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Help your clients keep more callers on hold

80% of callers with silence on hold hang up within 1 minute. With music on hold, clients can keep callers on the line and boost sales!

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Help your clients keep more callers on hold

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  1. Help your clients keep more callers on hold! www.gosoho.com.au

  2. 80% of callers with silence on hold hang up within 1 minute. With music on hold, clients can keep callers on the line and boost sales! www.gosoho.com.au

  3. On Hold Message Statistics • AT&T REPORTS: • An estimated 70% of business phone callers are put on hold. • An estimated 60% of business phone callers put on hold will hang up without messages & music on hold. • An estimated 30% of these phone callers don't call back! www.gosoho.com.au

  4. On Hold Message Statistics • A NATIONAL STUDY PUBLISHED BY NORTH AMERICAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION REPORTS: • Phone callers with SILENCE-ON-HOLD will abandon their phone calls in less than one minute; 90% hang up within 40 seconds. • Phone callers with MUSIC ON HOLD will stay on the line 30 seconds longer than with only silence. • Phone callers with MESSAGES ON HOLD will stay on the line for up to 3 minutes longer. www.gosoho.com.au

  5. On Hold Message Statistics US WEST COMMUNICATIONS FOUND THAT MESSAGES ON HOLD RESULTS IN: • 40% increase in retention of phone callers on hold • 15% increase in inquiries • 12% increase in requests for products and services mentioned on hold www.gosoho.com.au

  6. On Hold Message Statistics • MORE ON HOLD MESSAGE FACTS: • Telemarketing Magazine - "Over 70% of business phone callers are put on hold...“ • OfficeTeam Survey - "The average executive spends 17 minutes per day on hold...“ • CNN Survey - "The average person spends 60 hours per year on hold...“ • CNN Survey - "Without on hold music or messages, 60% of those on hold will hang up and 30% won't call back...“ • Cellular Marketing Magazine - "Over 85% of phone callers prefer on hold messages over silence...“ • Telemarketing Magazine - "Surveys show that 15% to 20% of phone callers make purchases based on information they heard on hold..." www.gosoho.com.au

  7. An AT&T study found that more than 70% of business phone calls in the United States are placed on hold for an average of 45 to 60 seconds each. Meanwhile, a USA Today study found executives spend 15 minutes a day or 68 hours a year on hold.  A CNN survey found that that 70% of callers in the United States who are holding the line in silence hang up within 60 seconds.  A study by North American Telecom found that callers hearing music on hold will stay on the line 30 seconds longer than callers experiencing silence, and callers hearing commercials on hold will stay on the line for up to 3 minutes longer. In November 2011 an omnibus survey of more than 2,000 UK consumers highlighted several key figures related to modern business communications and specifically to On Hold Messaging.Conducted by ICM on behalf of audio branding specialist PH Media Group, the survey found 70% of consumers are put on hold for more than 50% of their calls; 68% of consumers are put on hold for longer than one minute; 73% of consumers want to hear something other than beeps or silence while on hold; 72% of personal calls to businesses are made at home on a landline; 60% of consumers are in front of a computer while on hold. www.gosoho.com.au

  8. Why use Messaging on Hold? Well let's take a quick look at some phone related 'FACTS'! Here are just a few brief facts about how customers react to different phone hold situations www.gosoho.com.au

  9. PLEASE NOTE: Statistics supplied from AT&T, TeleconnectMag, N.A.T.A. and U.S. West Communications and Telstra • In Australia, the average time spent on hold is 44 seconds. • 88% of callers prefer on hold messages. • 60% of callers put on 'silent' hold hang up, and 30% first time callers never call back. • Callers hearing information while on hold, will stay on the line for up to 3.5 minutes longer. • 70% of customers calling businesses are placed on hold. • Callers who hear music on hold will stay on the line up to 60 seconds longer than 'silent' hold. • Up to 20% of callers on hold made a purchasing decision based on what they heard on-hold. • Advertising on hold cost far less than most other types of advertising media & targets your market. www.gosoho.com.au

  10. Messages On Hold works! If you think about it... customers who call your business are already interested in what you have to offer. www.gosoho.com.au

  11. Messages On Hold takes your current marketing strategies to a HIGHER LEVEL. and it's the perfect way to: • Educate your caller, cross promote ALL the different and NEW services and products you supply. • Enhance and provide a Professional Phone Image. • Improvecustomer relations and increase sales. • Instill'Caller Confidence'... knowing they are dealing with a business who takes pride in their capabilities & products. • MaintainCaller Retention, so your caller will stay holding for a longer period. • Direct Target Marketing, providing more in-depth information while motivating your customers to act. • Turn 'wasted' hold time... into positive customer connection and branding. www.gosoho.com.au

  12. Let's take a look at the alternatives you have compared to Messages On Hold www.gosoho.com.au

  13. RADIO • You could end up advertising your competition. • Theradio is susceptible to being off station... creating 'white noise'. • Bad music selection by a radio station can do more harm than good. • The audio does NOT promote your company. www.gosoho.com.au

  14. CD’s • CD players do NOT have an Auto Restart Feature, so you have to continually check if your CD player is still playing.. as they stop running frequently... example, when there's been a power down or power surge. • CD players have mechanical parts that wear out, breaking down and costing you money when having to be replaced. • and like Radio, CD's do NOT promote your company. www.gosoho.com.au

  15. And if your business uses any of the following... then you really need to contact us ASAP! www.gosoho.com.au

  16. CHIMES • If you have chimes... we bet you have had customers complain. www.gosoho.com.au

  17. SILENCE • "..hello... hello... anyone there...are you still there... hello?"  The customer will soon hang-up and you take the risk of them not calling back, as very few people who hang up call back again. www.gosoho.com.au

  18. GENERIC OF-THE-SHELF MOH UNIT • Sounds totally unprofessional! • The audio doesn't promote your company www.gosoho.com.au

  19. DID YOU KNOW? • A caller hearing information on hold will stay on the line for up to 3.5 minutes longer? www.gosoho.com.au

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