D being pumped into e*learning.Summary for Dummies: One way or another its coming to an Ed Institute near you.soon. Its too cheap to be ignored. I want to applaud its strengths and expose its weaknesses. ============================================== [1] In the last decade 6 Billion has been invested into e*learning in the US. 16% [$931 million] was injected in the 1st quarter of 2000. e*learning. The engine of the Knowledge Economy Morgan Keegan & Co Inc. [Ruttenbur, Spickler, Lurie]. July 6 2000 [2] E*learning really starts to show a profit when economies of scale kick in. The more students you have the more you actually save on normal administrative overheads. Best practice is still being thrashed out, as the discipline is in its infancy, what works gets taken up, percolates to the top and used in succeeding generations. [3] Why do you think the banks make the profits they do, theyve replaced their staff [administration officials] with computers. Sure usury pursuit lends itself [pardon the pun] to this sort of action, but generally if you can get a computer to replace a person your business saves. This is really why there's so much R&D being pumped into e*learning.

    10. 10 Well, with all this thoroughly convincing hype whats the Government doing about it? Summary for Dummies: If you compare a semi to chip speed over cost advances in the last 10 years [see graphic] look how far weve come. =========================================================== [1] Until recently the main players in the IT game have been folk who have either Nerd skills[engineering, programming, support etc], or Herd skills [need to operate accurately in the IT herd. Users of software in offices etc] [2] Sure the pedagogical approach I am advocating has to cover the basic aspects of how to drive software packages, its essential to assist employees to get more leverage out of their computers. But what's beyond basic skill transmission? The real gem to uncover is existing talent [not related to western mapped intelligence]. Its really about giving cultural expression free reign, not Nerd or Herd skills.Bird skills, free reign. [2a] Information wants to be free, well its doubly the case with Cultural expression, if it whispers in cyberspace, it risks being unheard and consequently discarded, the next wave of cultural dispossession. Meanwhile, for politicians and educational administrators faced with Indigenous Education equity issues.Summary for Dummies: If you compare a semi to chip speed over cost advances in the last 10 years [see graphic] look how far weve come. =========================================================== [1] Until recently the main players in the IT game have been folk who have either Nerd skills[engineering, programming, support etc], or Herd skills [need to operate accurately in the IT herd. Users of software in offices etc] [2] Sure the pedagogical approach I am advocating has to cover the basic aspects of how to drive software packages, its essential to assist employees to get more leverage out of their computers. But what's beyond basic skill transmission? The real gem to uncover is existing talent [not related to western mapped intelligence]. Its really about giving cultural expression free reign, not Nerd or Herd skills.Bird skills, free reign. [2a] Information wants to be free, well its doubly the case with Cultural expression, if it whispers in cyberspace, it risks being unheard and consequently discarded, the next wave of cultural dispossession. Meanwhile, for politicians and educational administrators faced with Indigenous Education equity issues.

    11. 11 Better get ready for the New Economy, the Global Information Economy At Federal and State levels were wiring the outback and networking the nation Remote and Urban Indigenous resource centres/schools etc fight hard for funding and buy the best hard/software they can afford Online training networks are becoming widely available And at schools and Indigenous resource centres, no one knows how to drive the [ITC] car out of the garage. Creative ITC expertise, is often bought in from outside.Bottom line Summary for Dummies: To IMAGINE what may be done, one needs to be shown the capacity and potential of ITC, and to be given the basic self starter kit to muck in and have a go. ===================================================== So distributed e*learning.. Desktop delivered your desktop in the Tanami Desert can turn you into a power user of Word or Excel in 5 minutes a day, thats okay but it will also probably be relatively useless given the workflow routines that your used to. So what if its impractical to culturally moderate it? We can equitably transmit it to you. Knowledge Gap amplification. Big skills in particular areas, no overview. Cheap [so long as the economies of scale can kick in] Mass customised. One size fits all Im not particularly against e*learning, and it will become a major training tool. But it occurs in a vacuum, it delivers competencies, it does not nurture people to think. Thinking is the goal, not doing [ a human being, not a human doing]. And ITC training delivery is stuck in the 1980s it just tells you how to OPERATE software/hardware. When the real skills needed to prosper in todays networked world are : innovation, opportunism, collaboration, entrepreneurial skills etc, just in time skills. Summary for Dummies: To IMAGINE what may be done, one needs to be shown the capacity and potential of ITC, and to be given the basic self starter kit to muck in and have a go. ===================================================== So distributed e*learning.. Desktop delivered your desktop in the Tanami Desert can turn you into a power user of Word or Excel in 5 minutes a day, thats okay but it will also probably be relatively useless given the workflow routines that your used to. So what if its impractical to culturally moderate it? We can equitably transmit it to you. Knowledge Gap amplification. Big skills in particular areas, no overview. Cheap [so long as the economies of scale can kick in] Mass customised. One size fits all Im not particularly against e*learning, and it will become a major training tool. But it occurs in a vacuum, it delivers competencies, it does not nurture people to think. Thinking is the goal, not doing [ a human being, not a human doing]. And ITC training delivery is stuck in the 1980s it just tells you how to OPERATE software/hardware. When the real skills needed to prosper in todays networked world are : innovation, opportunism, collaboration, entrepreneurial skills etc, just in time skills.

