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THE HOLY SPIRIT, PRIME MOVER OF ALL MISSIONARY WORK. OBJECTIVES :. D: e xplain that the Holy Spirit impels the Church toward its mission and ministry; M: actively participate in the continuance of Christ’s mission in the world today in their outreach and parish program of activities;

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  2. OBJECTIVES: D: explain that the Holy Spirit impels the Church toward its mission and ministry; M: actively participate in the continuance of Christ’s mission in the world today in their outreach and parish program of activities; W: praise and thank God for the Holy Spirit who vivifies and nourishes the Church in her prayer life, especially through the sacraments and charismatic gifts.

  3. “Get Out”

  4. Guide Questions: • What struck you most in the film? • What does the film call you to do? • How does the film challenge you to continue your mission in our world today?

  5. Sacred Scriptures: : John 8: 12-19The Light of the World • What struck you most in the Gospel reading? • What is the message the Gospel for you? • As young missionaries, how can be light of the world, like Jesus in the Gospel? • In what way, have you become like the Pharisees who judge people by their appearances?

  6. Like Jesus, we are also challenge to be the light of the world especially in our time. We need to stand firm and hold our faith in Him, because He promised in the Gospel that “Whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”(Jn. 8:12) And so, let us continue to fulfill our mission and work hard for our salvation.

  7. In the Bible, there was a man who gave us a concrete example on how he followed the footsteps of Christ. He was before a sinner or persecutor but after his conversion he became apostle of Good news. • Let us continue to be inspired and discover him more in his 3 missionary journeys as we watch the presentation.


  9. The Good News of Jesus began in Jerusalem and has spread to the farthest ends of the world. • Members of the early Church were first called Christians in Antioch (cf. Acts 11:26).

  10. It was Paul, together with Barnabas and other companions, who brought Christianity to the Gentiles and established different early Christian communities during his three missionary journeys.

  11. Paul gave the converts reassurance and encouraged them to persevere in faith with the instruction: WE MUST UNDERGO MANY TRIALS IF WE ARE TO ENTER INTO THE REIGN OF GOD.

  12. PAUL: FOUNDER OF CHURCHES • Paul founds churches in places he went to during his missionary journeys. • Before he leaves, in each church, he installs presbyters or leaders and with prayer and fasting, commends them to the Lord in whom they have put their faith

  13. Communities established by St. Paul: • Colossians • Corinthians • Ephesians • Galatians • Philippians • Romans • Thessalonians

  14. What was Paul’s unique contributions to the life and history of the Church? • He freed Christianity from its Jewish practices and traditions, • He brought the Christian faith to the Gentiles, and • The letters he wrote to the communities he formed have become some of the oldest written sources of the New Testament and Christian faith in the early Church.

  15. Church Teaching: Catechism for Filipino Catholics1342 “The Spirit vivifies and nourishes the Church in its life of GRACE through the sacraments and charismatic gifts, unifies its members in Christ, and moves the Church to its mission of continuing the liberating ministry of Christ.”

  16. The challenge… • Compose one-two meaningful sentence/s to explain the Church Teaching.

  17. Important points to remember • Since the birth of the Church at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has been the prime mover of the Church's mission. • Missionary work does not happen overnight; it requires patience, for it gradually leads people to Christ in stages.

  18. Because “salvation” is a gift and never a result of human effort” (EA 18), the Church must always be attentive, discern and implore the Holy Spirit to discover new and effective ways to proclaim and give witness to Jesus. She must constantly invoke the Holy Spirit.

  19. FILM ANALYSIS: GAPANG…LIFE is a slow crawl

  20. Guide Questions: • Choose a line or phrase in the film that struck you most and why? • Identify values or virtues in the film that you think will help you become better missionary. • praise and thank God by praying the” Evangelization prayer.”

  21. To sum up with… let us watch this video. HEAVENLY APPEALS

  22. Let us try our very best to do our mission, choose what is right, and ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that God won’t deny us. Thank you…

  23. AN EVANGELIZATION PRAYERHeavenly Father, pour down on me the Holy Spirit, who, as Jesus promises, will make me his witness to the ends of the earth. Through prayer, lead me as lead Peter and Paul and all your chosen instruments to the accomplishments of your holy will.

  24. Give the courage and wisdom, the zeal, the faith and the love needed to be like them, salt of the earth and light of the world. Make me also fisher of men and women, a harvester of souls, and evangelist who with great joy carries the Good News to all nations and to every creature.

  25. To do all these, there is much in me that still needs your redeeming heart about things I am doing wrong. Show me the things I must do with more dedication and greater generosity. Speak, Lord, for in this silence truly your servants listens. Amen.

  26. Vocabulary words ASSIGNMENT PART I: • Read the article on p.58 and ponder it very well. What does it say to you? • Make a reaction paper and state how you will meet the challenges it poses in your daily life.

  27. PART II: • Read the life of Filipino Migrant Workers (see textbook, page 58-59) to deepen your learning from this lesson especially the value of Christ-centeredness and commitment to mission.

  28. THANK YOU!

  29. I CANNOT PRAY… I cannot say “OUR”, if I have no room in my life for others and their needs. I cannot say “FATHER’, if I do not demonstrate this relationship in my daily living. I cannot say “ IN HEAVEN”, if all my interests and pursuits are in earthly things. I cannot say “ HOLY BE YOUR NAME”, if I, who am called to bear His name, am not holy.

  30. I cannot say “YOUR KINGDOM COME”, if I am unwilling to give up my own sovereignty and accept the righteous reign of God. I cannot say “ YOUR WILL BE DONE” If I am unwilling or resentful of having God’s will in my life. I cannot say “ ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN”, UNLESS I AM TRULY READY TO GIVE MYSELF TO His service here and now. I cannot say “ GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD”, without expending honest effort for it, or by ignoring the genuine needs of others.

  31. I cannot say “ GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD”, without expending honest effort for it, or by ignoring the genuine needs of others. I cannot say “ FORGIVE OUR SINS AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO SIN AGAINST US”, if I continue to harbor a grudge against anyone. I cannot say “ LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION“ ,if I deliberately choose to remain in a situation where I am likely to be tempted.

  32. I cannot say, “ DELIVER US FROM EVIL”, if I am not prepared to fight in the spiritual realm with the ultimate weapon of prayer. I cannot say “ YOURS IS THE KINGDOM”, if I do not give the kind of disciplined obedience of a loyal subject. I cannot say “ YOURS IS THE POWER”, if I fear what my neighbors may say or do.

  33. I cannot say “FOREVER”, if I am too anxious about each day’s events. I cannot say “ AMEN”, unless I can honestly say, “ Whatever it may cost, this is my prayer.” You may be the only God, Bible, and Jesus people may ever see. Act wisely and appropriately in all things, no matter how in significant they may seem. Give Him the glory He deserves.

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