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The Latest "Earth-Like Planet": LHS 1140.b

Explore the discovery of LHS 1140.b, an earth-like planet, its potential habitability, and its unique characteristics. Join us in unraveling the mysteries of this fascinating celestial body.

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The Latest "Earth-Like Planet": LHS 1140.b

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  1. Sermons From Science -- June 2017科学布道-- 2017年6月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 1/3/2020 1

  2. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b • The Answers In Genesis website published an article written by Dr. Danny R. Faulkner on May 10, 2017. I now quote his article below: • “Another Planet Found in the Habitable Zone of a Star • “On April 19, 2017, a team of researchers announced the discovery of the latest “earthlike” planet, LHS 1140 b. The star the planet orbits, LHS 1140, is an M4.5 main sequence star. This red dwarf is about one four-thousandth as bright as the sun. Consequently, the star’s habitable zone, the region in which a planet must orbit for liquid water to exist on the planet’s surface, is smaller than the sun’s habitable zone. Therefore, the planet LHS 1140 b orbits its star only 9% the distance from its star that the earth orbits the sun. And rather than taking a year to orbit, LHS 1140 b orbits every 25 days. 1/3/2020 2

  3. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b • “What Happened to the Last Earth-Like Planet? • “Interestingly, less than two months earlier, the world was abuzz with the last “earthlike” planet discovery when not just one but three earth-sized planets were found orbiting the star TRAPPIST-1 within its habitable zone. As I opined shortly thereafter, the star TRAPPIST-1 is prone to flares that almost certainly would make those three worlds uninhabitable. There wasn’t much mention of that fact at the time, but one of the popular accounts about the discovery of LHS 1140 b brought this up, contrasting the perceived stability of LHS 1140 compared to TRAPPIST-1. So much for TRAPPIST-1’s three earth-like planets. 1/3/2020 3

  4. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b • “Is LHS 1140 b Really Earth-Like? • “But is the planet LHS 1140 b out of the woods as far as flares go? Astronomers believe that its star rotates with a period of 130 days. Rapid rotation likely is connected to flare activity (TRAPPIST-1 rotates every three days), so perhaps flaring is not a major problem with LHS 1140. However, another study indicated that over a decade the star LHS 1140 had a standard deviation in its measured brightness of about 1.2%. This variability is in addition to any dimming due to the planet’s transits. If this variability is real, any planets orbiting it would have swings in the amount of radiation they received, leading to changes in conditions on their surfaces that might be harmful to life. The nature of any variability in this star is yet unknown. We are not certain, but variability among stars of this type may be common. 1/3/2020 4

  5. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b 1/3/2020 5

  6. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b • “What of the planet LHS 1140 b? Its diameter is 1.4 times that of the earth, qualifying it as a super earth, a planet slightly larger than the earth. The mass of LHS 1140 b is less certain, but it appears to be about 6.6 times that of the earth. Combining its mass and size, the computed density of LHS 1140 b is 2.3 times greater than the earth’s density. That is an incredible 12.5 gm/cm3. However, there is some uncertainty in the mass and size of the planet, so the lower limit on the density still would be more than 9.0 gm/cm3. The article announcing the discovery of the planet stated that its density is “consistent with a rocky bulk composition.” However, we have four planets in the solar system that have rocky bulk composition. Three of them, Mercury, Venus, and earth, have density of about 5.5 gm/cm3. This may be nearly the maximum density of a planet with rocky bulk composition. 1/3/2020 6

  7. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b • “If the computed density of LHS 1140 b is correct, then it has a strange composition. The cores of the rocky planets in the solar system are mostly iron and nickel. Those elements normally have density of 8 gm/cm3, but there is some compaction of the core. For instance, the central density of the earth’s core probably is close to 13 gm/cm3. It may not be possible to construct a plausible model of a planet with the density of LHS 1140 b without including some very dense, but cosmically rare, elements. At the very least, LHS 1140 b must not contain much rock, but instead consists almost entirely of heavier metals. With very little rock, the surface chemistry of this planet must be very different from earth’s. 1/3/2020 7

