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Tracking Case Dispositions and Calculating Response Rates in the ACS

Tracking Case Dispositions and Calculating Response Rates in the ACS. Prepared for the September 26, 2006 meetings of the Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates. How does unit nonresponse and CAPI subsampling affect the confidence intervals?.

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Tracking Case Dispositions and Calculating Response Rates in the ACS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tracking Case Dispositions and Calculating Response Rates in the ACS Prepared for the September 26, 2006 meetings of the Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates

  2. How does unit nonresponse and CAPI subsampling affect the confidence intervals?

  3. What happens to the initial sample? • Factors that reduce the sample size from the initial sample • Survey nonresponse • Identification of sample addresses that are ineligible for interviewing • CAPI subsampling • Availability of “good” phone numbers

  4. Response Rate • Ratio of weighted estimate of total interviews to weighted estimate of eligible universe • Weighted estimate of the eligible universe is the initial sample minus the weighted estimate of deletes (e.g., commercial, nonexistent, not a housing unit)

  5. Example 1 - statistics

  6. Example 2 - statistics

  7. Impact of unmailables on final sample

  8. Questions? Deborah.H.Griffin@census.gov (301) 763-2855

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