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Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement. Civil Rights: Protects one’s rights from persecution from gov’t & others Protects rights to participate in civic functions. Jackie Robinson: 1919-1972 Attended UCLA (lettered in track, baseball, football, basketball) 1 st time in school history

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Civil Rights Movement

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  1. Civil Rights Movement

  2. Civil Rights: Protects one’s rights from persecution from gov’t & others Protects rights to participate in civic functions
  3. Jackie Robinson: 1919-1972 Attended UCLA (lettered in track, baseball, football, basketball) 1st time in school history Nearly court-martialed from army in 1944 over bus incident Played semi-pro football & coached bball @ Sam Houston State
  4. Jackie Robinson--baseball Signed with KC Monarchs in 1945 for $400 a month Broke baseball color barrier (1947) Won Rookie of the Year Played for Brooklyn Dodgers—signed by Branch Rickey Played in 6 World Series (won 1 in 1955) #42 retired in MLB in 1997
  5. Emmitt Till: 14 years old Murdered in Money, MS Whistled @ white woman Eye gouged out, shot in head, thrown in river w/ cotton gin Found after 3 days—mother demanded open casket @ funeral Murderers found not guilty Admitted after the fact—DOUBLE JEOPARDY
  6. Rosa Parks: Dec. 1, 1955—refused to give seat on bus to white man in Montgomery, AL Sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  7. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) Born in Atlanta Skipped 9th & 12th grades BA in sociology & divinity Doctorate in philosophy Married Coretta Scott in 1953 & had 4 children Became Baptist minister in 1954
  8. Mahatma Gandhi’s influence on King Non-violence Civil disobedience
  9. SCLC: Created out of Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 Based in Atlanta Organized volunteers to create protests Church group King was 1st President
  10. SNCC Organized college students Organized sit-ins CORE Chicago 1942 Urban chapters Nonviolence Voting rights, job discrimination, and segregation
  11. Freedom Riders: Whites and blacks Result was often violent backlashes Many arrested for trespassing, unlawful assembly, or Jim Crow violations.
  12. Albany, GA (Nov. 1961-July 1962) Wanted to attract national attention to segregation practices Use nonviolence King arrested & sentenced to 45 days or $175 fine After 3 days, police chief paid fine “witnessed a man thrown out of jail”
  13. Birmingham, AL campaign Spring of 1963 Dared police to arrest peaceful protesters Overflow jails to point of chaos Wanted to force city to talk to black leaders Sit-ins & boycotts used against businesses Chief “Bull” Connor—used dogs & fire hoses Connor lost job & businesses opened up to blacks
  14. March on Washington—August 28, 1963 Bring attention to: End segregation End police brutality $2 minimum wage 250,000 marchers Finished at Lincoln Memorial Various speakers & musical acts (Bob Dylan) Concluded with “I Have a Dream” speech
  15. Freedom Summer Summer of 1964 Targeted Mississippi SNCC, CORE, SCLC sent white/black volunteers to register black voters & educate Over 1000 volunteers Met with hesitance from many blacks White residents resented movement Led to violence by KKK 3 volunteers arrested, released, kidnapped, tortured, and killed by the KKK in June
  16. Civil Rights Act of 1964: Outlawed segregation in all public places Affirmative Action 24th Amendment Banned the use of poll tax and literacy tests as means of voting
  17. Selma, AL—March 1965 SCLC & SNCC wanted march from Selma to Montgomery Cancelled once due to violent protests King did not endorse march—too violent March 7—marched w/o King—”Bloody Sunday” March 9—King led a short march and prayer March 25—King led march to Montgomery
  18. Poor People’s Campaign of 1968 Multicultural army to march on Washington Wanted to help all poor Not much support—too broad
  19. Assassination: April 4, 1968 Memphis, TN—helping sanitation workers’ strike Staying at Lorraine Motel April 3: gave “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech April 4: 6 pm: shot once in cheek on 2nd story balcony Riots ensued June: escaped convict James Earl Ray arrested Confessed but later took it back Pled guilty—99 years
