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NEW WORLD ORDER. 1991 / 2005. 1991 : THE FIRST IRAQ WAR. Baghdad under bombings. We have used different websites such as : - http://www.historyguy.com/GulfWar.html - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_War. What are the different names of the first Iraq war ?.

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  1. NEW WORLD ORDER 1991 / 2005

  2. 1991 : THE FIRST IRAQ WAR Baghdad under bombings We have used different websites such as : - http://www.historyguy.com/GulfWar.html - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_War

  3. What are the different names of the first Iraq war ? The Second Persian gulf war ; The Gulf War (US), Operation Desert Storm (US)

  4. In a few lines introduce the country of Iraq in 1991: (complete this grid ) Where is Iraq ? Iraq is in the Middle East, near from the Red sea and Arabic peninsula

  5. Describe briefly the Persian region’s relief and climate. Who are Iraq’s neighbours ? It’s a desert region, very dry, very hot, with a lot of sand storms. There are only two big rivers (Tiger and Euphrates). In the north mountains are predominant and in the south there is a huge marsh (called Chott el Arab). Syria ; Turkey (Kurdistan) ; Iran ; Kuwait ; Saudi Arabia ; Jordan

  6. Who was The head of Iraq ? SADAM HUSSEIN (from 1979 to 2003) In 1991 and in 2003 why could we say that Sadam Hussein was a dictator ? Human rights were not respected Sadam ordered a genocide against Kurd people (at Halabja) In Iraq there was only one party (The Baas party) Sadam attacked Kuwait in 1991

  7. Kurd people area Sunnite area Shiite area What were the different religions in Iraq ? Christians (minority 3%), Muslims (Shiite 60 % and Sunnite 20 %) But only the Sunnites took part in the government

  8. What were the conflicts that occurred before ? The First Persian Gulf War (1980-1988) against IRAN (Iraq attacked first). The first Gulf war in 1991 (Iraq attacked first)

  9. 3 Why did Sadam Hussein invade Kuwait ? History : “First, Iraq had long considered Kuwait to be a part of Iraq” Economy : “Second, rich deposits of oil straddled the ill-defined border and Iraq constantly claimed that Kuwaiti oil rigs were illegally tapping into Iraqi oil fields. Middle Eastern deserts make border delineation difficult and this has caused many conflicts in the region.” Strategy : “Following the end of the war, relations between Iraq and Kuwait deteriorated; with a lack of gratitude from the Baghdad government for help in the war and the reawakening of old issues regarding the border and Kuwaiti sovereignty”

  10. 4 What was the reaction of the USA ? “the United States, along with the United Nations, demanded Iraq's immediate withdrawal. U.S. and other UN member nations began deploying troops in Saudi Arabia within the week, and the world-wide coalition began to form under UN authority.”

  11. 5 listen to G Bush’s speech and answer : Introduce this document This document is an official speech by president G Bush in Marsh 6 1991, just before the first Gulf war. He announced the war (led by the United Nations and the USA) against Iraq in order to free Kuwait.

  12. What was the aim of the US operations ? (according to president Bush) “We are determined to knock out Saddam Hussein's nuclear bomb potential. We will also destroy his chemical weapons facilities. Much of Saddam's artillery and tanks will be destroyed. Our operations are designed to best protect the lives of all the coalition forces by targeting Saddam's vast military arsenal.” What were the US objectives? “Our objectives are clear: Saddam Hussein's forces will leave Kuwait”

  13. Why did they act quickly ? “The answer is clear: The world could wait no longer.” According to G Bush was this war a dispute between Iraq and the USA ? « No, Saddam has arrogantly rejected all warnings. Instead, he tried to make this a dispute between Iraq and the United States of America.” Did he succeed ? Well, he failed. Tonight, 28 nations have forces in the Gulf area standing shoulder to shoulder against Saddam Hussein. Regrettably, we now believe that only force will make him leave.

  14. Why this war was an historic moment ? “When we are successful - and we will be - we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfil the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders.”

  15. 6 Who were the belligerents ? Kuwait and United Nations (United States, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, France, The Netherlands, Egypt, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Niger, Romania, South Korea) Israel did not participate in an offensive manner, but suffered Iraqi missile attacks. 7 What were the purposes of this war ? (the official ones and the real ones) vs. Iraq (Jordan, Yemen and the Palestine Liberation Organization gave moral support to Iraq) Peace and oil

  16. 8 Who won this war ? Allies 9 During the war what were the relationship between the USA and The United Nations? Good. USA accepted to make war under the UN orders.