    12. 12 So what's changed, what's all the fuss about? And whys ITC development so important? Summary for Dummies: This is just a lead in slide to talk about how the Global Information Economy is changing the way we do things, and the way we realise ideas. ===================================================== Darrius Rawson sleeping under the desk at Tjuwanpa Outstation Resource Centre 200 Km NNW of Alice, while Mum Derrisa calculates and bags the pay. This is not yer average inner city office, $ turnover is comparable sure, but the skills to keep the office pumping are very different from their mainstream counterparts. Realistic staff development should at the very least work with what is [and what is patently functional] as well as integrating and developing tried and tested business procedures.Summary for Dummies: This is just a lead in slide to talk about how the Global Information Economy is changing the way we do things, and the way we realise ideas. ===================================================== Darrius Rawson sleeping under the desk at Tjuwanpa Outstation Resource Centre 200 Km NNW of Alice, while Mum Derrisa calculates and bags the pay. This is not yer average inner city office, $ turnover is comparable sure, but the skills to keep the office pumping are very different from their mainstream counterparts. Realistic staff development should at the very least work with what is [and what is patently functional] as well as integrating and developing tried and tested business procedures.

    13. 13 The New Economy In Marxist terms this century heralds a new Means of Production. The weightless economy. How much does the code weigh that brings you Microsoft Word, the Tomb Raiders game or Netscape Navigator? Its not mass production thats the big earner these days, where were your Nike made? We are in a period of significant social and economic change. In relative terms, wealth creation has shifted from commodity production (extracting raw materials and manufacturing them into products) to the less tangible products of the information age 'intellectual property manufacturing' and service industries. It is in these new tertiary industries that significant wealth creating opportunities now reside. Summary for Dummies: By all means devote significant effort to preserving the past and gaining, culturally and economically from traditional commodities [land, minerals etc]. BUT.Research & development, Imagination and vision about what may be must be given a significant boost. Indigenous Futurologists do not yet exist. Maybe they should. ============================================== Summary for Dummies: By all means devote significant effort to preserving the past and gaining, culturally and economically from traditional commodities [land, minerals etc]. BUT.Research & development, Imagination and vision about what may be must be given a significant boost. Indigenous Futurologists do not yet exist. Maybe they should. ==============================================

    14. 14 The New Economy, some examples. Summary for Dummies: Schools and universities are changing the way they do education, rather than waiting 5 years till the methodologies percolates into the Indigenous Staff development arena, lets have a bit of a think about how we can cost effectively distribute it now, regardless of qualifications. ====================================================== And how does the Education market respond to this shortfall in creative innovation? Exclusive education has always been about amplification of existent talent Many universities and colleges are moving towards a liberal arts type of operation. In schools its called action learning. Benchmark skills: collaborative and individual problem solving skills, search and sift expertise, reality based project work that necessitates discovery learning. In short its about confidence in your own capacity, to go and figure out problems your way. Down the lower end of the social spectrum its about delivering standardised competencies [dead end hill top skills] that enable one to slot seamlessly into the workforce. Sure the workforce needs people with these skills and e*learning is attempting to deliver these skills cheaply, effectively and equitably. Consider the International computer Driving Licence [ ICDL ] info next slide. In terms of Cultural maintenance and prosperity however, cutting edge attitudes will cut the new inroads. And leverage with these attitudes require a different skill set.Summary for Dummies: Schools and universities are changing the way they do education, rather than waiting 5 years till the methodologies percolates into the Indigenous Staff development arena, lets have a bit of a think about how we can cost effectively distribute it now, regardless of qualifications. ====================================================== And how does the Education market respond to this shortfall in creative innovation? Exclusive education has always been about amplification of existent talent Many universities and colleges are moving towards a liberal arts type of operation. In schools its called action learning. Benchmark skills: collaborative and individual problem solving skills, search and sift expertise, reality based project work that necessitates discovery learning. In short its about confidence in your own capacity, to go and figure out problems your way. Down the lower end of the social spectrum its about delivering standardised competencies [dead end hill top skills] that enable one to slot seamlessly into the workforce. Sure the workforce needs people with these skills and e*learning is attempting to deliver these skills cheaply, effectively and equitably. Consider the International computer Driving Licence [ ICDL ] info next slide. In terms of Cultural maintenance and prosperity however, cutting edge attitudes will cut the new inroads. And leverage with these attitudes require a different skill set.

    15. 15 International Computer Driving Licence ICDL http://www.icdlcanada.com/ competence across the ITC landscape Word, spreadsheet, database, Internet, file management, Multi media etc but is generally made up of e*learning modules and it teaches one how to USE ITC, not how to THINK or apply talent through it. Summary for Dummies: What limitations can you see with the one size fits all approach to training? ================================================= Commerce and educational institutions see the need get employees conversant within & across the ITC landscape. Too much productivity is lost if employees dont know the basic skills. Its fast, transportable, manageable etc [and effective for folk with a mainstream Western Education & an Overview of how ITC all works and hangs together] There's concern though that it may become the main offering to already marginalized groups. It is demonstrated as being equitable available, yet e*learnings quality and efficacy are under researched. Summary for Dummies: What limitations can you see with the one size fits all approach to training? ================================================= Commerce and educational institutions see the need get employees conversant within & across the ITC landscape. Too much productivity is lost if employees dont know the basic skills. Its fast, transportable, manageable etc [and effective for folk with a mainstream Western Education & an Overview of how ITC all works and hangs together] There's concern though that it may become the main offering to already marginalized groups. It is demonstrated as being equitable available, yet e*learnings quality and efficacy are under researched.

