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Change. Rebecca Galloway English 2 10/23/13 Period 1. change (verb). to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be left alone. “The handsomest drowned man “.

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  1. Change Rebecca Galloway English 2 10/23/13 Period 1

  2. change (verb) • to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be left alone

  3. “The handsomest drowned man “ In the handsomest drowned man nobody knows who the man they have found is. The men from the village go to neighboring villages to see if the man is from one of them. While they do that the women take care of the man’s body and get him ready for burial. As they do so they think about how his life was; saying that maybe he was wealthy and had a lot of friends, that he was happy and looked at as a hero, but towards the end they start to realize that maybe his life was the complete opposite. He could have been miserable and picked on because of his height, and that people could have saw him as a nuisance.

  4. The little mermaid In The Little Mermaid the main character Ariel is a mermaid and is fascinated with humans. One day Ariel swims to the surface of the water and see’s fireworks and a ship. On the ship is Prince Eric , Ariel see’s him and it’s love at first sight. Ariel obviously is a mermaid so she can not be with Prince Eric, so she goes to the sea which, Ursula. Ursula gives Ariel legs and turns her human, but in return Ariel has to give Ursula her voice. Ariel has three days to make the Prince fall in love with her (without her ability to speak) or the sea witch gets her voice and soul.

  5. “ TRACING BACK ROOTS” – WE CAME AS ROMANS Tracing back roots is a song by the band we came as romans from their album tracing back roots. This song is about a man about how he had to go through different stages in his life to get to where he is now.

  6. Bekah Louise Obviously I am nothing like I used to be; when I was in middle school. I have grown up and matured a lot since then. Not only physically, but mentally as well. I have evolved from a shy and quiet awkward kid to a loud, out going , and sociable young woman.

  7. conclusion • Change is everywhere; yourself and everyone around you change and evolve every day. Whether its changing how you look, how you think, or how you live.

  8. bibliography • change definition • the little mermaid photograph • The little mermaid , Ron Clements and John Musker 1989. • handsomest drowned man photograph • “The Handsomest Drowned Man “ Gabriel Garcia 1968 • we came as romans song link • tracing back roots album cover • photo of we came as Romans • “Tracing back roots” – we came as Romans 2012

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