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FE B1 L11 Questions to Think

FE B1 L11 Questions to Think. Choosing a Bright Life. Warm-ups. Look at the picture on p.165. What is the man doing? Is there anything special about him? What can you see in his painting on this page? What can you guess about his life based on this painting as well as the one on p.168?.

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FE B1 L11 Questions to Think

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FE B1 L11 Questions to Think Choosing a Bright Life

  2. Warm-ups • Look at the picture on p.165. What is the man doing? Is there anything special about him? • What can you see in his painting on this page? • What can you guess about his life based on this painting as well as the one on p.168?

  3. Please fill out this form after listening to the whole text.

  4. Please choose one word/phrase to describe Hsieh in each paragraph. • Outstanding • Handicapped • Difficult life • Had an accident • Seemingly impossible/determined • Meaningful • Hard-working • Self-proving • Happy marriage • Bright life

  5. L 1-7 • Who can be awarded as one of the “Ten Most Outstanding Youths of the Year”? Answer • How “young” was he when receiving this award?

  6. L 8-10 • Do you know anyone who never seems to stop smiling? Do you like him/her? Why/not? • My husband is a person who never seems to stop smiling. Everyone likes him except me, because I don’t like his way of taking everything lightly. I hope he can be serious sometimes.

  7. L11-15 • What would you do if it were you? Except for working in a factory, what else could you do? Why? • I would continue my study but take a part time job at the same time, because I think I can earn more money with a higher diploma. • I could also report to the social welfare center to find financial support.

  8. L16-33 • Now imagine that you are Hsieh’s mother. Please describe your son in terms of what happened to him and how he has strived for success.

  9. My son was a poor boy. When he was 13, he had to quit school to work in the factory to support our family. At age 16, he got shocked by the electric cable. I was terrified at that time. Later, the doctors said they had to cut off his three limbs to save his life, and I felt even guilty and helpless. Oh, God, I would do anything if I could have his limbs back! Whenever I sat down to feed him, I felt hurt in my heart: “Why has this to be my son? He’s such a good boy…”

  10. But two years later, one day he told me, “Mom, I found something that can stop me from feeling hopeless. It’s painting. I can paint with my mouth. Painting gives my life meaning. Don’t feel sad for me anymore. I can live an active life.” He had been interested in drawing since his childhood, and he did well. Now I’m so glad that he can find his life back.

  11. L43-47 • Now imagine that you are Hsieh’s classmate in senior high school. He is now famous. Please tell us something about him at school.

  12. Hsieh is a special student in my class. What makes him special is not just his being handicapped. He is special in terms of his merry personality and his working attitude. Despite of every inconvenience, he did almost everything on his own. When we are sad or disappointed, looking at him makes us cheer up again. I like talking to him. He always brought happiness to people around him.

  13. L48-51 • Hsieh has two daughters, and they are about your age! Now imagine that you are Hsieh’s daughter. Please tell us about your feeling of growing up in this family and how different is your family life.

  14. Sometimes I feel sad for my father—Why should a kind man be deprived of his three limbs, and most of all, it was not his fault? But now I feel happy that Father could struggle his way out successfully. If he were not handicapped, maybe he wouldn’t be as successful as now. In our family, Father is always the most optimistic one; he thinks there is nothing difficult as long as we have will. I’m often encouraged by his words. I hope I can work as hard as Father with my wholesome body.

  15. In our family life, Father never depends on our help, though we’re all glad to help. When I was little, I used to complain that Father could not drive us out to play like most of my classmates’ families did. But little by little, I felt thankful that Father did more than driving us out to play—he gave us his time, his art and his life philosophy, and these are something my classmates can’t have.

  16. Afterthought • Please compare two inspiring people: Shieh Kun-shan and Helen Keller. State their similar and different points.

  17. 本會秉持鼓勵青年、朝惕夕勵的宗旨,每年全力協助青商總會遴選十位有刻苦奮鬥過程、具體傑出成就及高尚品德的青年予以表揚,對端正社會風氣,激勵青年上進具有正面意義。--available at http://www.persons.org.tw/toypf/toypf_intro.html

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