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  3. CONCEPTS, DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES "Lahanadalah area tertentudipermukaanbumi, yang melingkupisemuaatributbiosfirdiatasdandibawahpermukaan, termasukiklimdidekatpermukaan, tanahdanbentuklahan, hidrologipermukaan (termasukdanaudangkal, sungai, rawa-rawa), the near-surface sedimentary layers and associated groundwater reserve, populasitumbuhandanbinatang, polapermukimandansifatfisikakibataktivitasmanusia (terras, bangunan air dan drainage, jalanrayadanbangunangedung, dll.).“ Sumber: FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 5. 1997

  4. Fungsi-fungsilahan: FungsiProduksi FungsiLingkunganBiotik Fungsiregulasiiklim · hydrologic function · storage function · waste and pollution control function · living space function · archive or heritage function · connective space function Sumber: FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 5. 1997

  5. FUNGSI PRODUKSI Lahanmerupakan basis bagiberbagaisistempenunjangkehidupan, melaluiproduksibiomasa yang menyediakanmakanan, pakan-ternak, serat, bahan-bakar, bahanbangunandan material biotiklainnyabagimanusia, secaralangsungataumelaluibudidayaternak, termasukakuakulturdanperikanantangkap. Sumber: FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 5. 1997

  6. FUNGSI LINGKUNGAN BIOTIK Lahanmerupakan basis bagibuiodiversitasterrestrisdenganmenyediakan habitat biologisdan plasma nutfahbagitanaman, binatang, danmikroba yang hidupdiatasdandibawahpermukaan. Sumber: FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 5. 1997

  7. LahanmempunyaiAtribut, Karakteristik, Sifat & Ciri, danKualitas (atauKondisi/Pembatas): an attribute, or variable, is a neutral, over-arching term for a single or compound aspect of the land; a characteristic is an attribute which is easily noticed and which serves as a distinguishing element for different types of land; it may or may not have a practical meaning (e.g., soil colour or texture, or height of forest cover are characteristics without giving direct information on land quality); a property is an attribute that already gives a degree of information on the value of the land type; a land quality (or limitation) is a complex attribute of land which acts in a manner distinct from the actions of other land qualities in its influence on the suitability of land for a specified kind of use. Sumber: FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 5. 1997

  8. KUALITAS LAHAN & PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN HASIL TANAMAN (a resultant of many qualities listed below). KETERSEDIAAN LENGAS TANAH. KETERSEDIAAN HARA. KETERSEDIAAN OKSIGEN DI ZONE AKAR. Adequacy of foothold for roots. KONDISI PERKECAMBAHAN. Workability of the land (ease of cultivation). SALINITAS ATAU SODISITAS. TOKSISITAS TANAH. RESISTENSI TERHADAP EROSI TANAH. Pests and diseases related to the land. Flooding hazard (including frequency, periods of inundation). REGIM SUHU. RADIASI ENERGI DAN FOTOPERIODE. Climatic hazards affecting plant growth (including wind, hail, frost). Air humidity as affecting plant growth. PERIODE KERING UNTUK PEMASAKAN/PEMATANGAN TANAMAN. Sumber: FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 5. 1997

  9. Crop yields (a resultant of many qualities listed below). Crop production provides the food for human beings, fodder for animals and fiber for cloths. Land is the natural resource which is unchanged & the burden of the population is tremendously increasing, thereby decrease the area per capita. Therefore it is necessary to increase the production per unit area on available land. This necessitates the close study of all the factors of crop production viz. TANAH sebagai TEMPAT MENANAM TANAMAN Air yang dibutuhkandandigunakanolehtanaman Tanamanygmenghasilkanbahan-bahanpangandanpakan Ketrampilanpengelolaan (budidaya) olehpetani Iklimdiluarkendalimanusia, tetapimempengaruhipertumbuhandanproduksitanaman. Karaktergenetiktanamanygmenjadikekayaangenetikdandapatdieksploitasiuntukproduksitanaman. Sumber: http://agriinfo.in/?page=topic&superid=1&topicid=311


  11. PENGELOLAAN TANAH .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Pengantar • Soil quality • Organic standards • Olah Tanah & Kultivasi • Hara danKesuburan Tanah • BOT: BahanOrganik Tanah

  12. PENGELOLAAN TANAH (Karlen et al., 1997; soilquality.org) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee Soil health and soil quality are key to sustainable agriculture "the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function …to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation“ Assessments focus on dynamic (management-affected) soil properties

  13. SIFAT DAN PERILAKU TANAH .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Inherent vs. dynamic soil properties • Inherent: Change little with management (texture, clay mineralogy, drainage class, etc.) • Dynamic: Change over months and years in response to management (organic matter, structure, bulk density, water and nutrient holding capacity, etc.) • Do the management practices improve, sustain, or degrade soil quality? • What type of soil management is considered “sustainable” or “organic”?

