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Native Americans

Native Americans. Name:

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Native Americans

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  1. Native Americans Name: When in 1492 the Spanish navigator C · Columbus sailed to America, mistaking went to India, so the indigenous people of this land called "Indians", so English and other European languages​​, said the Indians as the "West Indies person "in order to distinguish, if necessary, said real Indians as" East Indians. "Directly to the translation of "West Indians" when Chinese translation of this word as’’Indians’’ 1492年西班牙航海家C·哥倫布航行至美洲時,誤以為所到之處為印度,因此將此地的土著居民稱作「印度人」,所以英語和其他歐洲語言中稱印地安人為「西印度人」,在必要時為了區別,稱真正的印度人為「東印度人」。漢語翻譯時直接把「西印度人」這個單詞翻譯成[印第安人]

  2. Culture: After twenty thousand years of Indian differentiation and development, resulting in a number of different nationalities and languages. In the history of the Indians who had established four empires, the most important is the Aztec empire in North America and South America Inca Empire. Maya Indians invented the Mayan word for astronomy research accomplishments are quite deep. Indians cultivated corn, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, tobacco, cocoa and other crops. 印第安人經過兩萬多年的分化和發展, 產生了許多不同的民族和語言。在歷史上 印第安人曾建立過四個帝國,其中最重要的 是北美洲的阿茲提克帝國和南美洲的印加帝國。 印第安人中的瑪雅人發明了瑪雅文字,對天文 學的研究造詣也相當深入。印第安人培育出了 玉米、馬鈴薯、辣椒、西紅柿、菸草、可可等 作物。

  3. Festival:Indian totem worship animist beliefs, the tribes have held various totem worship ritual every year, Indian festivals and religious holidays together . 印第安人崇奉萬物有靈的圖騰信仰,各部落每年都要舉行各種圖騰崇拜的宗教儀式,印第安人的節慶多與宗教節日融合在一起 Indigenous man-days : It is a traditional festival of indigenous American Indians. Held in May each year on the second Saturday and fourth Friday in September. In the festival, to be held throughout the United States rich Indian tradition and culture of national celebration. 土著人日是美國印第安人的傳統節日。在每年5月的第二個星期六和9月的第四個星期五舉行。在節日里,美國各地都要舉行富有印第安民族傳統和文化特色的慶祝活動。 Day of the Dead: In Mexico is the Indian festival to pay homage to the dead man. Day of the Dead in a year, held November 1-2, November 1 and pay homage to "the young spirit", November 2 pay homage "to the Spirit." During the festival, the organs of the national morning closed. People use a variety of shops bought from the deceased's skull like to play and eat like toys, candy, cakes and other things in the house erected altars, worship the souls

  4. 亡靈節是墨西哥境內的印第安人祭奠亡人的節日。亡靈節在每年的11月1—2日舉行,11月1日祭奠“幼靈”,11月2日祭奠“成靈”。節日期間,全國各機關上午停止辦公。人們利用從店舖裡買來的各種死者生前喜歡玩和吃的骷髏狀玩具、糖果、糕點等物,在家裡搭起祭壇,祭祀亡靈亡靈節是墨西哥境內的印第安人祭奠亡人的節日。亡靈節在每年的11月1—2日舉行,11月1日祭奠“幼靈”,11月2日祭奠“成靈”。節日期間,全國各機關上午停止辦公。人們利用從店舖裡買來的各種死者生前喜歡玩和吃的骷髏狀玩具、糖果、糕點等物,在家裡搭起祭壇,祭祀亡靈 Sun Festival: It is a Peruvian Indian folk festivals. In southeastern Peru, the ancient capital of the ancient Inca Empire Cuzco near SaksaqWaman, every year on June 24 to be held in a spectacular sun festival, which lasted nine days. This festival from the ancient Inca worship of the sun god. In the Southern Hemisphere, June 24 is when the sun began to move south of the North partial day. Because the Indians Figure 2-10 Sun Festival dressed as "Inca King" performers 太陽節是秘魯印第安人的民間傳統節日。在秘魯東南部古印加帝國的故都庫斯科附近的薩克薩伊瓦曼,每年6月24日都要舉行一次別開生面的太陽節,歷時9天。這個節日源自古印加人對太陽神的崇拜。在南半球,6月24日是太陽北偏後開始南移的日子。由於印第安人圖2-10太陽節上打扮成“印加王”的表演者

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