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Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases

Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases. Reading -Paragraphs 10-13. Post-reading. Listen to paragraphs 10-13. Skip. Now, answer the following questions. D. _____ 4. Why is the story “United States under Attack” newsworthy ?

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Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases

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  1. Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 10-13 Post-reading

  2. Listen to paragraphs 10-13. Skip

  3. Now, answer the following questions.

  4. D • _____ 4. Why is the story “United • States under Attack” • newsworthy ? • It’s a heartwarming story • about ordinary people. • (B) People always want to know • about nearby events. • (C) Some well-known people were • killed in the attack. • (D) The event affected not only • Americans but people in the • rest of the world.

  5. A • ______ 5. Why is the story “Jordan Finishes Career with Great Respect in Philly” newsworthy? • Jordan is a world-famous • basketball star. • (B) Jordan’s retirement is significant to people’s lives. • (C) It is unusual for an NBA basketball player to retire. • (D) Basketball is exciting and always attracts much interest from people.

  6. Reading

  7. Here are two examples that can help you better understand the above concept.

  8. United States under Attack 2001/9/11 United States under Attack → The United States was under attack. 新聞標題的標示法及技巧

  9. 新聞標題的標示法及技巧 (1) 省略冠詞a, an, the等 Oldest Australian Dies at Age 111 (2) 使用略語(abbreviation) EU Opens Door to Sweden (EU為European Union的略語) (3) 使用縮略符號(’) Arafat Convenes Gov’t in Gaza (Gov't為government的縮略語) (4) 用縮寫點縮略 Pres. Yeltsin Arrives in Tokyo (Pres.為President的縮略語)

  10. 新聞標題的標示法及技巧 (5) 用冒號代替「說」的意思 Bentsen: No Tax on Car Imports (6) and常用逗號表示 Jordan, Israel Make Peace Vow (7) 用現在式表示過去式或現在完成式 Japan Gets Gold at Olympics (8) 省略be動詞is或are U.S. to Begin Talks with Russia This Week

  11. 新聞標題的標示法及技巧 (9) 一般用字的第一個字母皆大寫,冠詞 a, an, the以及介系詞(in, at, of, to等) 用小寫,除非放在句首,才需大寫. *Athletes of the World Pay Final Respects to 11 Olympians (10) 頭韻 (alliteration) *Bitter Battle over Bases

  12. 新聞標題的標示法及技巧 (11) 喜用模仿 * A Tale of Two Rivers 「雙河記」 (此乃以英國及美國河川污染問題為 題材的新聞標題,模仿小說 A Tale of Two Cities《雙城記》的標題).

  13. The United States was under attack Tuesday morning, with widespread destruction throughout the East Coast that included at least four commercial jet crashes into significant buildings. with + O + OC, 此處OC是介系詞片語(throughout...) 關係代名詞that引導限定用法的形容詞 子句,主要修飾前面的先行詞destruction。

  14. The first wave of the attack centered on the World Trade Center in Manhattan when a hijacked commercial airline slammed into the north tower shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane that crashed into the second tower about 20 minutes later. • center on/in/at/around=focus on 集中在… • The woman's life centers on her family. • The interest of the audience centered in • the climactic scene. • The discussion centered around the • coming election. Next

  15. The first wave of the attack centered on the World Trade Center in Manhattan when a hijacked commercial airline slammed into the north tower shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane that crashed into the second tower about 20 minutes later. The Introduction of World Trade Center

  16. The Introduction of World Trade Center World Trade Center「世貿中心」位於美國 紐約市曼哈頓區的南部,原為曼哈頓最著名 的地標之一。該中心於1966年,由紐約和新 澤西州港務局集資興建,由建築師山崎實 (Minoru Yamasaki)負責設計,當年造價美金 7億5千萬。大樓採用鋼架結構,是由5幢建築 物組成的綜合體,其主樓呈雙塔形,樓的週 邊密置鋼柱,牆面由鋁板和玻璃窗組成,因 此有「世界之窗」之稱。主樓雙塔分 為南塔和北塔,合稱為「雙子星大樓」:

