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Hair Transplant Procedure

Hair Transplant is a type of surgery that moves hair you already have to fill an area with thin or no hair. For more information on Hair Transplant procedure, contact Hair Transplant Clinics Australia.

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Hair Transplant Procedure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hair Transplant Procedure Hair Transplant Clinics Australia

  2.  Hair Transplant is a minimal invasive surgical procedure of transplanting the hair from donor area to the bald area.  The donor area is generally back and sides of scalp, this area is generally resistant to the effect of DHT.  Hair Transplant is a permanent solution to baldness.  Hair Transplant is a cost-effective solution for treating hair loss.

  3.  Both male and female who lost their hair due to trauma or burns or any surgical procedures.  The patient should have healthy scalp and adequate donor grafts.

  4.  There are many advanced and effective Hair Restoration Procedures available in the world.  There are wide range of procedures for hair restoration which includes Micro-FUE and SmartGraft.  Micro’ FUE involves uses a motorised punch with size less than 1mm for the graft extraction process.  Entire Procedure performed under local anaesthesia, no pain and no discomfort during the procedure.

  5.  Special care taken while harvesting and only healthy hair from ‘safe-zone’ is extracted from donor area.  No Scalpel and stitches involved in the procedure.  The procedure can be done with more precision in less time than many other FUE methods.  Patients can go back to work in one or two days, and results look and feel completely natural.

  6. SmartGraft Benefits  FUE with SmartGraft poses countless benefits over the older strip method of hair restoration, so it is no wonder that many patients are asking for SmartGraft. Among the benefits of a SmartGraft procedure are:  A completely natural look. Because your own hair is used to fill in balding spots, the results produce the most natural, healthy look possible.

  7.  Unlike other traditional procedures which require large strips of hair to be removed and restored, SmartGraft uses individual micro grafts to eliminate linear scar.  The procedure is performed in the doctor’s office and typically lasts about five hours.

  8. Thank You!!

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