  14. KAIDAH ORGANIK (Bellows, 2005) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee Does not define specific land practices Identifies general soil management and environmental objectives Producers and certifiers determine if practices meet these objectives Also good general guidelines for “sustainable” soil management and improving soil quality, even if not organic

  15. KAIDAH ORGANIK .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee “Select and implement tillage and cultivation practices that maintain or improve the physical, chemical, and biological condition of the soil and minimize erosion” “Manage crop nutrients and soil fertility through rotations, cover crops, and the application of plant and animal materials” “Manage plant and animal materials to maintain or improve soil organic matter content in a manner that does not contribute to contamination of crops, soil, or water by plant nutrients, pathogenic organisms, heavy metals, or residues of prohibited substances”

  16. SIFAT & CIRI TANAH (Bellows, 2005) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • (a) “Select and implement tillage and cultivation practices that maintain or improve the physical, chemical, and biological condition of the soil and minimize erosion” • Physical condition: bulk density, aggregate stability, available water capacity, infiltration rate, erodibility, etc. • Supports growth of plant roots • Allows for movement of nutrients, water, air, and soil organisms through soil • Promotes rainfall infiltration rather than runoff

  17. SIFAT & CIRI TANAH (Bellows, 2005; soilquality.org) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Chemical condition: fertility, pH, salinity, etc. • Nutrients sufficient but not in excess • Appropriate pH for crop growth • Heavy metals and other toxins do not inhibit plant growth or soil ecology • Relatively high levels of organic matter • Biological condition: earthworms, soil arthropods, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, algae • Contribute to nutrient cycling, buffering, filtering • Improve soil structure, aggregation • Resistance to disease

  18. KECUKUPAN HARA TANAMAN Sumber: http://nrcca.cals.cornell.edu/nutrient/CA3/CA0323.php

  19. KECUKUPAN HARA TANAMAN Sumber: http://nrcca.cals.cornell.edu/nutrient/CA3/CA0323.php

  20. KECUKUPAN HARA TANAMANThe relationship between nutrient concentration in plants and yield (plant growth). Sumber: http://www.sesl.com.au/fertileminds/200711/Plant%20analysis%20for%20turf%20species.php

  21. KECUKUPAN HARA TANAMAN Sumber: http://faculty.yc.edu/ycfaculty/ags105/week15/nutrient_mangement/nutrient_mangement4.html

  22. Sumber: http://nebeginningfarmers.org/farmers/land/know-your-soils/ph-level/

  23. KECUKUPAN pH TANAMAN Sumber: http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/grapevine/vegging-out/request-smple-ph-mineral-chart_67527.html

  24. KECUKUPAN pH TANAH Sumber: http://www.blogdivvy.com/growing-vegetables/soil-ph-for-garden-vegetables.htm

  25. KECUKUPAN OLAH-TANAH The benefits of tillage include: Soil conditioning—the modification of soil structure to favor agronomic processes such as soil–seed contact, root proliferation, water infiltration, and soil warming; Weed and pest suppression—direct termination or disruption of weed and pest life cycles; Residue management—movement, orientation, or sizing of residues to minimize the negative effects of crop or cover crop residues and promote beneficial effects; Incorporation and mixing—placement or redistribution of substances such as fertilizers, manures, seeds, and residues, sometimes from a less favorable location to a more favorable spatial distribution; Segregation—consolidation of rocks, root clumps, soil crumb sizes, and so forth; Land forming—changing the shape of the soil surface; the simplest variant is probably leveling; ridging, roughening and furrowing are also examples; and Stimulation of nutrient release—achieved by aeration and mixing; note this can be a disbenefit when not synchronized with crop uptake. Sumber: http://www.extension.org/pages/18634/use-of-tillage-in-organic-farming-systems:-the-basics