  17. The Introduction of World Trade Center 北塔高417公尺,共110層,於1970年落成。 南塔高415公尺,共110層,於1972年落成, 且在1973年4月4日開幕。該大樓當時以110 層,417公尺的高度成為摩天巨人而載入史 冊。然而,在2001年9月11日的恐怖攻擊中, 南、北雙塔已被徹底摧毀。如今世貿中心的 重建工作將按照遇難者家屬代表的建議,納 入一座紀念公園,紀念在911恐怖 襲擊事件中的2823位遇難者。

  18. The first wave of the attack centered on the World Trade Center in Manhattan when a hijacked commercial airline slammed into the north tower shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane that crashed into the second tower about 20 minutes later. The Introduction of Manhattan

  19. The Introduction of Manhattan Manhattan「曼哈頓」是位於美國紐約州東南部紐約市的一個區,該地區主要位於曼哈頓島。17世紀時,荷蘭人最早在附近建立新尼德蘭殖民地(New Netherland),據傳其行政長官於1626年向當地印地安人購得此島。1789年,喬治‧華盛頓在此就任美國第一任總統。19世紀,尤其在伊利運河開鑿後,曼哈頓日益發展成繁華都會的核心,並被視為世界首要的工、商、金融中心。曼哈頓也因許多著名地點而聞名,例如:百老匯、華爾街、 帝國大廈、中央公園、聯合國總部等。

  20. The first wave of the attack centered on the World Trade Center in Manhattan when a hijacked commercial airline slammed into the north tower shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane that crashed into the second tower about 20 minutes later. a hijacked commercial airline slammed into the north tower..., (and it was) followed by another plane that crashed into the second tower (the south tower) ....

  21. The planes blasted huge blazing holes in the upper floors of the twin towers.

  22. About an hour later, the south tower collapsed with a roar and a huge cloud of smoke; the other tower fell about a half hour after that, covering Lower Manhattan in heaps of gray rubble and broken glass. covering...為分詞構句的用法. Lower Manhattan「曼哈頓下 城區」是曼哈頓最南端的區域, 又稱為「下曼哈頓」,下曼哈 頓有著名的自由女神像。 Next

  23. About an hour later, the south tower collapsed with a roar and a huge cloud of smoke; the other tower fell about a half hour after that, covering Lower Manhattan in heaps of gray rubble and broken glass. • heaps of = a lot of很多,大量 • There was heaps of money in the cave. • There are heaps of pencils • in the drawer. Next

  24. About an hour later, the south tower collapsed with a roar and a huge cloud of smoke; the other tower fell about a half hour after that, covering Lower Manhattan in heaps of gray rubble and broken glass. ...coveringLower Manhattan in heaps of gray rubble and broken glass. → ...and covered Lower Manhattan in heaps of gray rubble and broken glass.

  25. About 40 minutes after the attack on the World Trade Center, a plane crashed into the Pentagon, part of which also collapsed. Pentagon「五角大廈」座落於美國華盛 頓附近波多馬克河畔的阿靈頓 (Arlington),因呈五角形而得名,為美國國防部的辦公大樓。 關係代名詞which引導非限定用法的形 容詞子句,修飾先行詞.

  26. According to an American Airlines spokesperson, the airline lost two planes: Flight 11 from Boston with 81 passengers and 11 crew members aboard and Flight 77 from Washington Dulles airport with 58 passengers and 6 crew members aboard. Both flights were on their way to Los Angeles. The Introduction of American Airlines

  27. The Introduction of American Airlines American Airlines「美國航空」略寫為AA,目前為全美排名第五的航空公司。該公司於1930年結合85個航空關係企業而創業,1934年設立於德拉瓦州,擁有聯絡28州66個城市及加拿大、墨西哥和加勒比海諸島等的航線網,總公司設在德州。