  20. Nation of Islam Created in 1930 Northern & Urban Goal was to “resurrect the spiritual, mental, social, and economic” well-being of black men and women Taught traditional Muslim practices (no pork, drinking, smoking, swearing, gambling, and dress conservatively) Elijah Muhammad Charged with sedition during WWII Taught “black separatism” Claimed Allah would destroy “White America”
  21. Malcolm X Born Malcolm Little El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Meaning of X Follower of Elijah Muhammad Served 7 years in prison for crimes committed in Boston & New York Join Nation of Islam in jail Black Power/Nationalism Resented M. King’s tactics Assassinated Feb. 21, 1965 New York City ballroom 3 shooters (shotgun & 2 pistols)
  22. Black Panthers (mid-60s-1970s) Promote black power & self-defense through social agitation Militant tactics led to violent disputes with law enforcement Started in Oakland to put stop to police brutality Turned into a socialist political party Worked to end poverty, substance abuse, and improve health care Accused of “black racism” Eventually accepted whites into party
  23. Women’s Movement Betty Friedan & Feminine Mystique in 1963 Ignited women’s movement Wrote about secret anger and sadness in women’s day to day lives Women were not happy to take identity through husband and children Wanted more than to serve the family Questioned sex roles at home Post-WWII: new tech. made life easier but more boring and less valuable
  24. Equal Pay Act (1963): same pay for same job, skills, and responsibilities Only affected 1/3 of women workers Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 Protects women from discrimination Protects interracial marriages
  25. President’s Commission on the Status of Women Created by JFK to advise him and create laws to improve women’s status Investigated equality into workplace Headed by E. Roosevelt
  26. National Organization of Women Led by Friedan Over 500,000 members Lobbying group—pressure gov’t for social & economic reforms Heavily pro-choice (abortion) Provide various services to women (rape-crisis centers) 1968: disrupted Miss America Pageant "the degrading mindless-boob-girlie symbol“ Freedom trash can “Bra burners” Brought record media attention to protests and pageant
  27. Education Amendment Act (1972): outlawed sexual discrimination in higher ed or organization that receives federal money Title IX: colleges/high schools must provide equal sporting opportunities 1999: 232,000 males & 163,000 females Roe v. Wade: 1973 Equal Rights Amendment (1972-1982) Ratified by 35 states (needed 38) No support among Republicans/conservatives
  28. Native American Movement Goals of “Red Power” movement: American Indian Movement (AIM)—1968 Fought against poverty on reservations Demanded reimbursement for lands taken Wanted self-determination Russell Means—leader of AIM 1969: Alcatraz: took over and offered beads and cloth to buy it All removed by 1971
  29. 1970: Mayflower II: took over replica ship over Thanksgiving Painted Plymouth Rock red “all of our demonstrations have yet to hurt anyone or destroy any property, however we have found that the only way the white man will listen is by us creating a disturbance in his world.”
  30. 1972: “Trail of Broken Treaties” March of 2000 Indians to DC to present ideas to Nixon Occupied Bureau of Indian Affairs building for 7 days 1973: Wounded Knee, SD Same location as 1890 massacre of 300 Sioux AIM demanded gov’t listen to grievances 71 day standoff with 500,000 rounds shot 2 AIMs and 1 US Marshall killed Gov’t listens to grievances Means and others had cases dismissed due to loopholes
  31. Quadriplegic Movement Ed Roberts: Quadriplegic due to polio as child Denied admission to Cal-Berkeley in 1962 due to lack of accommodations “Rolling Quads” Group of quadriplegics in Berkeley area Used media to gain public support Roberts admitted later in 1962 Lived in school infirmary—iron lung too heavy for dorm floors Legacy: worked towards various laws/movements until 1990s
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