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Character, Number, Miscellaneous and Date Functions

Character, Number, Miscellaneous and Date Functions. CS 265 EA Summer I 2007 Karl R. Wurst. Objectives. To understand how to use functions in your SQL statements To be able to construct some Oracle functions that do not exist in SQLite from other SQLite functions

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Character, Number, Miscellaneous and Date Functions

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  1. Character, Number, Miscellaneous and Date Functions CS 265 EA Summer I 2007 Karl R. Wurst

  2. Objectives • To understand how to use functions in your SQL statements • To be able to construct some Oracle functions that do not exist in SQLite from other SQLite functions • To understand SQLite’s date format • To use SQLite date functions to manipulate dates

  3. Functions • Functions let you change the data returned from the database. • Functions follow the basic form:function_name(input_parameter, …) • Each function has a name • Functions generally take one or more input parameters • Each function returns a value. • All of the functions we will talk about today operate on a single row

  4. The LOWER Function • The LOWER function changes all letters in a string to lowercase SELECT state, LOWER(state), LOWER(‘State’) FROM zipcode; • What will be the output?

  5. The UPPER Function • The UPPER function changes all letters in a string to uppercase SELECT state, UPPER(state), UPPER(‘State’) FROM zipcode;

  6. The INITCAP Function • The INITCAP function changes the first letter to uppercase and the rest of the letters to lowercase • But, SQLite does not provide this function! • However, we can build it if we have some other functions. • We already have UPPER and LOWER, what else do we need to be able to do?

  7. The SUBSTR Function: Taking Strings Apart • The SUBSTR function lets you get at part of a string • You need to know the starting position and how many characters you wantSUBSTR(string, starting_position, length) starting_position can be negative (from the end of the string) • To get the first character: SUBSTR(‘Example String’, 1, 1) • How do we get the rest of the string?SUBSTR(‘Example String’, 2, ?) • What do we specify as the length?

  8. The LENGTH Function:Finding a String’s Length • The LENGTH function tells us how long a string is LENGTH(‘Example String’)

  9. So, how do we get the rest of the string? • The LENGTH function tells us how long a string is SUBSTR( ‘Example String’, 2, LENGTH(‘Example String’)-1) • (It turns out you don’t need the -1. Why?)

  10. Now we can get the two parts of the string, and we can upper- and lowercase them. UPPER(SUBSTR(‘Example String’, 1, 1)) LOWER(SUBSTR(‘Example String, 2, LENGTH(‘Example String’)-1)) • Now what do we need to do?

  11. Concatenation: Putting Strings Together • Concatenation lets you take two strings and combine them into one • SQLite uses the double vertical bar (||) for concatenation • (The Oracle CONCAT function is not available.) • Put the || between the two strings you want concatenatedSELECT city||state||zip FROM zipcode;

  12. Now we can get the two parts of the string, and we can upper- and lowercase them, and we can put them together. UPPER(SUBSTR(‘Example String’, 1, 1)) || LOWER(SUBSTR(‘Example String, 2, LENGTH(‘Example String’)-1)) • This will let us do what INITCAP does

  13. The LPAD and RPAD Functions • The LPAD and RPAD functions let you pad the left or right of a string to a set number of positions with a padding character • LPAD(‘Example’, 20, ‘*”) produces Example************* • RPAD(‘Example’, 20, ‘*”) produces *************Example • But, SQLite doesn’t provide them either. • Can we make them?

  14. The LPAD and RPAD Functions • What do we need to make them? • Concatenation (||) • SUBSTR • LENGTH

  15. The LPAD and RPAD Functions • Can you make them? LPAD(string, n, pad_char) can be produced by SUBSTR(pad_char_string, 1,n-LENGTH(string))|| string Where pad_char_string is a string of length n of the pad_char • For example: SUBSTR(‘********************’, 1,20-LENGTH(‘Example’))|| ‘Example’ • Can you do RPAD?

  16. The LTRIM, RTRIM and TRIM Functions • Trim a specified character off left, right or both left and right ends of a string • LTRIM(string, trim_char) • RTRIM(string, trim_char) • TRIM(string, trim_char) • For example: LTRIM(‘0001234500’, ‘0’)produces 1234500

  17. The REPLACE Function • Replaces all occurences of one string with another • REPLACE(string, find, replace) • For example: REPLACE(‘Oracle is a database’, ‘Oracle’, ‘SQLite’)produces SQLite is a database

  18. The Numerical Functions • You may use the standard arithmetic operations in a SQL statement • Addition (+) • Subtraction (-) • Multiplication (*) • Division (/)

  19. The ABS Function • Returns the absolute value of a number • ABS(value)

  20. The ROUND Function • Rounds a number to the specified place • ROUND(value, precision) • Positive values for precision specify places to the right of the decimal point • Negative values for precision specify places to the left of the decimal point