  26. KECUKUPAN OLAH-TANAH More specific tillage objectives include seed bed formation, stale seed bed formation, compaction alleviation, fracturing of soil crusts, severing and/or dessication of weeds, maceration of biofumigant cover crops, stimulation of soil biology, and harvesting of root crops. Sumber: http://www.extension.org/pages/18634/use-of-tillage-in-organic-farming-systems:-the-basics

  27. KECUKUPAN OLAH-TANAH Efeknegatifpengolahantanah : Compaction of soil below the depth of tillage (formation of a tillage pan); Crusting of soil when soil pulverization is followed by rain, stimulating weed seed germination and inhibiting crop emergence; Increased susceptibility to water and wind erosion associated with residue removal and soil loosening; Accelerated decomposition of organic matter, which is undesirable from a long-term perspective; Cost of equipment purchase and operation; Energy cost of tillage operations; Labor and temporal obligations; and Alteration of the soil foodweb, shifting populations away from larger, longer-lived organisms to smaller, shorter-lived organisms. Sumber: http://www.extension.org/pages/18634/use-of-tillage-in-organic-farming-systems:-the-basics

  28. EFEK PENGOLAHAN TANAH (Bellows, 2005; ok.gov) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Olahtanahtradisional • Disrupts soil aggregates • Disrupts soil organisms • Makes soil less resistant to: • Compaction • Erosion • Breakdown of organic matter

  29. Olah-Tanah & Kultivasiyg Sustainable (Bellows, 2005; ipm.iastate.edu; newdeal.feri.org) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee Meminimumkanpemadatan Minimizes loss of aggregates Promotes infiltration Protects soil from wind/water erosion Minimizes disruption of beneficial soil organisms Tutpanmukatanahdenganbiomasaresidu (seresah)

  30. Olah-Tanah & Kultivasiyg Sustainable (Bellows, 2005; fao.org; photo: Les Everett, UMN) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Minimize tillage • Undercutter or roll-chopper • Mulch tillage or add mulches • No-till • Disk plant or Chisel plant • Ridge tillage • Strip tillage • Chisel/sweep plows vs. moldboard and disk plows • Maintain residues (>30%) and increase surface roughness

  31. TanpaOlah Tanah vs. Organik (Teasdale, 2007) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Numerous benefits of conservation tillage or no-till over conventional tillage systems • With proper management, organic systems can exceed no-till in terms of C storage and increased soil organic matter • Banyaktanamanpenutuptanah, pupukhijau • Kompos, pupukkandang • Sedikitpupuk N anorganik • Sedikit herbicides/pestisida

  32. TanpaOlah Tanah vs. Organik (Teasdale, 2007; forages.tennessee.edu) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Look for opportunities to integrate perennial crops into organic rotations • Eliminate tillage for a few years • Perennial hay or pasture crops • Utilize mechanically-killed cover crop residues for weed suppression • Continuous no-till probably not feasible in organic vegetable production at this time

  33. Olah Tanah vsManajemenGulma (Liebman and Gallant, 1997; Comis, 2007; Schonbeck, 2010) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Don’t allow tillage/cultivation to replace herbicides as the “big hammer” in organic production • “many little hammers” • Crop rotation • Optimizing crop growth • Cover cropping • Intercropping/relay cropping • Mulching • Mowing • Grazing

  34. HARA DAN KESUBURAN TANAH .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee “Manage crop nutrients and soil fertility through rotations, cover crops, and the application of plant and animal materials” Stipulates reliance on biological processes Permits low-solubility, mined substances (e.g. rock phosphate, greensand) Crop nutrients must be at least in part provided through management practices and organic residues

  35. SIKLUS Nitrogen (msu.edu)

  36. POTENTIAL INTERACTIONS BETWEEN EARTHWORMS & MICROORGANISMS IN VERMICOMPOSTS Mineralization Plant-Available Mineral Nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Micronutrients Earthworms Phytohormone-like Plant Growth Regulators Auxins, Cytokinins, Gibberellins BOT: BahanOrganik Tanah Other Plant-Growth Influencing Substances Humic materials Free Enzymes Allelopathic agents Microorganisms Plant Disease and Nematode Suppression

  37. Siklus Nitrogen dalamSistemOrganik • Tidakadafiksasi nitrogen secaraindustri • Bertumpupadafiksasi N oleh legume • Pupukhijau • Rabukkandangdariternakygmengkonsumsihijauan legume • Daurulangharadalambiomasatanaman, kompos , pupukkandang, seresahbiomasalainnya