    16. 16 Planning for a place in Cultural Cyberspace Australian Resource Organisations have for many years fought to regain the old means of production. But currently under prioritize researching the potential opportunities arising in a marketplace increasingly dominated by the Internet. ITC staff development is similarly neglected. Indigenous Australians were effectively locked out of the old economy last century And are currently, not yet locked out of this centurys new economy. Invest in youth education sure, but, its imperative to free up existing talent. Summary for Dummies: Try this analogy, there's nothing wrong with Indigenous Resource Organisations buying tickets on the Federal [telecommunications] Railway.but if indigenous nations could also own their own? ============================================= As an example of Indigenous future vision consider the recent [July 2000] success of the Maori Spectrum Trust in acquiring a 20 year management right for the portion of the Radio Spectrum [1965 to 1980 MHz block and its 2155 to 2170 MHz natural pair]. Buying a ticket on the railway wasnt good enough, they now operate one: Advanced telecommunications are to the new Information Economy what rail, roads and electricity grids are to the old economy. Telecommunications networks particularly high capacity networks of broadband services - constitute the arteries of the new economy. The radio spectrum provides the medium for the wireless components of these technologies, including the internet, cellular phones, video links and video conferencing as well as radio and television broadcasting. The spectrum is a common resource that is currently in the process of 'privatization'. The new owners of the spectrum will become owners of one of the new economy's most vital means of production. Source: Networking Indigenous Nations Native Title Rights, The Spectrum and the Knowledge Economy Rod Dixon September 2000 Its not only cultural diversity that has to be re-resurrected via ITC, there are many [as yet unimagined] ways to prosper economically and culturally in the new economy. And it would be of tremendous help to the cause if yer average Indigenous employees had access to and was playing in the ITC pool. [2] AROs need to take a fresh look at cultural imperatives in a networked world. To re-evaluate & re-position their institutions for the challenges ahead in the new Global Information economy. [4] Its easy enough to look for leaders in the young blood of Indigenous knowledge pools. But some of the 35+ age group who have been constructively employed for years are passed over in terms of professional development. They are integral to the work of the organisation yet all to often I see raw talent unable to surface. Thats why, whenever possible, I now lecture to employed in this age group in Indigenous resource organisations. There also a better chance of the trickle down effect cutting in; from learner to peers, family, friends etc in a culturally absorbable manner. More clout for the training $Summary for Dummies: Try this analogy, there's nothing wrong with Indigenous Resource Organisations buying tickets on the Federal [telecommunications] Railway.but if indigenous nations could also own their own? ============================================= As an example of Indigenous future vision consider the recent [July 2000] success of the Maori Spectrum Trust in acquiring a 20 year management right for the portion of the Radio Spectrum [1965 to 1980 MHz block and its 2155 to 2170 MHz natural pair]. Buying a ticket on the railway wasnt good enough, they now operate one: Advanced telecommunications are to the new Information Economy what rail, roads and electricity grids are to the old economy. Telecommunications networks particularly high capacity networks of broadband services - constitute the arteries of the new economy. The radio spectrum provides the medium for the wireless components of these technologies, including the internet, cellular phones, video links and video conferencing as well as radio and television broadcasting. The spectrum is a common resource that is currently in the process of 'privatization'. The new owners of the spectrum will become owners of one of the new economy's most vital means of production. Source: Networking Indigenous Nations Native Title Rights, The Spectrum and the Knowledge Economy Rod Dixon September 2000 Its not only cultural diversity that has to be re-resurrected via ITC, there are many [as yet unimagined] ways to prosper economically and culturally in the new economy. And it would be of tremendous help to the cause if yer average Indigenous employees had access to and was playing in the ITC pool. [2] AROs need to take a fresh look at cultural imperatives in a networked world. To re-evaluate & re-position their institutions for the challenges ahead in the new Global Information economy. [4] Its easy enough to look for leaders in the young blood of Indigenous knowledge pools. But some of the 35+ age group who have been constructively employed for years are passed over in terms of professional development. They are integral to the work of the organisation yet all to often I see raw talent unable to surface. Thats why, whenever possible, I now lecture to employed in this age group in Indigenous resource organisations. There also a better chance of the trickle down effect cutting in; from learner to peers, family, friends etc in a culturally absorbable manner. More clout for the training $

    17. 17 Dispossession [with connectivity] If, as claimed, improved telecommunications services stimulate local economies, result in more jobs, improve access to information, education, training, health and other government and private sector services, then the new cycle of poverty will necessarily derive from inadequate access to such telecommunications services. Or, from having the services and not being able to drive them i.e get any cultural, social or economic leverage from their existence/function. Summary for Dummies: [1] Broadband access is vital to a participating culture. [2a] Hey Ive got a brand new car but what do I do with these ignition keys? [2b] Point 2 relates equally to Educational Institutions whose management are distressed about the pace of change and its potential significance to the way the business of education is going to be done. Innovative ideas, creative initiatives and indeed recognition and support of the primary importance of staff development is often ignored because knowledge of the landscape and informed vision of the future potentials are unknown or misunderstood. ======================================================== Across the entire IT sphere we can now see a move that attaches critical importance to bringing classically trained folk and their skills to IT. Not nerd or herd stuff, bird stuff; exquisite marriages between art and IT, philosophy etc that enhance user interaction. Its people who can make the computers make more sense to the herd. Or just come up with new ways of doing things, these are the folk now making a difference in ITC. Mass production is not the big earner these days, where were your NIKE made? The guy who sold the Hotmail IDEA to Microsoft made $33 Million These are the real skills that need to be taught, how to think out of the box.Summary for Dummies: [1] Broadband access is vital to a participating culture. [2a] Hey Ive got a brand new car but what do I do with these ignition keys? [2b] Point 2 relates equally to Educational Institutions whose management are distressed about the pace of change and its potential significance to the way the business of education is going to be done. Innovative ideas, creative initiatives and indeed recognition and support of the primary importance of staff development is often ignored because knowledge of the landscape and informed vision of the future potentials are unknown or misunderstood. ======================================================== Across the entire IT sphere we can now see a move that attaches critical importance to bringing classically trained folk and their skills to IT. Not nerd or herd stuff, bird stuff; exquisite marriages between art and IT, philosophy etc that enhance user interaction. Its people who can make the computers make more sense to the herd. Or just come up with new ways of doing things, these are the folk now making a difference in ITC. Mass production is not the big earner these days, where were your NIKE made? The guy who sold the Hotmail IDEA to Microsoft made $33 Million These are the real skills that need to be taught, how to think out of the box.

