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Bangladesh Title II Multi Year Assistance Program

Bangladesh Title II Multi Year Assistance Program. Pro gram for S trengthening H ousehold A ccess to R esources (PROSHAR). PROSHAR Goal & Objectives. To reduce food insecurity among rural vulnerable populations in Khulna Strategic Objectives (SO) SO 1: Increase incomes of poor & ultra

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Bangladesh Title II Multi Year Assistance Program

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  1. Bangladesh Title II Multi Year Assistance Program Program for Strengthening Household Access to Resources (PROSHAR)

  2. PROSHAR Goal & Objectives To reduce food insecurity among rural vulnerable populations in Khulna Strategic Objectives (SO) SO 1: Increase incomes of poor & ultra poor households: (ACDI-VOCA) SO 2: Improve health and nutrition of women & children: (PCI) SO 3: Strengthen the resiliency to shocks & their long term impact: (PCI)

  3. PROSHAR Target Areas PROSHAR is working in three Upazilas in Khulna, reaching a total of 45,105 households: • Sarankhola (20% of program population) • Lohagara (49% of program population) • Batiaghata (30% of program population)

  4. SO 2: Improve Health and Nutrition of Women & Children (34,890 HH) Focus Areas 1. Malnutrition prevented and treated for PLW & children <2 yrs 2. Integrated clinical health services expanded 3. Household & community response to health/nutrition challenges improved

  5. SO 3: Strengthen Resiliency to Shocks & Long Term Impacts (5,502 HH) Focus Areas: 1. Mechanisms for mitigation & response to shocks improved. 2. Community capacity & resources to reduce vulnerability strengthened. 3. Capacity of local organizations, government & communities to respond to disaster strengthened.

  6. Comprehensive M&E Strategy A multilayered approach to collecting data which includes: 1. Monthly data from program activities 2. Supervisory site visits & qualitative assessments 3. Qualitative/quantitative baseline & annual surveys 4. Midterm & final evaluations

  7. Illustrative Indicators for SO2 & SO3

  8. Overall, PROSHAR will 1. Improve livelihoods all along the value chain through increased productivity & market linkages developed/strengthened. (SO1) 2. Prevent and treat child malnutrition, expand integrated clinical health services, & improve community/ household responses to health challenges. (SO2) 3. Empower communities to reduce risks & effectively respond to emergencies. (SO3)

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