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Chapter 18 French Revolution

Chapter 18 French Revolution. Sec.1. Ancien Regime. Who: French What: old order; outdated social system where society was divided into 3 classes Where: France When: 1789

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Chapter 18 French Revolution

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  1. Chapter 18 French Revolution Sec.1

  2. Ancien Regime • Who: French • What: old order; outdated social system where society was divided into 3 classes • Where: France • When: 1789 • Why: The 3 estates (classes) were separated in this system- Clergy= enormous wealth & privilege; 3rd estate didn’t agree w. taxing = Enlightenment ideas that questioned inequalities = Revolution agnst the Ancien Regime & overthrows the govt

  3. Estate • Who: French • What: divided social classes • Where: France • When: 1700s • Why: under Ancien Regime everyone in France fell into 1 of 3 Estates: 1st- Clergy; 2nd- Nobles; 3rd- everyone else (vast majority of pop)

  4. Bourgeoisie • Who: Bankers, merchants, manufacturers • What: the middle class, the wealthy 3rd estate members • Where: France • When: 1700s • Why: this group was the wealthiest of the 3rd estate; the inequalities they experienced from the other estates led this group to starting the revolution

  5. Deficit spending • Who: Louis XVI & Jacques Necker • What: when a gov’t spends more than it takes in • Where: France • When: 1700s • Why: the king lived super fancy = the Govt borrowed more & more $$; ½ the gov’t’s income from taxes went to paying interest on the enormous debt; the economics issues = social unrest & heightened tension= Revolution

  6. Louis XVI • Who: king of France • What: pursued pleasure before serious gov’t matters = drove up debt • Where: France • When: 1715-1774 • Why: he was weak & indecisive; lived extravagantly & spent France’s $$, did not call on the Estates- General = made French MAD; his abuses = revolution; his was guillotined in the radical part of the revolution

  7. Jacques Necker • Who: financial advisor to King Louis XVI • What: he urged the king to reduce extravagant spending, reform the govt, & abolish burdensome tarriffs • Where: France • When: 1789-1815 • Why: he proposed taxing the 1st & 2nd estate= nobles & high clergy dismiss him; crisis worsened = pressure for reform mounted = revolution

  8. Estates-General • Who: Representatives of the 3 Estates • What: the Legislative body consisting of reps from the 3 estates; King summons them for changes to be made • Where: France • When; 1700s • Why: the King hadn’t called on them for 175 years b.c. he feared the nobles would take back power; E-G is mad = refuse to cooperate w. King

  9. Cahier • Who: members from the 3 estates • What: notebooks that listed their grievances to the king • Where: France • When: 1788 • Why: these complaints called for reforms such as fairer taxes, freedom of the press, regular mtgs of the Estates-General = these showed the boiling class resentments against the monarchy

  10. Tennis Court Oath • Who: Members of the 3rd Estate • What: a constitution written by the 3rd estate that declared their rights & was against the inequalities of the old order • Where: France • When: 1789 • Why: the 3rd Estate was locked out of their meeting place by the 1st and 2nd = they met on a tennis court = claiming to represent the ppl of France, the 3rd Estate declared themselves the National Assembly = the revolutionary gov’t that would start the Revolution

  11. Bastille • Who: Louis XVI; Parisians • What: a grim medieval fortress used as a prison for political and other prisoners • Where: Paris, France • When: 1789 • Why: the Parisian crowd demanded weapons & gunpowder that they thought were stored in the prison; they killed the guards & released the prisoners; it was a symbol of the abuse of the monarchy; the storming & fall of Bastille = wake up call to king b.c. it was a challenge to his regime; today= French celebrate this as their independence day

  12. Sec.2

  13. Faction • Who: French • What: dissenting groups of people • Where: France • When: 1789 • Why: these groups competed to gain power; Moderates fought the Radicals who replaced the royal gov’t; these fights = whole neighborhoods into protest = furthers the revolution = some demanded end to monarchy, others no = complex Revolution- no one could agree

  14. Marquis de Lafayette • Who: • What: headed the National Guard & the moderate dissenting group of the revolution • Where: France • When: late 1700s • Why: he led the Moderate faction group against the royals in the revolution; competed against the Radical grp (Paris Commune) for power of France

  15. Olympe de Gouges • Who: Female journalist • What: demanded equal rights for women in her “Declaration of the Rights of Women & the Female citizen” • Where: France • When: 1791 • Why: became one of the 1st women’s rights activists; later in the revolution, women met resistance 4 expressing their views in public = imprisoned & executed

  16. Marie Antoinette • Who: wife of King Louis XVI, queen of France • What: she lived a life of great pleasure & extravagance • When: • Why: her extravagant living = put France in debt = the French disliked her; in the Women’s March to Versailles- the women captured Marie & took her to Paris- she was eventually guillotined w. her husband for putting France into debt

  17. Emigre • Who: Nobles, Clergy, others who had fled France • What: person who fled France from the Revolutionary forces • Where: Europe, France • When: 1789-1815 • Why: these ppl fled to other European countries & told stories about the revolution = made European absolute monarchs nervous that revolutions would occur in their countries also

  18. Sans-Culottes • Who: working class men & women • What: “without breeches”; those that were working class that pushed the revolution into the radical phase • Where: France • When: 1792 • Why: they wore long trousers instead of the fancy knee britches that upper class men wore; this group demanded a republic (govt ruled by elected reps) instead of a monarch

  19. Republic • Who: Sans-Culottes • What: a govt that is ruled by elected representatives instead of a monarch • Where: France • When: 1791 • Why: the Sans-Culottes (the radicals) wanted this type of govt after the French Revolution