    18. 18 The [quietly] Distressed So,.many employees are unable to use common ITC leverage skills to trim high work loads. Have too many gaps in their knowledge to be able to teach themselves, or express themselves creatively via ITC. And are the distressed: they're attendance at work is vitaltheir professional development is ignored, inadequate or too costly, theyre frustrated as they cant work things out themselves.. Trapped in a bubble. A Zero if you will. Summary for Dummies: Theres a lot of employees and management out there who are quietly distressed because they dont even have their provisional license. ========================================================= the available [nationally standardized] ITC curricula seems rooted in office, business, & transaction principles of the 80s. Neophytes have to successfully wade through a demanding strata of modules at the bottom of the qualification ladder before they get anywhere near the skills and techniques that allow them to creatively construct or whimsically wonder. jargon rich terms weighty user and training manuals an excellent grasp of English language an existent comprehension of the ITC landscape This is the current pre requisite acclimatization standard. Question: There has to be a better approach than the existing rigid adult IT curricula and delivery models. And if its more expensive in the short term is it still not worth the investment ? So, in todays Education market, how is professional development organized, structured delivered and assessed. Summary for Dummies: Theres a lot of employees and management out there who are quietly distressed because they dont even have their provisional license. ========================================================= the available [nationally standardized] ITC curricula seems rooted in office, business, & transaction principles of the 80s. Neophytes have to successfully wade through a demanding strata of modules at the bottom of the qualification ladder before they get anywhere near the skills and techniques that allow them to creatively construct or whimsically wonder. jargon rich terms weighty user and training manuals an excellent grasp of English language an existent comprehension of the ITC landscape This is the current pre requisite acclimatization standard. Question: There has to be a better approach than the existing rigid adult IT curricula and delivery models. And if its more expensive in the short term is it still not worth the investment ? So, in todays Education market, how is professional development organized, structured delivered and assessed.

    19. 19 Jillerys busted oil pan Jillerys out the back of Wup Wup hunting roos when he holes his sump [oil pan] He has no qualifications i.e. a drivers licence. No tools, some fags, water, matches and a gun. Summary for Dummies; Lets try and think out of the box ourselves about what constitutes talent and intelligence, especially in todays technological climate, and reflect on how we have nurtured these gifts in our own children. ======================================================== Summary for Dummies; Lets try and think out of the box ourselves about what constitutes talent and intelligence, especially in todays technological climate, and reflect on how we have nurtured these gifts in our own children. ========================================================

    20. 20 Jillerys busted oil pan Makes a Glue out of Spinifex bush resin and plugs the sump Drops a killer, butchers it, renders down the fat and tops up the oil tank. Drives home [with some excellent cuts] Hes added CULTURAL innovation to some basic driving licence skills. Summary for Dummies: Cultural diversity and its inherent talent is all around ====================================================== As an avid soccer fan, the best thing for me about this years World Cup was the culturally inspired [& very successful] moves/plays?/styles the African and Asian teams brought to the game. They did well because they did it differently than the dominant paradigm [South American & European]..and it worked. A practical example of the wealth and power of cultural diversity. Diversity is coming back into vogue, the real wave to ride Summary for Dummies: Cultural diversity and its inherent talent is all around ====================================================== As an avid soccer fan, the best thing for me about this years World Cup was the culturally inspired [& very successful] moves/plays?/styles the African and Asian teams brought to the game. They did well because they did it differently than the dominant paradigm [South American & European]..and it worked. A practical example of the wealth and power of cultural diversity. Diversity is coming back into vogue, the real wave to ride

    21. 21 Now the skills Jillery used... Are exactly those that kick butt in today's Global information economy Timely, creative, innovative Opportunistic and SMART its not about driving licences [or in our case successful module completion of a number of IT courses] its about exquisitely applied wisdom, but you need some basic skills to apply it via ITC. Summary for Dummies: One of the the main arguments then is that by enhancing the capacity of Indigenous employees to interact via ITC more raw output will emerge. And that from this increased output there is a statistically greater chance of it being of cultural, social or economic importance to the individual OR the whole.. And the richness of the creative environment obviates the need for fluency in English. Talking [communicating via] pictures, animations, sound clips etc encourages inspirational innovation and boosts confidence in ones ability. ==================================================== A current theme in Human Resources Management books is that it is of little consequence to succeed or fail. In the uncertain world of today's successful management strategies, the guiding principle seems to be; experimentally innovate. If it does work use it. Basically; no one knows the rules anymore, so whatever you do, dont stand still trying to employ tried and tested business strategies, keep on tweaking. I have the details of one such book currently a New York Times bestseller, unfortunately I have left the details away from where I am. I will publish the details here on the 22 august.Summary for Dummies: One of the the main arguments then is that by enhancing the capacity of Indigenous employees to interact via ITC more raw output will emerge. And that from this increased output there is a statistically greater chance of it being of cultural, social or economic importance to the individual OR the whole.. And the richness of the creative environment obviates the need for fluency in English. Talking [communicating via] pictures, animations, sound clips etc encourages inspirational innovation and boosts confidence in ones ability. ==================================================== A current theme in Human Resources Management books is that it is of little consequence to succeed or fail. In the uncertain world of today's successful management strategies, the guiding principle seems to be; experimentally innovate. If it does work use it. Basically; no one knows the rules anymore, so whatever you do, dont stand still trying to employ tried and tested business strategies, keep on tweaking. I have the details of one such book currently a New York Times bestseller, unfortunately I have left the details away from where I am. I will publish the details here on the 22 august.

