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Which Chinese quote do you agree with?

Which Chinese quote do you agree with?. - Sun Yixian (Yat-Sen). “Knowledge is difficult, action is easy”. 2. “Knowing what to do is easier than doing it.”. - Confucius. 3. “Power comes from the barrel of a gun”. - Mao Zedong. Collapse of Imperial China.

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Which Chinese quote do you agree with?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Which Chinese quote do you agree with? - Sun Yixian (Yat-Sen) • “Knowledge is difficult, action is easy” 2. “Knowing what to do is easier than doing it.” - Confucius 3. “Power comes from the barrel of a gun” - Mao Zedong

  2. Collapse of Imperial China What causes the Chinese Civil War & why does the fighting stop?

  3. Nationalists led by Sun Yixian overthrow the last Emperor of China (1911) China 1911-1920 • Sun’s group is called the Kuomintang (KMT) • Sun believes in nationalism, democracy, and equality • KMT Govt. lacks the support of many of the wealthy landowners • These landowners become warlords by forming their own armies and governments, challenging Sun’s KMT • Chinese people also upset that Treaty of Versailles gives German-Chinese territory to Japan • Chinese students begin protesting during the May Fourth Movement (1919) Down with Western Imperialism! Dr. Sun Yixian (Yat-Sen)

  4. May Fourth protestors are led by a Chinese Communist, Mao Zedong China 1921-1929 • Western countries refuse to give support to Sun’s new govt. • Mao speaks to Sun about how the Soviet Union could aid his govt. • USSR gives aid to Sun’s government & in return Sun will allow Mao’s Communists to join the KMT • Sun dies in 1925 • KMT is now controlled by a businessman named Chiang Kai-Shek (Jiang Jeishi) • After Mao helps KMT defeat the warlords, Chiang turns on the communists No Commies! Mao must Go! • Mao & the communists flee into exile Mao Zedong in the 1920s

  5. Nationalist China • US & Britain recognize Chiang’s government China 1930-1937 VS. Communist China • In exile, Mao begins organizing an army • Mao calls for a communist revolution • Mao begins training peasants in guerilla warfare • Mao’s peasant army attacks the KMT • Civil War begins – After several years, KMT’s Nationalist Army is beating and Mao’s Red Army – Mao must retreat • Nationalists chase Communists on an 8,000 mile, 370 day “Long March” • 1937: Japan invades China • Truce occurs between Chiang & Mao • Nationalists and Communists will combine armies to fight Japan

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