  8. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b • “There is another problem. The acceleration of gravity on the surface of LHS 1140 b is about three times that of earth’s. This is significant, because, in the solar system, planets with high surface gravity have atmospheres dominated by polyatomic gases. Polyatomic gases are greenhouse gases that trap heat from the sun. If this trend plays out with LHS 1140 b, then the surface temperature of LHS 1140 b might be too high for liquid water to exist. Neither is it likely in such an atmosphere that free oxygen exists. These facts do not bode well for this planet being earth-like. 1/3/2020 8

  9. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b 1/3/2020 9

  10. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b • “Conclusion • “A decade ago, astronomers welcomed the discovery of the first potential earth-like planet, Gliese 581 d. Almost no one seemed to notice that the star it orbited, Gliese 581, was a variable star. Even more embarrassing, there is considerable doubt that Gliese 581 d even exists. Each new supposed earth-like planet discovery since has suffered from similar problems, such as orbiting a variable star or likely undergoing synchronous rotation, probably eliminating all of them from serious consideration as being earth-like. The latest such claims about LHS 1140 b seem less problematic—we don’t yet know for certain if its parent star is a variable star. And this planet orbits a bit farther from its star than other recently claimed earthlike planets do, which makes it less likely that it rotates and orbits at the same rate. However, this planet’s size and mass are problematic. Its composition almost certainly is very different from the earth’s. Furthermore, its stronger gravity probably means that this planet has an atmosphere that is entirely wrong for living things. 1/3/2020 10

  11. The Latest “Earth-Like Planet”: LHS 1140 b最新的“地球行星”:LHS 1140 b • “Despite the problems with each supposed earth-like planet they have discovered, most scientists are undeterred, because in the evolutionary worldview life must exist on many planets. But the more extrasolar planets that we discover (the number is closing in on 4,000), the more we realize how special the earth is. This is consistent with the expectations of the creationary worldview, but it is a huge problem for the evolutionary worldview.” • Thank God for the contribution of Dr. Faulkner. 1/3/2020 11

  12. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 1/3/2020 12

  13. Sermons From Science -- June 2017科学布道-- 2017年6月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 1/3/2020 13

  14. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • The Answers In Genesis website published an article on May 9, 2017. I now quote the article below: • “Religious Freedom Test Case in the Aftermath of Pres. Trump’s Executive Order Last Week • “Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media. • “In the wake of President Donald Trump's executive order last Thursday to protect religious liberties, a test case of those freedoms has entered the federal court system. A lawsuit was filed today in a US District Court in Phoenix, Arizona, by the civil liberties group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) on behalf of a scientist with Answers in Genesis (AiG). The suit alleges that the civil liberties of geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling were violated when he was twice denied a permit by Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) to continue his research at the canyon due to his religious and scientific views. 1/3/2020 14

  15. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “The lawsuit names the US Department of the Interior, the Grand Canyon park superintendent, and other government officials as defendants. ADF lawyers have carefully laid out ample documentation of a clear case of viewpoint discrimination against Dr. Snelling (PhD, geology), who had requested permission from the GCNP Research Office staff to conduct additional canyon research. After the GCNP refused to issue Dr. Snelling a research and sampling permit to collect about 40 small samples from inside the massive canyon in Northern Arizona, the park’s superintendent repeatedly ignored ADF’s letters of demand, and to date has not responded to an inquiry from US Congressman Trent Franks (Arizona) last March about the matter. 1/3/2020 15

  16. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 1/3/2020 16

  17. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “The complaint argues that because of his “Christian faith and scientific viewpoints informed by his Christian faith," Dr. Snelling's application for a research permit was unconstitutionally rejected by the GCNP. The lawsuit highlights Dr. Snelling's impressive academic background, which includes writing many articles in peer-reviewed mainstream geology journals, earning a doctorate in geology from the University of Sydney (ranked in the top 100 universities throughout the world), and conducting “substantial field and laboratory experience relating to numerous aspects of theoretical and practical geological research." The lawsuit also points out that in 25 years of canyon study, "Dr. Snelling has successfully completed 3 prior research projects without complaint from any NPS official within the Grand Canyon." 1/3/2020 17

