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BENCHMARK REVIEW. As a system I am responsible for breaking down large food molecules into smaller nutrients the body can use. DIGESTIVE. I add surface area to the small intestine to slow down the food’s passage and to absorb nutrients. VILLI.

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  2. As a system I am responsible for breaking down large food molecules into smaller nutrients the body can use. DIGESTIVE

  3. I add surface area to the small intestine to slow down the food’s passage and to absorb nutrients. VILLI

  4. All living things need these compounds. My family includes: amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. ORGANIC

  5. As a system I an responsible for moving materials through out your body. CIRCULATORY

  6. My salivary glands secrete saliva which begins ________ digestion of starches into sugars. CHEMICAL

  7. My process produces clone and requires only 1 parent for reproduction (1 word) ASEXUAL

  8. Although I am teeth I act like a simple machine (wedge) and perform _________ digestion on your food. MECHANICAL

  9. As a system I am responsible for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide gasses. RESPIRATORY

  10. I have 3 parts and disproved the idea of spontaneous generation. (2 WORDS) CELL THEORY

  11. I am the elastic structure in your lungs where gas exchange takes place ALVEOLI

  12. All my kids are the same, some use the term clone, but I prefer: UNIFORM

  13. I am the basic unit of life. CELL

  14. Cellular ___________ takes place in the mitochondria of all cells. The result is ATP an energy molecule. RESPIRATION

  15. As I increase so does the health and sustainability of my ecosystem. BIODIVERSITY

  16. I am the driving force behind adaptations and is some times thought of as “Survival of the Fittest” (2 words). Natural Selection

  17. I have to play second banana to the nervous system, but at least I get to help control and coordinate your body. ENDOCRINE

  18. I help with the mechanical digestion of lipids and am produced by the liver. BILE

  19. I am semi-permeable and referred to as the gate keeper if you do not know the “password” you are not getting in or out. (2 words) CELL MEMBRANE

  20. As a species I am not to blame if I edge out native species and decrease your biodiversity. You have tagged me as an _________ species INVASIVE

  21. Not all producers are plants that’s why we prefer the term: AUTOTROPH

  22. My ecosystem has been undergoing ________ succession due to a wildfire. SECONDARY

  23. I capture the sun’s radiant energy and transform it into chemical energy. CHOLORPLAST

  24. I am a genius and in command of my SMALL world NUCLEUS

  25. By using this method of reproduction we guarantee a greater mix of genetic material and a greater biodiversity. SEXUAL

  26. All ecosystems want to continue indefinitely so we do all we can to maintain our: SUSTAINABILITY

  27. Our offspring are not uniform they are very….. DIVERSE

  28. Every good ecosystem strives to become a _________ community. CLIMAX

  29. Sure takes a long time to create an ecosystem when you are starting with nothing but a bunch of rocks. I guess that’s why they call it _______ succession PRIMARY

  30. I am the process that takes in sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. PHOTOSYNTHESIS

  31. Plant cells like by rigidity because I provide them with structure and support CELL WALL

  32. Accomplishment means you have applied a force and moved an object some distance. I am calculated by multiplying: F x D WORK

  33. If you have one or more of me, I can increase your chance of survival. ADAPTATION

  34. My largest organ is the skin and I act as a barrier to protect the body. I am the __________ system. INTEGUMENTARY

  35. Although I am part of the digestive system no digestion takes place, only absorption of water and dissolved nutrients. LARGE INTESTINES

  36. Nothing can SUCK because I am defined as a push or a pull FORCE

  37. I store all the data that codes for who you are and how you work. I am located in the nucleus. DNA

  38. I am a special key that can not open any locks but I can help you identify an organism. DICHOTOMOUS

  39. I am a plant’s circulatory system responsible for transporting necessary materials through the plant. XYLEM

  40. My job is to filter blood to remove waste. KIDNEY

  41. I am the unit of measurement for work. JOULE

  42. Although I am small I have a critical job. I produce proteins for you. RIBOSOMES

  43. Without my wave like contractions food could not move through your digestive system. PERISTALSIS

  44. I am involved in a symbiotic relationship and help form soil. LICHEN

  45. My system’s main go to worker is the kidney, without me you would become very toxic. EXCRETORY

  46. I am a genius and in command of my SMALL world NUCLEUS

  47. I am responsible for producing ATP during cellular respiration. MITOCHONDRIA

  48. Omnivore, Carnivore, Herbivore we are all a type of….. HETEROTROPH

  49. Please keep me watered properly so that my vacuoles will stay full and maintain __________ pressure so I do not wilt. TURGOR

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