    22. 22 Towards A Pedagogy of the Distressed Or, how to get a learner from Zero to Nero The Distressed then are those working folk using computers, but, because they cant extend themselves beyond their comfort zone they're trapped in a bubble, a Zero. They do their ITC tasks but, if they want to be creative, they havent the skills to be able to work it out themselves. They are reliant not resourceful. I put it down to this: if the user cant confidently fiddle about with ITC, its going to be difficult for them to create something innovative [knowledge, ideas, schemes etc] for the almighty weightless economy. The primary objective then is to get Indigenous organisations & workers involved, motivated, confident & expressive enough to fiddle about with the engines of the Global Information Economy and ask.. what if?. And have some confidence enriching fun in the process! Summary for Dummies: [1] Remember, this isnt about Western mapped intelligence, its about providing a platform for employees, independent of grammatical prowess, [and especially those in the 35 to 55 window] to express their ideas and indulge in creative self experimentation. Their potential to contribute to the knowledge pool is of great importance. Culturally, this is an important age group in that the 30 to 50 yr age group often act as a bridge between the old and the new. A closer connection to the elders in the society [and the capacity to act as an intermediary] and the ability to communicate effectively with the young blood [2] Just getting learners to be confident enough to fiddle about with ITC is an important milestone. Confidence comes increasingly through self discovery, and the learning focus is personally driven. [3] This is not mass production education, its PERSONAL education. It starts from where the individual begins and is directed where that individual wishes to travel. [4] Being in control makes for a different attitude towards,glib experimentation, involvement, participation and collaboration.Summary for Dummies: [1] Remember, this isnt about Western mapped intelligence, its about providing a platform for employees, independent of grammatical prowess, [and especially those in the 35 to 55 window] to express their ideas and indulge in creative self experimentation. Their potential to contribute to the knowledge pool is of great importance. Culturally, this is an important age group in that the 30 to 50 yr age group often act as a bridge between the old and the new. A closer connection to the elders in the society [and the capacity to act as an intermediary] and the ability to communicate effectively with the young blood [2] Just getting learners to be confident enough to fiddle about with ITC is an important milestone. Confidence comes increasingly through self discovery, and the learning focus is personally driven. [3] This is not mass production education, its PERSONAL education. It starts from where the individual begins and is directed where that individual wishes to travel. [4] Being in control makes for a different attitude towards,glib experimentation, involvement, participation and collaboration.

    23. 23 The model so far; a few key factors. Throw the curriculum away, the curriculum is re-generated according to an individuals personal and professional needs. One size fits you. I maintain that small class sizes [1 to 3 students] and a brief lesson [30 to 45 minutes], achieves more than 2 hour lesson with 8 students Ultra flexible, at your desktop, during smoko, with the kids, whenever you or the organisation have time, & for as little or as much time as is available. [thank God for laptops!] The conceptual framework. Summary for Dummies; Read this lot. [1a] Sure, I have to enroll them in Word 101 or Intro to the Internet modules, and we will cover the included competencies..but in a more general- holistic manner [1b] SOCIAL ANCHORS there have been concerted initiatives by national governments to ensure greater uniformity and consistency in the school curriculum :A key characteristic of current curriculum provision is its static nature, with change tending to take place only at the margins. Despite important shifts in school populations, the nature of work, and social conditions affecting young people, the curriculum remains largely intact. This is as true in comprehensive as in dual systems. The basic assumption appears to be that one set of experiences is good for all students and groups of students Schools as Social anchors; Leadership challenges for uncertain times. K.J. Kennedy Sept 2001 [2] Here I have asked myself whats the obverse of e*learning. The obverse of mass customisation is an individualised curriculum, formal informal, education from a distance education across the table, targeted to specific skills holistic, meant to fill in the knowledge gaps so a learner can get their own big picture and become less dependant on outside help. Also, as Im driven by our Colleges bums on seat policy, I can offset/rationalise the small class sizes with the high through-put of students competencies achieved. [3] I draw no distinction between work and play with this pedagogy, anything that a learner is interested in, I am too. Its essential we start communication from where the learner is currently at. I should mention at this stage that the technique seems to work just as well for white fellas too. Ive piloted e*learning across the College using Smart Force, it succeeded for staff whose reach was beyond their grasp, the rest were hopeless. [4a] There has to be some form of emotional investment if I am to act as a mentor, and I need to map the pupils current expertise. [4b] Its critical that I pique their interest [generate a motivational hook, push their buttons, question their comfort zone and find aspects of ITC operations that they may be interested in pursuing, not because they necessarily need the info to work better, but maybe because right now they would like to make a birthday card for their Grandson.Summary for Dummies; Read this lot. [1a] Sure, I have to enroll them in Word 101 or Intro to the Internet modules, and we will cover the included competencies..but in a more general- holistic manner [1b] SOCIAL ANCHORS there have been concerted initiatives by national governments to ensure greater uniformity and consistency in the school curriculum :A key characteristic of current curriculum provision is its static nature, with change tending to take place only at the margins. Despite important shifts in school populations, the nature of work, and social conditions affecting young people, the curriculum remains largely intact. This is as true in comprehensive as in dual systems. The basic assumption appears to be that one set of experiences is good for all students and groups of students Schools as Social anchors; Leadership challenges for uncertain times. K.J. Kennedy Sept 2001 [2] Here I have asked myself whats the obverse of e*learning. The obverse of mass customisation is an individualised curriculum, formal informal, education from a distance education across the table, targeted to specific skills holistic, meant to fill in the knowledge gaps so a learner can get their own big picture and become less dependant on outside help. Also, as Im driven by our Colleges bums on seat policy, I can offset/rationalise the small class sizes with the high through-put of students competencies achieved. [3] I draw no distinction between work and play with this pedagogy, anything that a learner is interested in, I am too. Its essential we start communication from where the learner is currently at. I should mention at this stage that the technique seems to work just as well for white fellas too. Ive piloted e*learning across the College using Smart Force, it succeeded for staff whose reach was beyond their grasp, the rest were hopeless. [4a] There has to be some form of emotional investment if I am to act as a mentor, and I need to map the pupils current expertise. [4b] Its critical that I pique their interest [generate a motivational hook, push their buttons, question their comfort zone and find aspects of ITC operations that they may be interested in pursuing, not because they necessarily need the info to work better, but maybe because right now they would like to make a birthday card for their Grandson.

