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Chapter 7 Leg & Foot

Chapter 7 Leg & Foot. 7. Leg & Foot. Topographical Views. Topographical Views. Topographical Views. Topographical Views. Exploring the Skin and Fascia. Exploring the Skin and Fascia. Text. Bones of the Knee, Leg and Foot. Bones of the Knee, Leg and Foot. Text. Bones of the Foot.

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Chapter 7 Leg & Foot

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 7 Leg & Foot 7 Leg & Foot

  2. Topographical Views Topographical Views

  3. Topographical Views Topographical Views

  4. Exploring the Skin and Fascia Exploring the Skinand Fascia Text

  5. Bones of the Knee, Leg and Foot Bones of the Knee, Leg and Foot Text

  6. Bones of the Foot Bones of the Foot Text

  7. Tibia and Fibula - Anterior Tibia and Fibula Text

  8. Tibia and Fibula - Posterior Tibia and Fibula Text

  9. Patella Patella Text

  10. Bony Landmarks of the Knee and Leg Bony Landmarks of the Knee and Leg

  11. Bony Landmarks of the Knee and Leg Bony Landmarks of the Knee and Leg

  12. Bony Landmark Trails of the Knee Bony Landmark Trails of the Knee

  13. Trail 1 - Patella Trail 1 “Landmark Trail” Patella Text

  14. Trail 1 - Tibial Tuberosity, Shaft of the Tibia & Head of the Fibula Tibial Tuberosity and Shaft of the Tibia Text Head of the Fibula Text

  15. Trail 2 - Tibial Plateaus & Pes Anserinus Attachment Site Trail 2 “Waddle Walk” Tibial Plateaus Text Pes Anserinus Attachment Site

  16. Trail 3 - Edges of the Femoral Condyles Trail 3“Hills on Both Sides” Edges of the Femoral Condyles Epicondyles of the Femur Adductor Tubercle

  17. Bones of the Foot - Plantar Bones of the Foot

  18. Bones of the Foot - Expanded Bones of the Foot

  19. Bony Landmarks of the Foot - Lateral Bony Landmarks of the Foot Text

  20. Bony Landmarks of the Foot - Medial Bony Landmarks of the Foot Text

  21. Bony Landmark Trails of the Ankle and Foot Bony Landmark Trails of the Ankle and Foot

  22. Trail 1 - Lateral and Medial Malleoli & Malleolar Grooves Trail 1 “The Back Road” Lateral and Medial Malleoli Text Malleolar Grooves

  23. Trail 1 - Calcaneus Calcaneus Text

  24. Trail 1 - Calcaneus, Sustentaculum Tali and Peronal Trochlea Calcaneus Sustentaculum Tali Peroneal Trochlea

  25. Trail 1 - Talus Talus Text

  26. Trail 1 - Head of the Talus, Trochlea of the Talus and Medial Tubercle Head of the Talus Trochlea of the Talus Medial Tubercle

  27. Trail 2 - Hallucis and First Metatarsal Trail 2 “Little Piggies” Hallucis Text First Metatarsal Text

  28. Trail 2 - Metatarsals and Phalanges Metatarsals and Phalanges Text

  29. Trail 3 - Medial, Middle and Lateral Cuneiforms Trail 3 “The Archway” Medial, Middleand Lateral Cuneiforms

  30. Trail 3 - Navicular and Cuboid Navicular Text Cuboid Text

  31. Muscles of the Leg and Foot Muscles of the Leg and Foot - Posterior

  32. Muscles of the Leg and Foot Muscles of the Leg and Foot - Anterior & Lateral

  33. Muscles of the Leg and Foot Muscles of the Leg and Foot - Cross Section

  34. Synergists – Muscles Working Together Synergists - Ankle, Plantar Flexion Ankle (talocrural joint)

  35. Synergists - Ankle, Dorsiflexion Ankle (talocrural joint)

  36. Synergists - Foot and Toes, Inversion & Eversion Foot and Toes (talotarsal, midtarsal, tarsometatarsal,metatarsophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints)

  37. Synergists - Foot and Toes, Flexion of Second through Fifth Toes Foot and Toes (talotarsal, midtarsal, tarsometatarsal,metatarsophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints)

  38. Gastrocnemius and Soleus, Gastrocnemius - AOIN Gastrocnemius and Soleus

  39. Gastrocnemius and Soleus, Soleus – AOIN Gastrocnemius and Soleus

  40. Gastrocnemius and Soleus - Palpate Gastrocnemius and Soleus - Standing

  41. Gastrocnemius and Soleus - Palpate Gastrocnemius and Soleus Text

  42. Plantaris Plantaris

  43. Popliteus Popliteus

  44. Peroneus Longus and Brevis - AOIN Peroneus Longus and Brevis

  45. Peroneus Longus and Brevis - O and I/Palpate Peroneus Longus and Brevis Text

  46. Extensors of the Ankle and Toes, Tibialis Anterior - AOIN Extensors of the Ankle and Toes

  47. Extensors of the Ankle and Toes, Extensor Digitorum Longus - AOIN Extensors of the Ankle and Toes

  48. Extensors of the Ankle and Toes, Extensor Hallucis Longus - AOIN Extensors of the Ankle and Toes

  49. Tibialis Anterior & Extensor Digitorum Longus - Palpate Tibialis Anterior Text ExtensorDigitorum Longus Text

  50. Flexors of the Ankle and Toes, Tibialis Posterior - AOIN Flexors of the Ankle and Toes

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