  20. Jacobins • Who: middle class lawyers or intellectuals • What: a revolutionary political club that supported the Sans-culottes • Where: France • When: 1791 • Why: this group used newspapers & pamplets to advance the republican cause; they were a radical faction that wanted a Republic, not a monarchy

  21. Sec.3

  22. Suffrage • Who: French revolutionary radicals • What: the right to vote • Where: France • When:1792 • Why: after the execution of King Louis XVI, the radicals called for an election of a new legis. Body- Nat’l Convention; also called for suffrage for all male citizens, not just prop owners

  23. Robespierre • Who: Maximilien Robespierre, lawyer & politician • What: leader of Committee of Public Safety, led the Reign of Terror • Where: France • When: 1793-1794 • Why: believed terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution; he was eventually arrested & executed himself= the end of Reign of Terror

  24. Reign of Terror • Who: the Committee of Public Safety, Robespierre • What: Revolutionary courts conducted hasty trials & executed those who were suspect of resisting the revolution • Where: France • When: Sept 1793-July 1794 • Why: 300,000 ppl were arrested, 17,000 were executed by the Guillotine; many were victims of false identity & falsely accused; radical part of the revolution= too radical= ended the reign & started the moderate 3rd stage

  25. Guillotine • Who: Dr. Joseph Guillotin • What: a more humane method of beheading than an ax w. a falling blade that extinguished life instantly • Where: France • When: 1793-1794 • Why: this was the engine of terror for the Reign of Terror; quickly became a symbol of horror

  26. Nationalism • Who: French revolutionaries • What: a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one’s country, spread throughout France • Where: France • When: 1800s • Why: Revolution & war gave ppl a strong sense of national identity; sense of loyalty had shifted from monarch to the nation itself; the French attended festivals & celebrated the nation & revolution

  27. Marseilles • Who: French • What: port city • Where: France • When: 1793 • Why: troops marched through here with a nationalistic song- “La Marseillaise” which later became the French Natl anthem

  28. Napoleon Bonaparte • Who: popular military hero, dictator of France • What: overthrew the Directory & set up 3 man Consulate; took the title 1st Consul then took the title Emperor & became dictator of France • Where: France • When: 1799-1815 • Why: (next slide- there’s a lot)

  29. Why: • Consolidated his power by strengthening the Central govt • Restored economic prosperity • Controlled prices, encouraged new industry, built roads, canals; set up system of schools • Made peace with the Catholic church • Won support across class lines • Encouraged emigres to return; opened jobs to everyone • New code of laws- Napoleonic Code • Created a vast French Empire

  30. Sec.4

  31. Plebiscite • Who: Napoleon • What: popular vote by ballot • Where: France • When: 1799-1804 • Why: Napoleon held a plebiscite on each of his steps to power so he was popularly elected into power- he then took control as dictator

  32. Napoleonic Code • Who: Napoleon • What: one of Nap’s reforms; a code of laws that embodied Enlightenment • When: 1801-1815 • Why: one of Nap’s most lasting reforms; consolidated many changes of the revolution; ensured equality before the law, religious toleration, & abolition of feudalism; women lost their newly gained rights & couldn’t exercise rights of citizenship

  33. Annex • Who: Napoleon • What: incorporating lands into an empire • Where: France • When: 1804-1812 • Why: as part of his vast empire building, Nap annexed Netherlands, Belgium, parts of Italy & Germany into France under his control

  34. Continental System • Who: Napoleon • What: a blockade system in Europe that shut off ports to keep ppl & goods from moving in/out • When: 1805-1812 • Where: Europe, Great Britain • Why: Nap couldn’t invade GB successfully & he wanted it in his empire so he waged economic warfare on the British through this system that closed European ports to British goods= War of 1812 w. America

  35. Guerrilla Warfare • Who: Spanish patriots • What: hit and run raids, means “little war” • Where: Spain vs. France • When: 1812 • Why: in resisting Nap’s rule in Spain- Small bands of guerillas ambushed French supply trains/troops & retreated to countryside; kept large numbers of French soldiers tied down in Spain while Nap needed them = encouraged Austria to resume fighting French

  36. Scorched-earth policy • Who: Napoleon • What: a war strategy where Russians retreated eastward, burning crops & villages as they went • Where: Russia • When: 1800-present • Why: this russian war defensive strategy left the French hungry & cold when trying to invade Russia = French retreated & could not invade Russia; this policy is used in WWI and WWII successfully

  37. Abdicate • Who: Napoleon • What: step down from power • Where: France • When: 1814 • Why: Napoleon failed to take Russia = weakened France = he abdicated & was exiled to Elba (an island in Meditearranean) = they brought back a king

  38. Congress of Vienna • Who: European diplomats & heads of state; Klemens von Metternich • What: a meeting of leaders to discuss restoring stability & order in Europe after Napoleon • Where: Vienna, Austria, Europe • When: Sept 1814-June 1815 • Why: (on the next slide)

  39. WHY: • Wanted to create a lasting peace by est. a balance of pwr & protect monarchy • “Holy Alliance” of christian monarchs to suppress future revolutions • Redrew the map of Europe- took land away from France • Principle of Legitimacy- restored monarchs • Created Concert of Europe

  40. Legitimacy • Who: European monarchs • What: after the fall of Napoleon, the hereditary monarchies of Europe were restored to their thrones • Where: Europe • When: 1815 • Why: The Congress of Vienna restored the monarchs to their thrones to restore order to Europe; Louis VIII was king of France- time known as “Restoration”

  41. Concert of Europe • Who: European rulers • What: a system where the rulers would periodically meet to discuss any probs affecting the peace of Europe • Where: Europe • When: 1815 • Why: The Congress of Vienna created this alliance in order to ensure & maintain peace throughout Europe; to avoid another Napoleon from taking over the whole continent

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