  21. The MOD Function • Returns the remainder of a division • MOD(value, divisor) • But, SQLite doesn’t provide the MOD function • However, we can create it: (value – (divisor*ROUND(value/divisor)))

  22. The COALESCE Function • Replaces NULL values with one of a number of expressions • COALESCE(input_expression, substitute_expression1, …) • If input_expression is NULL, it will be replaced with substitute_expression1 • If substitute_expression1 is also NULL, substitute_expression2 will be used • And so on…

  23. The NVL, NVL2 and NANVL Functions • The Oracle NVL function can be replaced with COALESCE with only one substitute_expression • The Oracle NVL2 function does not exist in SQLite, and there is no substitute that I have determined • The Oracle NANVL function is not needed in SQLite because there are no BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE numbers

  24. The NULLIF Function • The NULLIF function compares two expressions, and if they are equal, returns NULL SELECT student_id, created_date, modified_date, NULLIF(created_date, modified_date)FROM student;

  25. The DECODE Function and CASE Expression • The Oracle DECODE function does not exist in SQLite, and there is no substitute that I have determined • The Oracle CASE function does not exist in SQLite, and there is no substitute that I have determined • This is a problem • I am still looking for a solution

  26. SQLite Dates • There is no SQL standard for dates • Dates in SQLite are text fields • A time string can be in any of the following formats: • YYYY-MM-DD • YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM • YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS • YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS • HH:MM • HH:MM:SS • HH:MM:SS.SSS • now • DDDD.DDDD Assume 2000-01-01 Julian date

  27. SQLite Date Functions • date( timestring, modifier, modifier, ...) returns YYYY-MM-DD • time( timestring, modifier, modifier, ...) returns HH:MM:SS • datetime( timestring, modifier, modifier, ...) returns YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS • julianday( timestring, modifier, modifier, ...)returns the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C

  28. SQLite Date Functions • strftime( format, timestring, modifier, modifier, ...) provides custom output using the format string. • The format string can include: %d day of month %f fractional seconds SS.SSS %H hour 00-24 %j day of year 001-366 %J Julian day number %m month 01-12 %M minute 00-59 %s seconds since 1970-01-01 %S seconds 00-59 %w day of week 0-6 sunday==0 %W week of year 00-53 %Y year 0000-9999 %% %

  29. SQLite Date Functions • Notice that all of the other four functions could be expressed in terms of strftime(). • date(...) -> strftime("%Y-%m-%d", ...) • time(...) -> strftime("%H:%M:%S", ...) • datetime(...) -> strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ...) • julianday(...) -> strftime("%J", ...) • The only reasons for providing functions other than strftime() is for convenience and for efficiency.

  30. SQLite Date Modifiers • The time string can be followed by zero or more modifiers that alter the date or alter the interpretation of the date. The available modifiers are as follows. • NNN days • NNN hours • NNN minutes • NNN.NNNN seconds • NNN months • NNN years • These modifiers simply add the specified amount of time to the date specified by the preceding timestring.

  31. SQLite Date Modifiers • The time string can be followed by zero or more modifiers that alter the date or alter the interpretation of the date. The available modifiers are as follows. • start of month • start of year • start of day • weekday N • The “start of” modifiers shift the date backwards to the beginning of the current month, year or day. • The "weekday" modifier advances the date forward to the next date where the weekday number is N. Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, and so forth.

  32. SQLite Date Modifiers • The time string can be followed by zero or more modifiers that alter the date or alter the interpretation of the date. The available modifiers are as follows. • unixepoch • localtime • utc • The "unixepoch" modifier only works if it immediately follows a timestring in the DDDDDDDDDD format. This modifier causes the DDDDDDDDDD to be interpreted not as a julian day number as it normally would be, but as the number of seconds since 1970. This modifier allows unix-based times to be converted to julian day numbers easily. • The "localtime" modifier adjusts the previous time string so that it displays the correct local time. "utc" undoes this.

  33. SQLite Date Examples • Compute the current date. SELECT date('now'); • Compute the last day of the current month. SELECT date('now','start of month', '+1 month','-1 day'); • Compute the number of days since the battle of Hastings. SELECT julianday('now') - julianday('1066-10-14','gregorian');

  34. SQLite Date Examples • Compute the number of seconds between two dates: SELECT julianday('now')*86400 - julianday('2004-01-01 02:34:56') *86400; • Compute the date of the first Tuesday in October (January + 9) for the current year. SELECT date('now','start of year', '+9 months','weekday 2');

  35. Searching for Dates • Why do I get no results for this query? (There are student records created on this date) SELECT student_id FROM student WHERE created_date = ‘2003-02-2003’;

  36. Searching for Dates • I am interested in only the date, not the time • How can I do that? SELECT student_id FROM student WHERE date(created_date) = ‘2003-02-2003’;

  37. References • SQL As Understood By SQLite (Expressions): http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html • SQLite Date and Time Functions: http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki/wiki?p=DateAndTimeFunctions

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