  18. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 Dr. Snelling inside the Grand Canyon at a section called “The Great Unconformity.” 1/3/2020 18

  19. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “During a three-year period that buried Dr. Snelling in needless red tape, the park twice declined Dr. Snelling’s straightforward permit. Tellingly, the park offered no scientific grounds for its last refusal. Instead park officials imposed onerous conditions, making it virtually impossible for Dr. Snelling to comply. According to park documentation obtained, no other scientist has faced such stipulations to receive research permits at the canyon in the last three years. Dr. Snelling has supplied his attorneys with compelling documentation to support that claim. 1/3/2020 19

  20. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “Apparently, Dr. Snelling’s most recent research project on behalf of a high-profile group like AiG was deemed a threat to the prevailing viewpoint of the canyon’s formation and timing. The language used by park officials and its reviewers to describe Dr. Snelling’s proposal decries that a Christian and creationist seeks to do the research. Dr. Snelling’s proposed study could yield results that will undermine an idea that is heavily promoted inside the park: namely, the argument that the canyon's strata were formed over millions of years. With his intended research, Dr. Snelling seeks to gather samples at folds inside the canyon where all the layers were bent but were not shattered because the rocks were still soft as they folded—supposedly remaining soft over a period of 450 million years. 1/3/2020 20

  21. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “Dr. Snelling commented, “This case is all about giving the freedom for a scientist to do good science without having to undergo a religious litmus test. The samples I have been blocked from collecting in the GCNP are to be subjected to routine lab processing and investigations any good scientist would perform. The results are to be openly reported for all scientists to draw their own conclusions, whether they agree with my worldview interpretation of the history of the Earth.” • “Regarding the park’s censorship, Dr. Snelling added: “We expect debate about what the evidence means, but the park shouldn’t prevent us from collecting data just like other scientists. I am merely asking for equal treatment by the government.” 1/3/2020 21

  22. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 1/3/2020 22

  23. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “ADF attorneys argue that scientists should not be forced to change their beliefs to agree with the government to make a living. Government officials such as those at the Park Service can’t require people to give up their beliefs as a requirement for getting a permit, and there should be no religious test for a credentialed scientist seeking to engage in further research in the canyon. • “Grand Canyon park officials have displayed a prior animosity toward researchers who do not toe the line on the park’s view of the canyon's history. Several years ago they attempted to ban a book from its gift stores that offered an alternative view of the canyon’s formation. 1/3/2020 23

  24. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “With his executive order on May 4, President Trump announced that a priority of his administration is to reinstate many lost religious liberties. His order declared it will “be the policy of the executive branch to vigorously enforce Federal law's robust protections for religious freedom.” The primary defendant in the Snelling lawsuit is the Department of the Interior, which manages America’s national parks. The DOI falls under the purview of President Trump's executive branch of government. 1/3/2020 24

  25. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “Ken Ham, president of AiG (which employs several staff with earned doctorates, including Dr. Snelling), argues that his colleague is “just asking for equal access to the canyon and not be stonewalled. The case is about good science being practiced by a good scientist who is being blocked by intolerant government bureaucrats. They have shown a clear animosity toward a researcher’s faith and want to trample on his civil rights.” • “Ham added: "Ongoing infringements of religious liberty by the government, secular activists, and others have been a sad sign of the times. We are seeing that now with Dr. Snelling's civil rights being violated. I wonder if the same scientists and activists like Bill Nye who joined the so-called March for Science in Washington last month will support a highly qualified scientist like Dr. Snelling and file amicus briefs on his behalf.” 1/3/2020 25

  26. Discrimination Lawsuit Filed by Christian Geologist Against Grand Canyon Park Officials基督教地质学家对大峡谷公园官员提出的歧视诉讼 • “Alliance Defending Freedom is a civil liberties group based in Arizona. Its attorneys are offering their services to Dr. Snelling pro bono. Representing Dr. Snelling will be Gary McCaleb of ADF and Michael Kitchen of the firm Margrave Celmins. Answers in Genesis is an apologetics organization based in northern Kentucky, near Cincinnati. See the respective websites of www.adflegal.org andwww.answersingenesis.org” •  Thank God for the work of Alliance Defending Freedom. 1/3/2020 26