  28. 美國遭受恐怖攻擊的時間表:

  29. 美國遭受恐怖攻擊的時間表:

  30. 美國遭受恐怖攻擊的時間表:

  31. Jordan Finishes Career with Great Respect in Philly 2003/4/16 Jordan Finishes Career with Great Respect in Philly → Jordan finishes his career with great respect in Philly * 此為新聞標題,所以動詞用簡單現在式 (finishes),省略所有格(his),且除了介 系詞with及in外,每個字的第一個字母都 大寫。 Next

  32. The Introduction of Michael Jordan The Introduction of Philly

  33. The Introduction of Michael Jordan

  34. The Introduction of Michael Jordan

  35. The Introduction of Michael Jordan

  36. The Introduction of Michael Jordan

  37. The Introduction of Michael Jordan

  38. The Introduction of Philly Philly「費城」乃口語用法,正式名稱為 Philadelphia。費城是美國第四大城市,是美國殖民時代和獨立戰爭時期的名城,在國家的誕生之初曾扮演重要的角色。1775年,獨立宣言就是在此發表的。1787年,立憲會議在此召開,並制定了聯邦憲法;1790-1800年,費城成為美國首都;1876年,美國開國100週年在此慶祝。 Next

  39. The Introduction of Philly 此外,在50年代以前,費城是美國金融中心,建有該國第一座銀行和證交所,儘管其金融地位已被紐約取代,但現在仍是重要的銀行業中心。費城也在美國藝術生活中占有重要地位,有「美洲雅典」之稱。 Next

  40. Jordan’s last shot was a free throw, and like his final appearance in an NBA uniform, it was good. free throw表「罰球」 籃球相關用語

  41. 投籃 3 pointer 三分球 jump shot 跳投 alley-oop 第一時間空中接力灌籃 slam dunk 灌籃 reverse dunk 反身倒扣 air ball 籃外空心球 brick 球碰到籃框或籃板沒進 layup 三步上籃 hook shot 鉤射

  42. 設備/場地 rim 籃框 hoop 籃框或籃網 home 主場 road 客場

  43. 角色 guard 後衛 point guard 控球後衛 shooting guard 得分後衛 center 中鋒 forward 前鋒 power/small forward 大/小前鋒 bench player 板凳球員

  44. 角色 clutch player (在關鍵時刻挑起勝負重責的)危機球員 rookie 新人 head coach 總教頭 assistant coach 助理教練 trainer 訓練員 stating lineup 先發陣容 referee 裁判

  45. 防守/進攻 man-to-man defense 人盯人防守 zone defense 區域防守 pressing defense 緊迫盯人 steal 抄截 turnover 失誤 rejection/block 阻攻,蓋火鍋 fast break 快攻 assist 助攻 three on one 3個打1個快攻 give-and-go 傳球後空手切入籃下

  46. 傳球 behind-the-back pass 背後傳球 bounce pass 地板傳球

  47. 犯規(foul)/違例(violation) flagrant foul 故意犯規 charging foul 進攻犯規 technical foul 技術犯規(兩次得離場) goaltending 干擾投籃(球算進) traveling 走步 kicking 腳踢球 charging with the ball 帶球撞人 double 回場

  48. 犯規(foul)/違例(violation) dribble 兩次運球 over the shoulder 運球過肩 over and back three-second violation 籃下3秒 illegal defense 非法防守 out of bound 出界 foul out 犯滿離場(NBA規則為犯滿6次得離場)

  49. 比賽 over time 延長賽 playoff/post-season 季後賽 final 決賽 semifinal 準決賽

  50. 簡寫 FGA (field goal attempt) 投籃出手次數 FGM (field goal made) 投籃命中次數 FG% (field goal percentage) 投籃命中率 3PT% (3-point field goal percentage) 三分球命中率 FT% (free throw percentage) 罰球命中率 ST (steal) 抄截 BLK (block) 火鍋數

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