    24. 24 [2] So very much is learned by experimenting with output. First of all the learner is given responsibility and urged to fiddle? One to see what scaling does, greyscale, you get to consider and ponder the finer artistic points of presenting information, indeed the learner asks of his/her intended audience how do I hook em? [3] dont forget the overall focus is towards a more capable knowledge worker [4] Its teasing them to push their communicative/interactive envelope. The emphasis being on where do you want to go today? [2] So very much is learned by experimenting with output. First of all the learner is given responsibility and urged to fiddle? One to see what scaling does, greyscale, you get to consider and ponder the finer artistic points of presenting information, indeed the learner asks of his/her intended audience how do I hook em? [3] dont forget the overall focus is towards a more capable knowledge worker [4] Its teasing them to push their communicative/interactive envelope. The emphasis being on where do you want to go today?

    25. 25 Draw from the Learnscope Leader professional development approach Choose potential leaders in the field Negotiate personal projects and professional development activities Use a mentor rather than a mass lecturing approach. Co-learn rather than transmit. Keep an open mind when evaluating output and technique. There are many different ways to do one thing. Assist in sharing, publishing and driving the output, get it culturally peer reviewed. Im not THE judge Summary for Dummies: A pause for reflection on how talent support is achieved in the professional academic domain. Then a look on the next slide at other forms of talent. If this is how they do it in the real world I.e. in a setting where they seriously mean to get results, then my notion has been to emulate this approach. Millions has been spent on mass production education for Indigenous employees. Why not model something, possibly a little more expensive, but with an overwhelmingly superior exit outcomes result. ================================================== Learnscope is a federally funded, educationally oriented initiative that fosters the acquisition and application of knowledge relating to teaching and learning in our emergent Information Economy. Its Learnscope Leader program seeks to identify & support practitioners, administrators etc with innovative & creative ideas. And as such offers a personalised professional development program that effectively develops and deploys these ideas. [1] In many ways Indigenous employees may be considered as leaders. Able to operate in both cultures simultaneously, a foot in both camps [2] The Learnscope Leader program supports exiting ideas and assists to augment their maturation. Responsible and responsive Indigenous adult education can follow this lead [3] Basically, Learnscope Leader scholarships copy our old mate Socrates. I think he got good teaching basically right, sit down with a student and talk, challenge dialogue/discuss.. The mentors job is to push students buttons. An emotional investment coupled with a mentors attuned assessment steers the learner on to always reach beyond your grasp. In terms of adult ITC training, most people get pretty excited if they are given some of the basic skills needed to creatively play on a computer. Getting learners up this small step will develop the confidence needed to experiment and wonder.. Although the focus of this presentation is Indigenous employees note that this approach works extremely well for non indigenous staff development activities.Summary for Dummies: A pause for reflection on how talent support is achieved in the professional academic domain. Then a look on the next slide at other forms of talent. If this is how they do it in the real world I.e. in a setting where they seriously mean to get results, then my notion has been to emulate this approach. Millions has been spent on mass production education for Indigenous employees. Why not model something, possibly a little more expensive, but with an overwhelmingly superior exit outcomes result. ================================================== Learnscope is a federally funded, educationally oriented initiative that fosters the acquisition and application of knowledge relating to teaching and learning in our emergent Information Economy. Its Learnscope Leader program seeks to identify & support practitioners, administrators etc with innovative & creative ideas. And as such offers a personalised professional development program that effectively develops and deploys these ideas. [1] In many ways Indigenous employees may be considered as leaders. Able to operate in both cultures simultaneously, a foot in both camps [2] The Learnscope Leader program supports exiting ideas and assists to augment their maturation. Responsible and responsive Indigenous adult education can follow this lead [3] Basically, Learnscope Leader scholarships copy our old mate Socrates. I think he got good teaching basically right, sit down with a student and talk, challenge dialogue/discuss.. The mentors job is to push students buttons. An emotional investment coupled with a mentors attuned assessment steers the learner on to always reach beyond your grasp. In terms of adult ITC training, most people get pretty excited if they are given some of the basic skills needed to creatively play on a computer. Getting learners up this small step will develop the confidence needed to experiment and wonder.. Although the focus of this presentation is Indigenous employees note that this approach works extremely well for non indigenous staff development activities.

    26. 26 Learnscope/Tjuwanpa meld Ive tried to employ this method AND keep within the College guidelines of normal income generating delivery. This has been the biggest challenge. It has worked well at Cert II levels where there are a number of, say,introductory 20 Hr modules The personalised approach achieves competencies in a short time, learners can ask the questions only they need to know Competencies are transmitted to enrollees, and then some loose interest The ones that remain however have an internal motivation and want to move on to more creative aspects of ITC existence Summary for Dummies; Tjuwanpa Outstation Resource Centre TORC [200km west of Alice] is an Indigenous resource resource applied to our college for ITC/Business training. The Business team were not able to attend on site for the first 4 weeks so I had the opportunity to experiment with this technique. To my surprise the majority of student achieved CA classification on most of the Intro modules in a very short time. One on one/two was a major factor in this outcome. Then the more interested learners wanted to know more. Fortunately I am conversant with a broad range of ITC capabilities and was able to just expose the learners to a variety of learning streams and leave it to their personal choices which other learning route they wanted to specialise in. Core ITC competencies can be threaded into ANY new learning, especially if there is a requirement to distribute output electronically. =============================================== Summary for Dummies; Tjuwanpa Outstation Resource Centre TORC [200km west of Alice] is an Indigenous resource resource applied to our college for ITC/Business training. The Business team were not able to attend on site for the first 4 weeks so I had the opportunity to experiment with this technique. To my surprise the majority of student achieved CA classification on most of the Intro modules in a very short time. One on one/two was a major factor in this outcome. Then the more interested learners wanted to know more. Fortunately I am conversant with a broad range of ITC capabilities and was able to just expose the learners to a variety of learning streams and leave it to their personal choices which other learning route they wanted to specialise in. Core ITC competencies can be threaded into ANY new learning, especially if there is a requirement to distribute output electronically. ===============================================