  17. 10 What were the consequences of the first gulf war? * for the world ? “Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. In the words of Winston Churchill, a "world order" in which "the principles of justice and fair play ... protect the weak against the strong ...“ A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders. A world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations. The Gulf war put this new world to its first test, and, my fellow Americans, we passed that test.” G Bush Marsh 6 1991

  18. * for Iraq ? “Saddam's second war of foreign conquest ended even worse than the first one. Iraq again stood defeated with the liberation of Kuwait.” “As a result of the cease-fire terms, Iraq had to accept the imposition of "no-fly zones" over her territory and United Nations weapons inspection teams sifting through her nuclear and other weapons programs” To protect Kurd people The Iraq map in 2002 To protect Shiite people UK, US under Un orders controlled the « No Fly Zone »

  19. “The economic and trade sanctions begun during the war continue to the present day, contributing to severe economic hardship in Iraq” But Iraq can’t sell its oil because of the international embargo

  20. * for the USA ? They are the great winners of this conflict They have a positive image They respected United Nations They are the greatest worldwide superpower of all times

  21. 2003 : THE SECOND IRAQ WAR Baghdad under bombings … Once more

  22. What was the United States’ position during the second Gulf war ? Listen to G Bush’s speech

  23. Introduce this document This document is an official speech proclaimed by president G. W. Bush in September 12 2002, just before the second Gulf war. He announced the war (only led by the USA) against Iraq in order to ensure the security of the world. What is the aim of the UN security council ? “The United Nations was born in the hope that survived a world moving toward justice, escaping old patterns of conflict and fear. The founding members resolved that the peace of the world must never again be destroyed by the will and wickedness of any man.”

  24. What is role of the us in the middle east ? “In the Middle East, there can be no peace for either side without freedom for both sides. America stands committed to an independent and democratic Palestine, living side by side with Israel in peace and security. My nation will continue to encourage all parties to step up to their responsibilities as we seek a just and comprehensive settlement to the conflict.” According to G Bush why has USA no quarrel with Iraqi people? “The United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people; they've suffered too long in silent captivity. Liberty for the Iraqi people is a great moral cause, and a great strategic goal. The United States supports political and economic liberty in a unified Iraq.”

  25. What are the two possibilities described by G Bush in the middle east ? “Events can turn in one of two ways:If we fail to act in the face of danger, the people of Iraq will continue to live in brutal submission. The regime will have new power to bully and dominate and conquer its neighbours, condemning the Middle East to more years of bloodshed and fear. The region will remain unstable, with little hope of freedom, and isolated from the progress of our times. With every step the Iraqi regime takes toward gaining and deploying the most terrible weapons, our own options to confront that regime will narrow. And if an emboldened regime were to supply these weapons to terrorist allies, then the attacks of September the 11th would be a prelude to far greater horrors.” “If we meet our responsibilities, if we overcome this danger, we can arrive at a very different future. The people of Iraq can shake off their captivity. They can one day join a democratic Afghanistan and a democratic Palestine, inspiring reforms throughout the Muslim world. These nations can show by their example that honest government, and respect for women, and the great Islamic tradition of learning can triumph in the Middle East and beyond. And we will show that the promise of the United Nations can be fulfilled in our time”

  26. What was the aim of the US operations ? “We must choose between a world of fear and a world of progress. We cannot stand by and do nothing while dangers gather. We must stand up for our security, and for the permanent rights and the hopes of mankind. By heritage and by choice, the United States of America will make that stand”

  27. Did G W Bush act alone against Iraq or did he make war with the UN support ? What was the thought of the worldwide community ? Comment this chart :

  28. 6 In a few words, describe the invasion of Iraq 7 Who first “won” this war ?

  29. Can we say that the US have really won this war ?

  30. 8 Can we say that propaganda was used in this war ? (Fahrenheit 9/11 chap 16 jusqu’au champagne) What did the American medias do during this war ? Were the medias biased ? Why is the position of the American medias particularly serious ?

  31. 9 What were the consequences of this war? For the world ? The world has changed : terrorism is a reality for all occidental countries, and all the more for the countries of the US coalition. For Iraq ? Iraq knows a situation of war and conflicts. Iraq is in a political and economic crisis. Terrorism and Al Qaeda are very active in this country. For the Iraqi people life is always dangerous.

  32. For the USA ? The situation is very difficult : soldiers die everyday, democracy is not established in Iraq. Today we know that the US have lied. The US worldwide image is now very negative : A lot of people think that the USA overreact to terrorism. It is particularly true in the Arabic countries.

  33. 10 During the war what were the relationships between the USA and The United Nations? Very difficult. Generally the worldwide population supported the United Nations. It was even true in the USA :

  34. 11 What is the situation in 2005, which part of the international community was right?

  35. All these maps belong to the French TV program « Le dessous des cartes : Iraq 2002, la guerre avant la guerre ; 13 min » Pictures belong to the Michael Moore’s movie : Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD

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