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Allison Ryan Dominic Scrima

Minority Consumption in American Marketing Our memberships in ethnic, racial, and religious subcultures often play a big role in guiding our consumption behaviors. Allison Ryan Dominic Scrima. The Article “Muslim Teen Alleges Discrimination by Abercrombie and Fitch”.

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Allison Ryan Dominic Scrima

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Minority Consumption in American MarketingOur memberships in ethnic, racial, and religious subcultures often play a big role in guiding our consumption behaviors. Allison RyanDominic Scrima

  2. The Article“Muslim Teen Alleges Discrimination by Abercrombie and Fitch” • “A Muslim teenager claims in a federal lawsuit that she was denied a job at Abercrombie & Fitch clothing store at a Tulsa mall because she wore a headscarf” (Murphy, 2009). • “The teen, who wears a hijab in accordance with her religious beliefs, claims the manager told her the headscarf violates the store’s ‘look policy’” (Murphy, 2009).

  3. The Facts “The combined buying power of America's minorities will increase from $1.6 trillion in 2010 to more than $2 trillion by 2015” (Klein, 2010).

  4. Today’s Current Minority Marketing Strategies and Their Relation to ClassChapter 14: Ethnic, Racial, and Religious SubculturesChapter 17: Global Consumer Culture • The dominant American culture exerts pressure on immigrants to become absorbed in mainstream society (Elton, personal communication). • “Unfortunately, many [companies] make little effort [to target the changing American consumer] beyond replacing a Caucasian spokesperson with a minority” (Klein, 2010). • Our memberships in ethnic, racial, and religious subcultures often play a big role in guiding our consumption behaviors (Elton, personal communication). • Products that succeed in one culture may fail in another if marketers fail to understand the differences among consumers in each place (Elton, personal communication).

  5. Class Discussion • Who liked when they gave their presentation and no one answered their questions? • Would a sales associate wearing a Hijab effect your opinion of Abercrombie & Fitch or your consumption there? • Do you notice marketing directed to minorities? • Do you feel current marketing strategies targeted at minorities are effective?

  6. References • Aronson, A. (2002). Protecting growth: the business case for diversity today. Bloomberg Businessweek, Retrieved from http://www.businessweek.com/adsections/2002/diversity/diversity.htm • Klein, K. E. (2010, December 14). What companies get wrong when marketing to minorities. Bloomberg Businessweek, Retrieved from http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/dec2010/sb20.htm • Murphy, S. (2009, September 18). Muslim teen alleges discrimination by abercrombie and fitch. Chron National, Retrieved from http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nation/6625271.html

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