    27. 27 Motivation and personal growth We have 3 or 4 sessions just chatting & getting to know each other and jointly completing various minor projects Im demonstrating fun, creative and interesting stuff, professional AND personal that I find neat, cool, hot, useful etc. [And looking at ways to assist the learner in their day to day work.] The learners get comfortably exposed to [and productive with]a wide range of capabilities in todays ITC domain Sooner or later a learners interest is piqued, the thin edge of the wedge.. Summary for Dummies; Two learners seems to be optimal in the early stages. We cover basic outlined competencies and jointly look for inspirational project design. Active discovery learning. Taking work home after every session is important to boost the confidence of the learners. Core competencies can be threaded into any ITC related project, especially when there is a requirement to electronically distribute/communicate output. ================================== Powerpoint is great for movement and noise, also one can be very thin on words and audiovisually thick on innovative communication. Word has a heap of graphic capabilities that surprisingly few people know how to drive. Also Ive had some alarmingly innovate results when students start playing around with macros. Excel can be easily tailored to reduce,eliminate or streamline production line tasks, freeing up time for more artistic/whimsical pursuits Napster/Audio Galaxy peer to peer sharing etc is great way to invoke interest Web pages with a toy like MS FrontPage we can get a student web up in an afternoon Digital cameras get pupils playing with themselves really QuickTimeVR [delta phase testing only!] Audio Recording software is great for younger and or musically oriented learners Once students are generating multimedia files, add a communicative dimension to it by broadcasting it via email and/or embedding MM in the web page. AND OBJECTS/PORTIONS ALL WORK CREATED IN THESE PROGRAMS can be cut/copy/pasted into any other. It makes for a potentially rich a broad framework from which to emerge as a creative user.Summary for Dummies; Two learners seems to be optimal in the early stages. We cover basic outlined competencies and jointly look for inspirational project design. Active discovery learning. Taking work home after every session is important to boost the confidence of the learners. Core competencies can be threaded into any ITC related project, especially when there is a requirement to electronically distribute/communicate output. ================================== Powerpoint is great for movement and noise, also one can be very thin on words and audiovisually thick on innovative communication. Word has a heap of graphic capabilities that surprisingly few people know how to drive. Also Ive had some alarmingly innovate results when students start playing around with macros. Excel can be easily tailored to reduce,eliminate or streamline production line tasks, freeing up time for more artistic/whimsical pursuits Napster/Audio Galaxy peer to peer sharing etc is great way to invoke interest Web pages with a toy like MS FrontPage we can get a student web up in an afternoon Digital cameras get pupils playing with themselves really QuickTimeVR [delta phase testing only!] Audio Recording software is great for younger and or musically oriented learners Once students are generating multimedia files, add a communicative dimension to it by broadcasting it via email and/or embedding MM in the web page. AND OBJECTS/PORTIONS ALL WORK CREATED IN THESE PROGRAMS can be cut/copy/pasted into any other. It makes for a potentially rich a broad framework from which to emerge as a creative user.

    28. 28 Repetition success, & confidence In small groups [moving from simple to complex] we COMPLETE numerous takeaway projects. Small scale minor negotiated personal projects. My role at this stage is assessing the gaps that prevent learners from becoming more self sufficient, and challenging & guiding them to fix them.. My learning is about getting constantly exposed to unique ways of doing seeing and fixing things. During the project/s evolution, repetitiously thread competencies into project construction and work towards a mutually acceptable overview of how it all fits together. Summary for Dummies; [1] Students get to complete projects various rapidly. [a] they take something concrete from each lesson to showcase to peers, friends, family etc. [b] There is repetition of basic skills. [c] confidence in personal ability grows. When students start thinking for themselves, whether it be about how to solve a problem or where to get some information or resource, the flood gates start to open. This is the domain of the knowledge worker.Summary for Dummies; [1] Students get to complete projects various rapidly. [a] they take something concrete from each lesson to showcase to peers, friends, family etc. [b] There is repetition of basic skills. [c] confidence in personal ability grows. When students start thinking for themselves, whether it be about how to solve a problem or where to get some information or resource, the flood gates start to open. This is the domain of the knowledge worker.

    29. 29 Insist on experimental output Mainstream IT courses, you do 30hrs of work in Word say, and get to print out one bogus, boring business letter to Acme Inc. For some reason students hardly ever get to use the printer Flagellem et rectus turbo scribe Flog the arse out of the printer experience gained is proportional to OUTPUT [fiddle while the paper burns] and with all the projects: pictures, photos, sound, music, animation etc theres a sharing or collaborative component Its also a soft requirement to broadcast and/or communicate with the finished project. Summary for Dummies; Its basically all a way to get distressed users out of their bubble and with enough confidence in their own creative capacity to go ahead and try things out for themselves. Thats all it is, but in the scheme of things, its a MAJOR step in the adult learning curve that is totally neglected. ====================================== [1] Perform as a consumer, not as a free thinker [2] So very much is learned by experimenting with output. First of all the learner is given responsibility and urged to fiddle; see how scaling/orientation/greyscale etc affects output. Consider and ponder the finer artistic points of presenting information, get to think as a presenter of information rather than a receiver [3] dont forget a major focus is towards a more capable knowledge worker [4] Its teasing them to push their communicative/interactive envelope. The emphasis being on where do you want to go today?Summary for Dummies; Its basically all a way to get distressed users out of their bubble and with enough confidence in their own creative capacity to go ahead and try things out for themselves. Thats all it is, but in the scheme of things, its a MAJOR step in the adult learning curve that is totally neglected. ====================================== [1] Perform as a consumer, not as a free thinker [2] So very much is learned by experimenting with output. First of all the learner is given responsibility and urged to fiddle; see how scaling/orientation/greyscale etc affects output. Consider and ponder the finer artistic points of presenting information, get to think as a presenter of information rather than a receiver [3] dont forget a major focus is towards a more capable knowledge worker [4] Its teasing them to push their communicative/interactive envelope. The emphasis being on where do you want to go today?

