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Bell Work!!!

Bell Work!!!. Write your experience in Personal Health this semester. Include anything that you would like changed and anything that you think should continue in class. Feel free to talk about ANY aspect of the class. Last Lesson!!!. Bullying. Does bullying happen at our school?. Bullying.

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Bell Work!!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bell Work!!! • Write your experience in Personal Health this semester. Include anything that you would like changed and anything that you think should continue in class. • Feel free to talk about ANY aspect of the class.

  2. Last Lesson!!!

  3. Bullying

  4. Does bullying happen at our school?

  5. Bullying • Is a way to exert power by deliberately hurting another person. It can be physical, verbal or emotional.

  6. Examples of bullying include… • Name calling, harassing, cornering • Terrorizing, threatening, blackmailing • Humiliating, teasing, gossiping • Rejecting, isolating, ignoring • Hitting, punching, kicking

  7. On a piece of paper, describe 1 example of a bullying incident that you witnessed, participated in, caused, or were a victim of at this school. Do not write your name on the paper or use any names in the description.

  8. Is bullying limited to just guys?

  9. Bullying is not limited to guys. Girls who are bullies typically will gossip, tease or isolate others. Girls also can be physically hurtful toward others.

  10. It’s important for targets of bullies not to fight back. They need to get out of the immediate situation. They can tell a school official, parent, or even the police until someone listens and helps.

  11. Hazing

  12. One type of bullying is called “hazing”.

  13. Hazing • Is any humiliating or dangerous activity expected in order to join a group. • When people haze they exert power over others. Those being hazed agree because they want to be part of the group.

  14. Why? • Some people want to be part of a group so badly they are willing to do almost anything. • People may not realize they are being hazed, especially if a group says it doesn’t haze new members. • Some members may think they are the only ones who don’t agree with the hazing activities. • They don’t know where or how to get help.

  15. Why? • People who have been hazed often feel they have the right to haze others. • Members are reluctant to go against the tradition of power of the group and report the hazing. • Some people consider hazing as a tradition and mistakenly believe it’s harmless fun.

  16. Most people agree that initiation activities can be positive experiences and bring a group closer together. The challenge is to make initiations fun, safe and a positive experience for everyone.

  17. Dating Violence

  18. Violence can also happen in relationships. Personal safety includes taking care of yourself with friends or with someone you’re dating.

  19. Intimate partner violence can occur in any relationship. In fact, 1 in 10 teen relationships is violent.

  20. How do you think dating violence begins?

  21. Violence in relationships usually begins with emotional abuse. It often progresses to physical and/or sexual abuse.

  22. What are some examples of emotional abuse?

  23. Emotional abuse takes many forms.It may include: • Verbal abuse such as name calling, insults or threats. • Criticism and put-downs. • Controlling how a person dresses or acts. • Damaging or destroying property. • Demanding to know a person’s whereabouts at all times.

  24. What are some examples of physical or sexual abuse?

  25. Physical and sexual abuse may involve: • Hitting, kicking, scratching, biting or punching • Using objects to physically hurt someone • Unwanted or forced sexual touching or kissing • Rape

  26. Is the person who’s abused to blame or at fault for being abused?

  27. Like abusers, people who are abused may believe that violence is OK. Part of the abuse involves blaming the victim. But people who are abused are never to blame and never at fault for the violence.

  28. If a person is experiencing dating violence, you should… • Talk to a parent or trusted adult. • Ask a teacher or school counselor to help. • Call an abuse hotline or rape crisis center. • Intimate partner violence can take many forms. Knowing the facts can help you stay safe.

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