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Challenges Faced by Adams and Jefferson Presidencies

Study of the Adams and Jefferson presidencies to evaluate the challenges in foreign policy and the new government. Includes discussion on cabinet reactions, Alien and Sedition Acts, and the Election of 1800.

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Challenges Faced by Adams and Jefferson Presidencies

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  1. Unit 7The Washington Presidency-Day Five Students will begin their study of the Adams and Jefferson presidencies and begin to evaluate and understand the challenges that foreign policy and the new government faced. Journal #5: • Why was Hamilton so excited to hear that Jefferson had resigned? • Why do you think Washington’s departure and Adam’s inauguration is historic? • What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial from last night?

  2. One Last Time

  3. One Last Time… • Hamilton was excited by who’s resignation & why? • What announcement was he shocked that Washington stated? • What did he ask Hamilton to help him do? • GW believed, “If I say _______________, the nation learns to ___________ on, it out _________me when I’m ____________.”

  4. John Adams • What was Hamilton’s only concern with the election? • How does the state of Washington’s house symbolize what Adams has to look forward to during his presidency?

  5. Washington leaves office- Washington warned the U.S. that there were challenges ahead and foreshadowed the issues that would cause the nation turmoil. • Served2terms(8years)

  6. Washington leaves office- 1. Avoid entangling ALLIANCES with Europe. 2. Stay out of DEBT. 3. Don’t split the government into political PARTIES. • Three Pieces of Advice:

  7. John Adams • 1796 – 1st political election w/political parties • Federalist = John Adams VS. • Democratic Republicans = Thomas Jefferson • Pinckney and Burr were also candidates in the election, but Adams beat Jefferson by just 3 votes.

  8. I know him… KING GEORGE: They say George Washington's yielding his power and stepping away Is that true? I wasn't aware that was something a person could do I'm perplexed Are they gonna keep on replacing whoever's in charge? If so, who's next? There's nobody else in their country who looms quite as large…

  9. I know him… John Adams? I know him That can't be That's that little guy who spoke to me All those years ago What was it, eighty-five? That poor man, they're gonna eat him alive! Oceans rise Empires fall Next to Washington, they all look small All alone Watch them run They will tear each other into pieces Jesus Christ, this will be fun! "President John Adams“ Good luck!

  10. Problems With France • Britain and France are still at war • France is seizing U.S. ships – they want no trade w/ Britain • Adams sent representatives to France to negotiate a peace

  11. Problems With France (Continued) • XYZ Affair • France wanted $10 million in loans • $250,000 to French minister Talleyrand, just to talk with the U.S. representatives • U.S. Congress repealed all treaties with France • U.S. ships started to seize French ships and fight an undeclared naval war. • https://youtu.be/sXdBP8Nol8U

  12. John Adams Clip • How did Adams react to the news Marshall returned with regarding the XYZ Affair? • How was Jefferson’s reaction different about the same news? • With the need for an army, Adams wants ___________ to lead it, but Jefferson knows that it will be _________________ leading and that will lead to a provocation of the worst kind.

  13. John Adams Clip • “If there is to be a _________ it will be _____________ doing and not mine.” • The cabinet fear the ___________ thousand ___________ refugees in Philadelphia alone. They are worried about harboring potential _____________ if there is to be a war.

  14. Alien and Sedition Acts • Increased the waiting period for becoming a U.S. citizen from 5 to 14 years. • Gave the President power to arrest disloyal aliens • Outlawed sedition (slander against the U.S. government)

  15. States’ Rights • Jefferson and Madison looked for a loophole • States’ Rights: states had the right to judge when the federal government had passed an unconstitutional law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqAt8A0W204

  16. The Election of 1800

  17. The Election of 1800 • What were some weaknesses of Burr? • Who was Jefferson advised to get on his side? • Why? • When it came down to it, Hamilton chose to support _______________ because why? • How would Burr feel about this?

  18. Election of 1800 • Tie between Thomas Jefferson and his fellow Demo-Rep. Aaron Burr with 73 • The tie went to the House of Representatives. • Hamilton used his influence to swing congress in support of Jefferson.

  19. Hamilton and Burr • Homework Assignment: • Look online and write a short paragraph/news story telling the story of the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. • Include why the duel happened, where it happened, and what happened. In other words answer the questions a reporter would: Who, what, when, where and why. • Include at least two online sources (NOT WIKIPEDIA) • This assignment will be due on Monday February, 11 or Tuesday February, 12.

  20. Adam’s Final Act • Before he left office, John Adams made sure that the Federalist influence would have a lasting impression… • Appointing JOHN MARSHALL as the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court


  22. Jefferson Becomes President • Wins the tie in 1800 • Thomas Jefferson is the 1st President in the new capital city of Washington DC • He delivers his first inaugural address. Essential principles of government.

  23. The Republican “Revolution” • Policies no longer follow Federalists like Washington & Adams Major government changes 1. Smaller size – army, navy bureaucracy 2. Respect public opinion and allow public criticism 3. Respect the authority of individual states 4. Cut debts and lower taxes 5. Government to be for the people = keep it simple

  24. New Policies • Abandon Alien and Sedition Acts • Allow free speech • National debt should be paid down 1. Took it from $80 million to $57 million 2. Cut army, navy, & size of government 3. Increased foreign trade 4. Increased ability to move west

  25. John Marshall • Appointed at the last minute by outgoing president John Adams • He was a Federalist = Broadly interpreted the Constitution with implied powers • Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for 34 years

  26. John Marshall • Known as… • The Father of the Supreme Court • Impact on the way the judicial branch checked and balanced the rest of the government.

  27. Marbury vs. Madison William Marbury 1. Federalist Judge 2. Appointed last minute by John Adams as justice for the District of Columbia VS. James Madison 1. Secretary of State 2. Refused to deliver papers for Marbury’s appointment

  28. Impact of Marbury v. Madison Judicial Review : Supreme Court has the power to review the ways that Congress and the President act • Decides what is unconstitutional • Used as a check against other branches • Supreme Court is still strong today • Marshall focused on implied powers needed for a strong National Government

  29. Barbary War https://youtu.be/yN7X04qU0Go

  30. Jefferson Troubles: Barbary War • Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli—North Africa • Seizing American ships in Mediterranean Sea • Washington and Adams bought immunity from pirates and paid protection money

  31. Jefferson Troubles: Barbary War Barbary War * Jefferson wanted to do the same but the price increased * In reaction, Jefferson sent a small American navy to blockade the Barbary Coast * Won peace – ended Barbary War

  32. Re-export Trade • Population growing / trade markets were expanding due to extra crop production • War in Europe caused need for the U.S to export goods to the French that they had received originally from the British • Created a boom for the American economy • British hated re-export trade • Helped the French economy (Napoleon’s army) • Helped U.S. become Britain’s commercial competitor

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