    30. 30 Pretty soon you have a bloated paper and ink budget But this experimental output really adds a hook, it motivates. take some completed work away every lesson to wonder about or just show off And its personally designed and owned.. Next comes collaborative project work where projects increase in complexity and require experience co-working with others. Summary for Dummies; Output is applauded whether its good, bad or just totally experimental. ================================ A lot of this work is very simple, its how to draw basic shapes in the word program, how to add sound files to a document, how to include pictures and animation to text, basic desktop publishing skills. But in the general scheme of how we currently deliver ITC competencies, usually a learner has to wade through hundreds of hours of introductory modules before they are given a chance to be able to experiment. In short then this is all about fast tracking the students into confident multimedia playSummary for Dummies; Output is applauded whether its good, bad or just totally experimental. ================================ A lot of this work is very simple, its how to draw basic shapes in the word program, how to add sound files to a document, how to include pictures and animation to text, basic desktop publishing skills. But in the general scheme of how we currently deliver ITC competencies, usually a learner has to wade through hundreds of hours of introductory modules before they are given a chance to be able to experiment. In short then this is all about fast tracking the students into confident multimedia play

    31. 31 Its a low step from MM in MSO to web design Resources are finite but gradually we move gently out of printed output & into MM and web work where the resources are electronic Recently acquired familiarity and confidence with MM enables a more innovative communication approach, with less reliance on English Language, more emphasis on creative communion/communication. Summary for Dummies; The general flow of increasingly complex activities [personal and collaborative]is to get learners familiar and confident with the engines of the new economy [ITC and Multimedia software applications ======================================== Summary for Dummies; The general flow of increasingly complex activities [personal and collaborative]is to get learners familiar and confident with the engines of the new economy [ITC and Multimedia software applications ========================================

    32. 32 After individual/small group projects Look towards consensus on suitable group and organisation wide concepts. Team collaboration creating something over the Intranet/out by the Internet, that the whole group can own and benefit from. Maybe just a web site Maybe a delve into e*commerce Urge the intellectual pursuit of potential leverage Summary for Dummies; Enter the realm of what can be imagined on an Internet enabled platform and give folk the basic skills in order to participate. ================================ ECOMMERCE. In Tjuwanpa Outstation Resource Centre [www.octa4.net/tjuwanpa] we are near completion of an online art gallery. Artists will sell directly to the resource organisation, and from there art gets put straight onto a virtual art gallery. This cuts out at least two middlemen [usually the community art entrepreneur and the Alice Springs based art gallery] and means that the artists gets more money from their work, and the resource gets a cut for their admin activities. Tangentyere, another of my client groups,[the largest Indigenous resource organisation in Alice] are also interested in following this lead. Having the majority of town camp artists contributing to a community run enterprise will re-distribute the wealth generated in a much more equitable manner. Remember, a lot of the stuff that will make money, provide economic or cultural leverage in today's/tomorrows Global Information economy, is not yet even thought of. That is why it is Summary for Dummies; Enter the realm of what can be imagined on an Internet enabled platform and give folk the basic skills in order to participate. ================================ ECOMMERCE. In Tjuwanpa Outstation Resource Centre [www.octa4.net/tjuwanpa] we are near completion of an online art gallery. Artists will sell directly to the resource organisation, and from there art gets put straight onto a virtual art gallery. This cuts out at least two middlemen [usually the community art entrepreneur and the Alice Springs based art gallery] and means that the artists gets more money from their work, and the resource gets a cut for their admin activities. Tangentyere, another of my client groups,[the largest Indigenous resource organisation in Alice] are also interested in following this lead. Having the majority of town camp artists contributing to a community run enterprise will re-distribute the wealth generated in a much more equitable manner. Remember, a lot of the stuff that will make money, provide economic or cultural leverage in today's/tomorrows Global Information economy, is not yet even thought of. That is why it is

    33. 33 Challenges Managers sometimes get a bit nervous when they see learners having fun. They think theyre goofing off. They are, but its helpful goofing Ive been asked why I havent used any module text books for those Ive enrolled inWord processing 101 The College has been really supportive in this regard, allowing me to develop/deliver this style under the auspices of delivering stock standard sanitized units. But until this pedagogical style is accepted I can imagine there are other institutions who may become concerned with the lack of structure" Also small group teaching entails a constant battle to justify outcomes If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance

    34. 34 Phase 2 This approach has enhanced confidence and competence personally and in the workplace, but the momentum slows down without a guide/mentor. Something like a sports coordinator, to keep the ball moving Ways to foster growth & maintain engagement? Also need mechanisms to elevate/nurture rising talent to next flourish level. Maybe just access to mainstream IT or ? I feel that joint construction & maintenance of cultural domains in the infosphere, which contain popular incentives encouraging sharing, would also help to maintain creative growth. Seed money? Any questions?

    35. 35 Team Approach I guess the final word should relate to an educational team based approach to this delivery style. Essentially, I have spread myself a little thinly in attempting to deliver the skills AND support the multitude of self generated personal and organisation wide projects If the approach is recognised a backup supporting team of business consultants and innovators would be needed to coax the ideas into fruition.

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