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Gram negative rod of non Enterobacteriacheae

Gram negative rod of non Enterobacteriacheae. Suryanie Sarudji, MKes., DVM. Gram negative rod of non Enteric. Pseudomonas sp Pasteurella sp Vibrio sp dan Campylobacter sp Brucella sp Haemophylus sp Bordetella sp Maleomyces sp. Genus Pseudomona s. Clasification of Pseudomanas.

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Gram negative rod of non Enterobacteriacheae

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  1. Gram negative rod of non Enterobacteriacheae Suryanie Sarudji, MKes., DVM

  2. Gram negative rod of non Enteric Pseudomonas sp Pasteurella sp Vibrio sp dan Campylobacter sp Brucella sp Haemophylus sp Bordetella sp Maleomyces sp

  3. Genus Pseudomonas

  4. Clasification of Pseudomanas • Kingdom : Bacteria • Phylum : Proteobacteria • Class : Gamma Proteobacteria • Order : Pseudomanadales • Family : Pseudomonadaceae • Genus : Pseudomonas • Malleomyces (Burkholderia) • Spesies : Ps. Aeruginosa, Malleomyces (Burkholderia) mallei • M. (B) pseudomallei.

  5. Obligate aerobe, oxidaze +, Catalase +, they are motile with 1 or more than 1 polar flagella, except Burkholderia (Malleomyces) mallei are non motile Growth perfectly on MCA, yield pigment which melt in water and have opportunistic properties Ps. Fluorescens & Ps. putida infect fish of fresh water

  6. They are environmental bacteria in water, land and plants. Ps.aeruginosaare found in skin, m. mucosa and fecesRod shape of = 0,5 X 1,0 – 3,0 micron, not form spore and not have capsulePigment : pyocyanine (green-blue) and fluorescencegrowth in simple medium, aerobe

  7. Malleomyces sp M. mallei  Ingus jahat Disease = Malleus = Glanders M. pseudomallei  Glanders like disease = Ingus jinak Disease = Melioidosis M. mallei Rod shape, In old culture are pleomorphic, bipolar, non motile, Gram -. Grow in environment of aerobe and facultative anaerobe. Colony is brown - yellowish

  8. Non fermented, indol, nitrate, gelatin, MR-Vp negative Catalase and H2S positive M. pseudomallei Produce acid from glucose, maltose, manitol, lactose and sucrose Indol and H2S negative, to melt gelatin

  9. Infection cause by Ps. AeruginosaCattle : Mastitis, metritis, pneumonia,dermatitis, enteritisSheep : Mastitis, pneumonia, otitis mediaPig : Otitis, infection at upper of respiratoriuostractHorse : Infection at Genital tract, pneumonia, ceratitisDog & Cat : external otitis, Cystitis, Pneumonia, ulcerative ceratitis

  10. Genus Pasteurella

  11. Clasification of Pasteurella:Kingdom : BacteriaPhylum : ProteobacteriaClass : Gamma ProteobacteriaOrder : PasteurellalesFamily : PasteurellaceaeGenus : PasteurellaSpesies : P. multocida, haemolytica, dll

  12. Small and short rod/coccobacillus/coccoid bipolar. Non motile, Gr -, Oxidase +, catalase +, Facul tative anaerob, grow on medium which are added by blood or serum. P. Haemolitica tolerant to bile salt also able to grow on MCA P. Multocida type A : poultry B : Cattle, Buffalo and Pig P. haemolytica : Just to Cattle

  13. On TSA : There are 2 colony : fluorescence and blueFluorescent Colony: large, white, muccoid, pathogen Blue Colony: small as like as drip of dew 2 type of P. multocida :A. Arabinosa and ducitol fermented but non xylosa fermentedB. Xylosa fermented but non arabinosa and ducitol fermented

  14. Vibrio and Campylobacter

  15. Klasifikasi Vibrio and CampylobacterKingdom : BacteriaPhylum : ProteobacteriaClass : Gamma ProteobacteriaOrder : VibrionalesFamily : VibrionaceaeGenus : Vibrio, CampylobacterSpesies : V. cholera, C. fetus dll

  16. Morphology : crooked rod/comma Motile with polar flagella, catalase +, hemolize blood, not grow on MCA, grow in NB with NaCl 6% , Oxidase +, require sucrose, mannitol variable. Live in an aquatic, opportunistic in fish mammalia, human

  17. Organism which are classified as Vibrio but have microaefilic property are grouped as Campylobacter Diffrences Vibrio and Campylobacter is Campylobacter is indol –Vibrio grow perfect aerobically on TCBS medium

  18. Many spesies of Vibrio and the disease caused by Vibrio :V. comma = V. cholera  Cholera to humanV. metchnikovii  gastroenteritis to chickenDiffrences between V. comma/cholera and V. metchnikovii is V. comma coagulate milk whereas V. metchnikovii isn’t. Both of them yield indol from tryptophan and melt gelatin.

