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Attribute data

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Attribute data

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Presentation Transcript

    1. In a vector setting Stored in a relational database for each geographic object A relational database is organized in a series of two-dimensional tables, each of which contains records for one data object. A row of data for each point, line, or polygon Attribute data

    2. Vector setting: attribute data:

    3. Raster setting: attribute data In a raster setting Stored as a grid of cells (each cell is given one number)

    4. Raster attributes: cell values

    5. Attribute data Three types of data: Nominal scale Ordinal level Interval and ratio levels

    6. Attribute data types Nominal data descriptors about the objects numbers do not quantify an amount

    7. Ratio data: ratios make sense (3:1) for these data (which means that 0 means nothing/none/zilch) mm of precipitation Resident population Elevation (contour lines: 30m, 40m, 50m, etc.) Average household income (of census tract) Age

    8. Interval scale: adding numbers are meaningful, but ratios arent Fahrenheit Celsius Note: 10 degrees cooler means the same thing at each temperature. But 20 degrees doesnt mean twice as much as 10 degrees. Also, 0 degrees doesnt mean no degrees.

    9. Ordinal data Numbers identify an order only (no scale) Road size:, 1-forest path, 2-dirt road, 3-gravel road, 4-country road, 5-major highway 1-never, 2-sometimes, 3-often, 4-always 1-sober, 2-tipsy, 3-drunk, 4-smashed/pissed (British), 5-plastered 1-small, 2-medium, 3-large

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