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Reading & Robotics Burrowes Elementary School Reading Day Celebration

Reading & Robotics Burrowes Elementary School Reading Day Celebration. Dr. John R. Wright, Jr., CSIT Mr. John M. Kuperavage Department of Industry & Technology Millersville University of Pennsylvania. The Value of Reading. Robot Engineers use Reading Skills: Vocabulary & Comprehension

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Reading & Robotics Burrowes Elementary School Reading Day Celebration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reading & RoboticsBurrowes Elementary SchoolReading Day Celebration Dr. John R. Wright, Jr., CSIT Mr. John M. Kuperavage Department of Industry & Technology Millersville University of Pennsylvania

  2. The Value of Reading • Robot Engineers use Reading Skills: • Vocabulary & Comprehension • Imagination • Communication • Research Robot Retrieval System (RRS)

  3. Vocabulary/Comprehension • Some Robots are controlled via tele-operation. • What do you think this means? Churchill

  4. Vocabulary/Comprehension/Imagination • All robots interface with their environment with End-effectors or EOAT (End-of-Arm Tooling). • What is the robot’s End-effector grabbing?

  5. Vocabulary/Comprehension/Imagination • Pyrobot was an award winning robot that we developed. • It is an autonomous, dual-steer mobile robot that uses a pyroelectric sensor to track and follow people (heat). • What?????????? Pyrobot

  6. Vocabulary/Comprehension/Imagination/Communication • How do we get Pyrobot to follow people automatically? • Through the use of an algorithm. • Once you have the algorithm, you can then program the robot.

  7. Vocabulary/Comprehension/Imagination/Communication/Research • How did we know what kind of sensor we needed for Pyrobot? • We knew that we wanted to track heat and Pyro means heat/fire from our reading so… • We knew to search the internet and books for a Pyro sensor. • Reading enables us to carry out research more effectively.

  8. SA-1 This is SA-1 (Semi-Autonomous One)

  9. SA-1 Steps in Designing a Robot • Concept Drawing • Communication Brief (algorithm) • Prototype • Final Build • Testing • Refinement • More Testing

  10. SA-1’s Algorithm

  11. Summary • Let’s read the following: “SA-1 is a semi-autonomous robot using both tele-operation and autonomous modes in its algorithm and has an end-effector designed for picking up cans.”

  12. Robot Demo • Do you want to see SA-1 pick up a can?

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