  27. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 1/3/2020 27

  28. Sermons From Science -- June 2017科学布道-- 2017年6月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 1/3/2020 28

  29. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • The Answers In Genesis website published an article written by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell on March 11, 2014. I now quote her article below: • “Cosmos Articles and Discussion Guides • “See Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey for reviews of other episodes and discussion guides for further study. • “Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey claims its aim is to promote scientific literacy, but it takes a metaphysical statement as its theme. In the first episode, after a brief look at the immensity of space, the gears on Cosmos’s well-named "ship of the imagination” shift into worldview-based beliefs about billions of years of cosmic evolution and molecules-to-man evolution and stay there. 1/3/2020 29

  30. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “Opening with the late astronomer Carl Sagan’s now famous assertion—“The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be”—Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey premiered on Fox Sunday night. This trip through the cosmos has astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson at the helm of the “ship of the imagination.” In it he promises to take us “from the dawn of time to the distant future.” 1/3/2020 30

  31. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” At the helm of the “ship of the imagination” above the “pale blue dot” of Earth, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson promises in Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey to take us from the “dawn of time to the distant future.” (Image courtesy of Fox, http://www.cosmosontv.com.) 1/3/2020 31

  32. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “Rebooting the 1980 Carl Sagan series, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, the new 13-part series has a similar goal: to encourage science literacy. Executive producer Seth MacFarlane says, “I think that there is a hunger for science and knowing about science and understanding of science that hasn’t really been fed in the past two decades. We’ve had a resurgence of creationism and intelligent design quote-unquote theory. There’s been a real vacuum when it comes to science education. The nice thing about this show is that I think that it does what the original ‘Cosmos’ did and presents it in such a flashy, entertaining way that, as Carl Sagan put it in 1980, even people who have no interest in science will watch just because it’s a spectacle.”1MacFarlane blames scientific illiteracy on the “rise of schools questioning evolution” and hopes the series will put an end to the sort of thinking that would question evolution so that scientific literacy can march forward.1 1/3/2020 32

  33. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “Ironically, despite the claim that this series is designed to advance science literacy, by adopting Sagan’s theme—“The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be”—the producers have hoisted a most unscientific flag above this “ship of the imagination.” Answers in Genesis astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner comments as follows: • “There is not a bit of science in that statement. When Sagan said it 34 years ago and then wrote it in his book, a lot of people were saying, “Wow! What a profound scientific statement,” but it’s actually a philosophical statement. It is denial of the supernatural, saying the only thing that exists is the physical world, the natural world. But to say that with any certainty Sagan had to get outside the physical universe and see that the physical universe is all that there is. And he would have had to do that in eternity past and in eternity future in order to say that. If he could really see that, then he would be god. It’s a very bold, metaphysical statement. It’s an assertion. But it’s not science. It’s not a scientific statement.” 1/3/2020 33

  34. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “Test Ideas by Experiment and Observation • “Tyson says in the program that the new Cosmos series will not only examine the origin and history of the universe from the dawn of time but also examine “the saga of how wandering bands of hunters and gatherers found their way to the stars.” Listing the steps in the scientific method, he says, • “This adventure is made possible by generations of searchers strictly adhering to a simple set of rules: • “Test ideas by experiment and observation. • “Build on those ideas that pass the test. • “Reject the ones that fail. • “Follow the evidence wherever it leads, and question everything. (Emphasis ours) 1/3/2020 34

  35. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “Lessons from History • “In this introductory episode, Tyson presents the 13.8-billion-year version of the universe’s history through the twin vehicles of colorful computer graphics and charismatic storytelling. Tyson starts out with an educational segment showing the immensity of the known universe. We see Earth’s place in the vastness of space. This section locates the Earth in the solar system, the Milky Way, the Local Group of galaxies, and the Virgo Supercluster. 1/3/2020 35

