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The Magic-Weaving Business Challenge or Opportunity?

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The Magic-Weaving Business Challenge or Opportunity?

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  1. “ Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative... there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have otherwise occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.”W N Murray The Scottish Himalayan Expedition“ Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

  2. The Magic-Weaving Business Challenge or Opportunity? The future is not what it was…change is mandatory but growth is optional. Why ‘water thinking’ has to replace ‘rock thinking!’ John Jones

  3. Circles of Reflection Who am I? R Why do I live and work in the way I do? What might I become?

  4. Questions are good for you… So why are you here and what do you want out of today?

  5. OPPORTUNITY • ONE • ‘Why do you do this to yourself?’

  6. The Calling Passion C Righteous Indignation Wisdom

  7. Why did you answer the call?

  8. OPPORTUNITY • TWO • ‘To understand the present you need to learn from the past. The brain is made for nexting’

  9. 1988 National Curriculum English 10% Mathematics 10% Combined sciences 10 – 20% Modern languages 10% Technology 10% History 10% Geography 10% Art / Music 10% Physical education 5% UK: Secondary School CurriculumComparison of 1904 and 1988 arrangements 1904 Regulations English 13% Mathematics 13% Sciences 10% Other languages 11 – 15% Housewifery 5% Manual work 5% History 13% Geography 13% Drawing 5% Physical education 5%

  10. What kind of children and young people do we want today? PASSIVE ACCEPTING • INDIFFERENT POSITIVE NEGATIVE • REJECTING INFLUENCING ACTIVE Ruddick and Flutter 2004 p127

  11. The journey so far… • Told/Choose what to study from pre-defined options • Sit with 20-30 other learners in confined space • Teacher delivers content in particular style • Keep copious notes • Cram in the content of your notes • Gamble on the questions coming up • Sit exam • Have learning assessed • Get results • Start forgetting what you did • Move to next stage • Do it all again until you finally fail • Become a university professor!

  12. Questions are good for you… How are you building one to one time into the learning journey?

  13. OPPORTUNITY • THREE • ‘Demographics must not equal destiny’

  14. ‘In 2008, an education represents the only door of opportunity. It is the ultimate civil right.’ Barr and Parrett Research shows FOUR key factors determine success in life: Poverty Family Neighbourhood Quality of schooling Schooling can be 20 TIMESmore significant than any of the others.

  15. What magic-weavers do… • Acknowledge/Warmly welcome/Share self/Smile • Give the purity of attention/Focus on feelings • Never assume silence equals learning • Praise out loud/in writing • Respect their culture/world • Notice invisible children/Appreciate vulnerability

  16. “ That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse… What will your verse be?” Walt Whitman 1819-1892

  17. Questions are good for you… Who was your magic-weaver at school?

  18. “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein “Real change, transformational change, requires that we change the underlying patterns of thought and emotion that created the old structures in the first place. It means that we have to redesign what we do and how we do it. This can only start after new understanding has been gained and when we can no longer live with the tension that comes from knowing that what we are currently doing, does not work, and more fundamentally, we no longer believe in what we are doing because it is not matching children’s needs, our own needs in terms of job satisfaction, or the needs of the school as an organisation . In other words, it no longer fits with our core values.” G Barker

  19. OPPORTUNITY • FOUR • ‘Help me to learn don’t teach me’

  20. ‘Children today are tyrants. They contradict their elders, gobble their food and tyrannise their parents.’ Socrates (469 – 499 b.c.)


  22. Engaging them all… High Reluctant learning under pressure Flow Learning Switch off Fun Low Engagementnt High Low

  23. Understand the Brain • Use positive emotions • Access the limbic system • Optimise dopamine secretion • Facilitate autonomic learning

  24. BASICS • Belonging – inclusive and welcoming • Aspiration – linked to my life goals • Safety – free from ‘dark sarcasm’ • Identity – recognising my uniqueness • Challenge – out of my comfort zone • Success – catch me succeeding

  25. The Road To Personalisation... What shall we take with us? What shall we leave behind?

  26. OPPORTUNITY • FIVE • ‘The geeks have won!’

  27. The geeks have won! Laptops, palm pilots, flash drives, i pods, playstations, wii, cell phones, email, texting, online books, homework websites, ATMs, blackberries, industrial robots, geek squad, youtube, myspace, facebook, ebay, mapquest, sparknotes, Digg, Craiglist, Orkut, Bebo, Flicker, Photobucket, Shutterfly, hi5, Xanga, Eyeballchat, digital everything!

  28. ‘It’s a flat world’- Friedman Creativity Ingenuity Portability Flexibility

  29. The Main Challenges of 21stCenturyDavid Hargreaves How to get young people engaged? How to unleash the creativity of Generation Y?

  30. OPPORTUNITY SIX ‘I love mankind it’s just people I can’t stand!’


  32. ATTITUDE ‘The longer I live the more I realise the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company…a church…a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes.’ Charles Swindoll

  33. OPPORTUNITY SEVEN ‘Locking in or locking out?’


  35. Different ways of reporting to parents 1. Ready Mental, physical, emotional engagement, motivation. 2. ResourcefulBrain, learning style, communication. 3. Reasoning Verbal, mathematical, logical, questioning. 4. ResilientEfficacy, optimism, ‘stuckness’, questioning. 5. ResponsibleThemselves, others. 6. ReflectiveListening, seeing patterns, changing mind.

  36. Questions are good for you… Think of an occasion when you have used single loop learning?

  37. OPPORTUNITY EIGHT ‘Others dream dreams and say ‘why?’, but I dream dreams that never were and say ‘why not?’


  39. Great T-Shirt Folding

  40. Questions are good for you… How is the maintenance/ development balance in your life?

  41. OPPORTUNITY NINE ‘The voice in your head. Most barriers exist only in your head.’


  43. TEN TRAPS -Nagging -Shouting -Public reprimand -Groundless threats -Put downs -Character attacks -Pointless ignoring -Blaming/Accusing -Sarcasm

  44. What magic-weavers say… Never use sarcasm or ‘killer statements’. What I like about you is… That’s not like you, the next time… You’re better than that. If you did know how to do it what would you do? Write it as if you were a posh person/the queen. You’re better than I am at this. When I look at you I see someone who… Have I explained that properly? Have I missed anything out? Change ‘don’t’ to ‘be’. Happy birthday! I saw this and thought of you.

  45. Questions are good for you… So what scripts are holding you back?

  46. OPPORTUNITY TEN ‘Smarter together or harder alone’

  47. A Winning Team! Take the risk of winning. Attitude is 80% of performance BADGE ON THE SHIRT NUMBER ON THE SHIRT YOU IN THE SHIRT

  48. Habits of Highly Effective Teams • Know vulnerabilities and reduce burdens • Play together • Appreciate appreciateappreciate • ‘Yes and…’ not ‘yes but…’ can-do culture • Quality environment • Empower and trust • Feedback - WWW EBI- in praise not blame culture • Poach ideas relentlessly • Communicate communicatecommunicate • Focus on core purpose and pull the right levers • Be lucky

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