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  2. SPARKINGTHE FIRE Abstract: Fostering personal change in a classroom environment requires multiple exposure to inputs that can spark change. Constant feedback cascades realizations and turns the vision presented by the facilitator into individual commitment to change, and measurable effort to grow.
  4. It’s OK to fear change… It’s not OK to remain the same! Looking Forward Safely – Introduction &Overview Unit 1 What’s Holding Me Back? – Am I seeing all there is to see? What am I missing, and why? Unit 2 Who Am I Listening To? – We realize that what may be “the truth” to others, isn’t necessarily our truth. Unit 3 Lock-On / Lock-Out – Sometimes, the absence of the truth may set you free. Unit 4 My Brain’s Filter System – Discover the levels of the mind involved in the thought process and what they do. Unit 5 How My Mind Works – The three levels of the mind work together to make sure we act like we know we are. Unit 6 Free Flowing at a New Level – Stress comes when we try to behave differently than we know we are. Unit 7 Leaning in the Right Direction – Our habits and attitudes can keep us from getting to where we want to be. Unit 8 How My Beliefs are Formed – Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs, so it is important to control our thoughts. Unit 9 Building My Self-Image – Each of us builds a self-image with our own thoughts. Unit 10 My Future is Up to Me – We move toward and become like what we think about; our present thoughts determine our future. Unit 11 I’m Worth It! – Learn the importance of building high self-esteem, in yourself and in others around you. Unit 12 Make the Unfamiliar Familiar – Comfort zones can keep us safe, but they can also keep us from moving forward Unit 13 The Next Time – Self-talk is utilized to change future performance, and we start by giving ourselves future goals with “The next time...” Unit 14 Putting Life on a Want-To – Motivation comes in two varieties: constructive (want-to) and restrictive (have-to), moving you forward or holding you back. Unit 15 Making the Pictures Match – The world outside must match the picture we have in our minds. When it doesn’t, we have a problem. Unit 16 I Can See It! – Human beings need goals; it’s a fact of life. We must dream big and give ourselves big goals. Unit 17 If It’s to Be, It’s Up to Me – When we visualize the new, we become dissatisfied with the old. Unit 18 My Better Future – If we demand to know the “how” first, we will back up our goals and not grow into our future. Unit 19 My Goals – Vision – Future – Create the vision of the way you want your future to look like before it actually happens. Unit 20 If I Want It, I Can Create It – By developing your personal efficacy, you will look forward and see success. Unit 21 Rites of Passage – One statement of fact can change your life forever.
  5. Instructional System DesignISD Use the ADDIE model (analysis, design, develop, implement or delivery, and evaluation). It is perhaps the best instructional design model. Provides a solid framework for Learning or Instructional Designers. Clark, D. R. (2004).
  6. Concept Map for simple causal loop. The basic concept of performance, the variables involved, and how the main parts (nodes) of that concept have an effect on each other, but are also effected upon by other nodes. (Clark, D. R. 2004). Clark, D. R. (2004).
  7. The ADDIE model: analyze, design, develop, implement or deliver, & evaluate.
  8. Use these simple steps to build a fire at your next campout. By Rich Haddaway. Illustrations by Grant MiehmFrom the January 2004 issue of Boys' Lifemagazine The Right Material The three types of natural fuel are tinder (material that burns easily such as dry grass or shavings whittled from a stick), kindling (slightly larger material such as twigs that will burn with a little encouragement) and firewood (dry branches that will be the main fuel of the fire). No shortcuts allowed—never use flammable liquids. The Right Shape Two ways to build your fire are the tepee, in which you arrange the kindling in the shape of a tepee over the tinder, and the lean-to, in which you push a small stick in the ground at a 45-degree angle with the upper end pointing into the wind. Place the tinder beneath the stick and lean the kindling against it. Light the tinder and add kindling as needed. Add the larger branches last. Never leave a fire unattended. Put It Out Way Out. Pour water on the fire, stir the ashes with a stick, pour some more. It’s not out until you can run your bare hands through the coals.
  9. You should always collect tinder and kindling daily. WILDERNESS SURVIVAL VILLAGE
  10. IF YOU BUILD IT, WILL THEY (HE, SHE) COME? To “build a fire under someone” means to urge, goad, prompt, or motivate someone to do something. WILDERNESS SURVIVAL VILLAGE
  11. Wesparkthe fire with… Connections & Accountability: Track what we do. Small Repetitive Tasks: Daily Quotes. Reinforcing Activities:Understanding Learning Disability and Learning Styles. Demonstrative Application and Qfocus: “I Believe Essay” and “7 Habits” for teenagers. “Insperiential” Movies: Coach Carter, Akeelah and the Bee, Blind Side, The Pursuit of Happyness. Compare & Contrast: “The Secret” vs. Lou Tice.
  12. Accountability Give students a CONTACT & TRACKING SHEET.
  13. How to connect? Call Front Desk Text E-mail Twitter & Facebook Peer to peer reporting Send a courier Drop a Note (or Snail-Mail it) Google Voice: text, voice, goes to e-mail
  14. “Our students often change cellular providers and are constantly changing their phone numbers”

    From our Campus Director

    What is his FREE SOLUTION? No-cost phone number that the student can carry with them and bridge the gap between different cellular plans, hardware and service. This simple tool contributes greatly to their continued success. If they have a permanent number, voice mail and texting service that they can direct to any and all phones, it will assist them in their professional job pursuit. Our school community has benefited by being able to maintain contact throughout their time at City College.
  15. Small Repetitive Tasks: Daily Quotes. Start every class sharing QUOTES. Instructor leads the flow, encourages comments, and exploration. Anything goes: Bible, books, internet, family favorites CFCs… Lead by example: Provide the FIRST QUOTE, on 1st day. CFC I WANT YOU ALL BACK!!!
  16. Reinforcing Activities: Understanding Learning Disabilities and Learning Styles.
  17. Demonstrative Application and Qfocus: “I Believe Essay”: Why am I in College? “7 Habits” for ineffective teenagers: Rewrite and fix the habits… “My father, who had berated me at every turn, even told me he was proud of me. He also decided to get his GED; I resolved to believe that he had lowered my self esteem as a child to match that of his own, and that as an adult I raised his to match mine”
  18. Compare & Contrast: LAW OF ATTRACTION “Your life is your beliefs, made into reality.” – Lou Tice Visualization, Gratitude, Faith and Affirmations! Ask, Believe, Receive How your mind works! Affirmations= Visualize in the Present!
  19. In Conclusion… “Luck” does not exist! “Good Luck” happens when Opportunity meets Preparation. I have been very lucky to teach the Personal Development class…everything I have learned and incorporated into the class has come my way when I was looking… (or someone else was looking out for me!) As we all have Scotomas, I wonder what else I have missed???
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