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Car Accident Attorney in Stuart FL - Solutions for Distracted Driving

Read this write up now to learn a few statistics on distracted driving listed by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and a few simple solutions to avoid distracted driving and fatal accidents. Visit http://glorialaw.com for more information.

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Car Accident Attorney in Stuart FL - Solutions for Distracted Driving

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  1. GLORIALAW.COM Statistics on Distracted Driving and Tips to Avoid Auto Accidents

  2. DID YOU KNOW? Each year, more than 80% of drivers in the annual AAA Foundation Traffic Safety Culture Index cite distraction as a serious problem and behavior that makes them feel less safe on the road. GLORIALAW.COM

  3. WHAT IS DISTRACTED DRIVING? The act of driving while engaging in other activities such as texting, talking on the phone, talking to a passenger, watching videos, eating, rubber necking and more. GLORIALAW.COM

  4. Statistics on Distracted Driving As Listed By National Highway Traffic Safety Administration • Sending or reading a text removes your eyes from the road for five seconds at a speed of 55 mph equates to driving the entire length of a football field with your eyes closed.  • NHTSA lists texting as the most alarming distraction.  GLORIALAW.COM

  5. The US fatalities from traffic accidents rose 7.2% in 2015, which was the largest increase in 50 years.  • Distracted driving accounted for 10% of deaths from traffic accidents.  • Fatalities from “distraction-affected” crash increased from 8.8% in the following years. GLORIALAW.COM

  6. SOLUTIONS FOR DISTRACTED DRIVING • Apple’s new iOS11 comes with more exciting features that are aimed to limit usage of phones while driving. This includes, • The new feature automatically blocks notifications when your phone thinks you are driving. • Your phone sends an automatic reply stating that you are driving when texts come through. GLORIALAW.COM

  7. OTHER SOLUTIONS • Teach your children about the importance of not texting while driving. • Take a pledge against texting while driving. • Turn off your mobile phones and put them aside while driving. GLORIALAW.COM

  8. Looking for an experienced auto accident attorney in Stuart FL? Visit glorialaw.comto book an appointment. Call: 772-287-1220 E-mail: gloria@glorialaw.com GLORIALAW.COM

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