  36. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” 1/3/2020 36

  37. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “The program then compares the immensity of space, only observable in the few centuries since the invention of the telescope, to the “staggering immensity of time” since the universe began. Addressing the objection that the Bible does not support a history for the universe spanning billions of years, Tyson spends eleven minutes sandwiched between three commercial breaks telling the story of Giordano Bruno. Bruno was a monk executed by the Inquisition a decade before Galileo invented the telescope. Bruno, believing an infinitely powerful God must have created a vast expanse of space full of other planets, preached that the medieval church’s view of God was too small. 1/3/2020 37

  38. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “’If Bruno was right, then the sacred books and the authority of the church would be open to question,” Tyson explains. Then he moves from a view of the immensity of space to support for a billions-year scope of the universe’s history by closing the poignant story saying, “Bruno glimpsed the vastness of space but he had no inkling of the staggering immensity of time. How can we humans who rarely live more than a century hope to grasp the vast expanse of time that is the history of the cosmos.” Adding, “The universe is 13.8 thousand million years old,” he then superimposes that 13.8 billion years on a conventional calendar to produce a “cosmic calendar” with the events evolutionary scientists think happened presented in a scale familiar to our minds. 1/3/2020 38

  39. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” Standing on a cosmic calendar on which the 13.8-billion-year version of “history” is compressed, Neil deGrasse Tyson tells the story from the big bang to the launch of space probe Voyager 1, which bears a message from the people of Earth, including a recording of Carl Sagan’s heart beating. Image courtesy of Fox, http://www.cosmosontv.com.) 1/3/2020 39

  40. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “Observations on the Cosmic Calendar • “Giving a whirlwind tour of the universe’s history, Tyson covers everything from the big bang and the origin of life to the evolution of man and space exploration. • “Maintaining that “observational science” supports the big bang theory of origins, Tyson says, “It’s as far back as we can see in time, for now. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom. Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today. I know that sounds crazy, but there is strong observational evidence to support the big bang theory. And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion” (emphasis ours). 1/3/2020 40

  41. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “The “observational evidence” to which Tyson refers is not, however, observations that confirm big bang cosmology but interpretations of scientific data that interpret observations within a big bang model of origins. The big bang model is unable to explain many scientific observations, but this is of course not mentioned. (Read more about these in other articles on this website, such as “Big Bang—The Evolution of a Theory,” “Problems with the Big Bang,” and “The Big-Bang God or the God of Scripture?”) Astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner points out that this is not “observational evidence” about our origins but rather “an interpretation of the data, data that could be interpreted a number of different ways apart from the big bang.” 1/3/2020 41

  42. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “The program also speaks of the Oort cloud—supposed birthplace of comets to explain how comets could still exist if billion-year-cosmologies were true—but explains the fact that it has never been observed by simply noting it’s too enormous and its components too far apart. The repeated death and recycling of stars is presented as the origin for all elements, and Tyson recalls another famous Sagan-ism, “We are made of star stuff” (“From Dust to Dust”). 1/3/2020 42

  43. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “Another Great Mystery • “Finally, Tyson, standing in a lovely setting surrounded by rocks and pools, deals with the origin of life. Abiogenesis—the origin of life from non-living elements through natural processes—is essential to naturalistic evolutionary dogma. Yet abiogenesis has never been observed in science. Moreover, abiogenesis violates the natural laws that govern everything known to chemical and biological science. Invoking blind faith in evolutionary principles, Tyson therefore says, “We still don’t know how life got started. For all we know it may have come from another part of the Milky Way. The origin of life is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.” Scooping up some water, he adds, “That’s life cooking, evolving all the biochemical recipes for its incredibly complex activities. By Nov 9th [of the cosmic calendar], life was breathing, moving, eating, responding to its environment. We owe a lot to those pioneering microbes.” 1/3/2020 43