  38. Siklus Nitrogen dalamSistemOrganik .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Management of pathways in N cycle • Reduce leaching, runoff, gaseous losses • Maintain awareness of patterns of mineralization and immobilization • Residue incorporation/tillage • Cover crops/catch crops • Crop rotation • Fallow periods • Cash crop N demand and uptake

  39. quality. TANAMAN PENUTUP TANAH. Additional benefits of cover crops in annual production systems include decreasing soil erosion, sequestering excess soil nitrogen, replenishing soil organic matter reserves, suppressing weeds and nematodes, increasing the size and activity of the soil micro-flora, as well as enhancing microbial populations antagonistic to pathogenic organisms Sumber: http://www.ars.usda.gov/pandp/docs.htm?docid=10590

  40. TANAMAN PENUTUP TANAH. Vegetable growers can also put cover crops in after vegetable establishment. The cover crops will help minimize compaction as well as add valuable nitrogen into the soil. Sumber: http://msue.anr.msu.edu/news/overseeding_cover_crops

  41. TANAMAN PENUTUP TANAH. Planting windows for Brassica cover crops in commercial vegetableproduction systems Sumber: http://msue.anr.msu.edu/news/dont_miss_the_sowing_window_for_your_brassica_cover_crops

  42. Siklus Nitrogen dalamSistemOrganik .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Complex interaction of processes controls N availability from organic sources • Estimate N availability from organic inputs, cover crops • Test N content of inputs • Online calculators can help determine N availability (OSU organic fertilizer and cover crop tool) • Realize that N will continue to be released in subsequent years from past inputs

  43. Phosphorus .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Many agricultural soils have ample P due to history of manure and fertilizer application • Imbalance when manures applied to meet N needs • Availability of P may be limited due to soil minerals, pH • Solutions: • P solubilizing cover crops (e.g. buckwheat) • Increase organic matter • Encourage mychorrizal fungi

  44. K, S, Mg, Ca, micronutrients .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Uji Tanah secarareguler • Balance exports/imports • Many manures & composts contain ample K, S, Mg & micronutrients, but other sources are available to organic producers • Over-application is also not sustainable

  45. HARA DAN KESUBURAN TANAH .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Reduksionis vs. Sistemik • Goal is not to replace synthetic conventional input with organic input • How do the diversity of organisms within the soil and the diversity of plants in the cropping system interact and affect soil fertility? • What inputs must be returned to the soil or imported to maintain and improve fertility and supply crop needs (composts, manures, minerals, etc.)?

  46. (Davies and Lennartsson, 2005) TanamanPenutup Tanah .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Legume untukmembangunkesuburantanah • Generally fix 50 to 200 lbs N acre-1 • Incorporate perennials when possible • Length of legume in rotation is reduced in systems which are not integrated with livestock ($) • Serapanhara • Prevents losses via leaching, runoff • Nutrients potentially available to subsequent crop

  47. TanamanPenutup Tanah .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Mengisiperiodelahanbero • Cool-season fallow: • Legumes: hairy vetch, crimson clover • Non-legumes: cereal rye, triticale, annual ryegrass, other small grains, brassicas • Warm-season fallow: • Legumes: cowpeas, soybeans, sunn hemp • Non-legumes: sorghum-sudangrass, pearl millet, buckwheat

  48. Tanaman Penutup Tanah (Seiter and Horwath, 2005) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee • Ketersediaan N untuktanamanberikutnya - beragam • 10% to more than 50% • Mineralization controlled by interaction of factors: • Environment (temperature, moisture, soil properties) • Management (incorporation, mowing, etc.) • Tissue quality (C:N ratio, carbohydrates, lignin)

  49. RotasiTanaman (Davies and Lennartsson, 2005) .Sumber: David Butler, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Organic/Sustainable & Alternative Crop Production; Plant Sciences Department, The University of Tennessee Incorporate perennials when possible Include diversity of crops Rotate among crop “families” Include high residue crops Immediately follow fertility-building phases with heaviest feeding crops Consider building rotations around cover crops

  50. PERGILIRAN TANAMAN. Garden Crop Rotation - A Simple System. Sumber: http://www.betterhensandgardens.com/2010/04/04/garden-crop-rotation-a-simple-system/#sthash.c6J9pkpK.NuBsNWS4.dpbs

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