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Coca Cola

Coca Cola. Coca Cola employes. It has around 92 400 employes in all the world. Femsa. Femsa is a internacional compani that owns 53% of c Coca-Cola C ompany in Mexico and in L atin A merica . Oxxo 2nd biggest bottle plant in the world the first one is the Coca-Cola company.

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Coca Cola

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Coca Cola

  2. Coca Cola employes • It has around 92 400 employes in all the world.

  3. Femsa • Femsais a internacional companithatowns 53% of c • Coca-Cola Company in Mexico and in LatinAmerica. • Oxxo • 2nd biggestbottleplant in theworldthefirstoneisthe Coca-Cola company

  4. Coca Cola Trademarks • Has Over 400 marksover 200 countries • Just in a day 1.6 bilionCokes are consumed in theworld • Mexicoisthefirstconsumer of coke in theworld.

  5. Coke in our lives • As the video show us,coke uses institutionstosellthereproductsbyleaving no otheroptions in themarket.

  6. Coke in the world • I don’t know if you have notice but coke is in every where, is over 200 countries in the world. • But in the worlds biggest events you see, even if is little a Coca-cola title is posted. • Fifaworld cup • Super bowl

  7. Publicity • Market • Other brands • Images • Subliminal mesages

  8. Countries • 30 plants in all Latin America • (Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina)

  9. Problems in the world • Us racism • India Contamination • Colombia injustice

  10. Thank you for your attention • By • Sergio Guarneros & • Luis Arturo Gonzalez

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