  44. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” Standing by a pool like that in which life presumably evolved, Tyson says that the origin of life is one of science’s greatest unsolved mysteries. Evolutionary scientists do not acknowledge the explanation provided by the Creator in the Bible, an eyewitness account of how and when the laws of nature, the entire universe, and all kinds of life came into being. (Image courtesy of Fox, http://www.cosmosontv.com.) 1/3/2020 44

  45. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “During our tour of the rest of evolutionary history, we meet Tiktaalik, “one of the first animals to venture onto land” bobbing its cute green face out of the water’s edge. We hear how the rise of mammals and eventually humans was only made possible by the chance occurrence of an asteroid bumped off course crashing into Earth to destroy dinosaurs and let evolving mammals come into their own. Naturally we also see some footprints and hear that once animals learned to walk upright on two legs they evolved into humans, learned to make tools, paint on cave walls, study the stars, and finally send out spacecraft to explore them. 1/3/2020 45

  46. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “Question Everything . . . Except Evolution • “EVOLUTIONARY BLIND FAITH IN A “GREAT MYSTERY” TRUMPS THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD. • “In short, the opening of Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey spends an hour (less with commercials) summarizing the naturalistic evolutionary view of the origin of life and all things, tricks out the story with colorful computer-generated graphics and photography, and dismisses any religious-based objections by echoing Bruno’s 16th century challenge that our view of God must simply be too small, thus inviting the theistic evolutionary view to become comfortable in the notion that God used a toolkit of star stuff to create us. (Read more about the problems with compromising the plain teachings of God’s Word with the fallible and unverifiable claims of evolution and billions of years in “10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution,” “Theistic Evolution,” “Jesus, Scripture and Error: An Implication of Theistic Evolution,” and “Theistic Evolution: An Incoherent and Inconsistent Worldview?”) 1/3/2020 46

  47. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “The scientific method has led to the discoveries and technological leaps that shape our lives and our understanding of the universe. Unfortunately, when it comes to the topic of unobservable origins, mainstream scientists who believe big bang cosmology and molecules-to-man evolution think that the god-free framework they have invented is a factual reality that accurately and reliably describes a past they can never examine. They test their ideas about the past within their own concept of what the past was like, and they believe they are actually using the scientific method to make observations about the past. • “Despite the admonition to “question everything” and to “reject” ideas that “don’t pass the test,” the fact that abiogenesis violates the fundamental laws of biology is ignored. Evolutionary blind faith in a “great mystery”—such as that invoked by Bill Nye in the recent Nye-Ham Debate—trumps the scientific method. Why? Because molecules-to-man evolution must have happened for Darwinian notions of origins to be true. 1/3/2020 47

  48. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “The Created Cosmos • “Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey, if the first segment is any indication, will attempt to package unconditional blind faith in evolution as scientific literacy in an effort to create interest in science. We hope that future segments will spend more time showing actual scientific observations—such as the brief part of this episode showing where Earth is in relation to the rest of the universe. In fact that segment of the program is reminiscent of the theme of the Creation Museum Planetarium production, Created Cosmos. In Created Cosmos we see how we as people of Earth stand in relation to the immensity of God’s Creation. So seeing the enormity of what God in His power created, we get a better perspective on God’s great love for us. God made all that we have just seen, told us how and when He did it in His Word, chose to continue loving rebellious human beings, and sent Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into this world to suffer and die to bear the sin-guilt of us all (Hebrews 2:9–10). Why should such a great God, who can create the universe and the atom and all life, care about us? 1/3/2020 48

  49. Cosmos Review1: “Standing Up in the Milky Way”宇宙评论1:“站在银河” • “We maintain that God our Creator was the only eyewitness to the time of origins and that He has given us the truth about how He created everything in His Word. He is the one that created the natural laws that govern the physical world and make science possible. Drawing correct conclusions about the unobservable past requires evaluating ideas about the past within the framework of the Creator’s history. Drawing correct conclusions about our own nature, how we should live our lives, and what will happen to each of us when we die also requires that we get our information from the Word of the Source of life, the One who created the cosmos.” •  Thank God for the contribution of Dr. Mitchell. 1/3/2020 49

  50. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 1/3/2020 50

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