  19. Campylobacter sp

  20. Cylinder shape, crooked rod Gram - Motile with polar flagella Live in the condition of microaerofilic, grow at high pressure of CO2 (min 10%) and low pressure of O2. Grow on MCA, non fermentative, oxidase +, catalase variable. Find in digestives tract, genital tract of animals Infection to intestine cause : diarrhea; genital : abortion, infertility

  21. Pathogen species in Veterinary :- Campylobacter fetus subspecies veneralis- Campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus- Campylobacter jejuni

  22. Brucella sp

  23. Morfologi kuman Brucella sp

  24. Clasificaion of Brucella Kingdom : BacteriaPhylum : ProteobacteriaClass : Alpha ProteobacteriaOrder : RhizobialesFamily : BrucelliaceaeGenus : BrucellaSpesies : B. abortus, canis, melitensis, suis, ovis

  25. Morphology : rod coccoid/coccobacilli Gram negative, non motile Stain by 0.5 % acidic so considered as acid fast or by Modified Ziel Nelson (MZN) is positive In MZN appearance as cluster coccobacillus and red color For taxonomy according to DNA study all of species of Brubella are classified as Brucella millitensis

  26. Live aerobically, catalase +, oxidase +, urease + just only ovis is urease - Br. Ovis and many biotype of Br. abortus utilize 5 – 10 % of CO2 for primer isolation The growth increase when CO2 is high. For the growth the Medium must be rich with blood or serum

  27. Bordetella sp

  28. Clasification of Bordetella Kingdom : BacteriaPhylum : ProteobacteriaClass : Beta ProteobacteriaOrder : BurkholderialesFamily : AlcaligenaceaeGenus : BordetellaSpesies : B. pertusis, parapertusis, bronchiseptica

  29. 3. Species : Bordetella pertusis Bordetella para pertusis Bordetella bronchiseptica The morphology of bacteria are small, Coccobacilli, solitary, in pair, and be in small cluster, Gr- Primarily isolation : the form of cell are uniform Subculture : to be very pleomorphic, filament, thick Stained by toluidin blue appear bipolar

  30. B. pertusis, B. parapertusis non motile; B. bronchiseptica motile with lateral flagella, have capsule, aerobic bacteria, the pathway of CH metabolism is respiration, never do fermentation. Isolation primarily require adding of charcoal, resin (as an ion exchange), or 15-20 % blood to ovoid influence inhibiting the growth of substance as like as patty acid, colloidal sulfur, sulfide, peroxide

  31. On modifikation of Bordet-Gengou Medium (potato-glycerol-blood agar) B. pertusis colony smooth, convex, transparent, shine brightly All species are haemolysis

  32. Identification B. pertusis B. parapertusis B. BronchisepticaMotility - - + Reduced Nitrate - - +Citrate - + +Urease - + +G on peptone agar - + +chocolate in peptone A - + -G on Bordet Gengou Agar -3-4 hr 1-2 hr 1-2 hr Litmus milk -(12-14 hr) +(1-4 hr) +(1-4 hr)G + C 61 61 66

  33. Haemophylus sp

  34. Clasification of Haemophillus Kingdom : BacteriaPhylum : ProteobacteriaClass : Gamma ProteobacteriaOrder : PasteurellalesFamily : PasteurellaceaeGenus : HaemophillusSpesies : H. gallinarum, paragallinarum, influenzadll

  35. Morphology of bacteria are small rod, Gr-Occasionally appear coccobacilli or short filament, they are motile, facultative anaerobe, catalase and oxidase are variable, not grow on MCA The bacteria require X (haem) and V (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleatid = NAD) factor for growing Optimal concentrate of CO2 is 5-10 % in Chocolate agar.

  36. Morphology of colony are small like drop of dew, transparant, after 48 hours inoculation. Comencial on membrane mucosa of animal’s respiratory tract Sucrose and mannitol are fermented

  37. Sekian, SelamatBelajar Semangat ….!!

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